28 cm unbuffed

How To Solve That Problem

108 posts in this topic

8 hours ago, something_else said:

Do you not see the irony of this thread?

You're childishly and immaturely whining about women being childish and immature.

If you act childish and immature all you will ever attract are childish and immature women. It doesn't mean that all woman are childish and immature.

I'm not complaining, I'm not crying, I'm not saying they're bad or anything.

I said - I don't like them because of their nature

I can't change it 

I still have dick and feel horny and want to fuck 

What can I do about it?

No crying, no judging, no complaining , just a question. 

Please stop judging me or whatever you are doing, just answer my question loll



It's like I would say: I hate playing football, but I have a ball stick to my foot, what can I do about that shit?

Instead of telling me about how I can do something about that fucking ball stick to my foot, you tell me to accept that as it is, and become a football player.

And I'm the one there's something wrong with 🙆

Like wtf 


@cjoseph90 Nice, a woman after a wall came here to say +1 my hater as a self-defense mechanism, love how that works 🥰🤗🤭

Edited by 28 cm unbuffed

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12 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

I still have dick and feel horny and want to fuck 

What can I do about it?

Cut it off and throw it away.


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13 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

no judging, no complaining

This is judgement:

13 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

I said - I don't like them because of their nature


There are plenty of women out there who you would get along great with, your experiences are likely just tainted by the women who you have met.

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@meta_male Thanks for your advice, sounds like you know your shit!

@something_else How is that judgment LMAO, how do you expect me to say: "I don't like something" without some form of "judgment".

Let's play a word game, because that's what's important in this topic, my bad.

5 hours ago, something_else said:

There are plenty of women out there who you would get along great with, your experiences are likely just tainted by the women who you have met.

So you're saying some women do not act upon their emotions, that are grounded, stable, logical, that do not test you, and basically are not women

Wow, where do I find them? In a gay club?

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I'd like to say one more thing because I really do relate and I want to help you. 

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm on this high horse, Im not... I am still recovering from resentment of women because of my many past rejections, how difficult they are to figure out, how I can't act authentically around them, etc.... I'm not better than you on this front... And I think we're all being a bit too harsh. 

The thing that I think we are all trying to get across to you is that you are not going to deal with this horniness problem and getting laid while simultaneously hating women... You can't skirt around this... Until you can learn to love women... You will not got laid... You have to deal with this reality.. I think you're too frustrated right now to make true changes to this so... Just channel your frustration and anger and resentment of women towards something that is constructive... Work on your physique, work on your enlightenment work, work on your relationships with your mom and dad and close friends, work on everything, absolutely body everything in life on a personal level.. this will make you feel good...  eventually when you are ready.. hopefully you can open yourself up to women and see the beauty within. 

When you are ready, there are some really good outlets to get into in order to expose yourself to more women:

  • Yoga class: This one is awesome, you will see how in touch women are with their health and bodies and you will start to respect them for that. You will learn to appreciate their bodies as a work of art.. and yoga makes your body and mind feel amazing
  • Dance class: Great outlet, you will dance with girls left and right, you will learn how to lead, how to have a strong frame.. and most importantly, you will start to love making them smile.. Theres nothing better than doing a dance move with a woman and then looking down at her face and she's smiling from cheek to cheek... it warms your heart. This will also get you more in touch with your sexual and sensual side, not sure if you need work on this, but I know I certainly do. 
  • Toastmasters club: This is a new one that I am going to try. I just learned that I cannot act authentically when a woman's gaze is on me.. I am too concerned with how I am being perceived by her. Plenty of women go to toastmasters. If I can go up in front of several women and give a 5 minute speech, then I think thats a good start. 
  • Take a job in a restaurant or as a barista: Lots of women work in places like this. The objective is to expose yourself to them.. and you will learn that they are wonderful creatures. 

Good luck to you my man, I know this road is difficult.. more guys are struggling with this than you know... You are just brave enough to admit it and I commend you for that... just keep trudging along and you'll get to where you want to be 

Edited by Spiritual Warrior

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38 minutes ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

hopefully you can open yourself up to women and see the beauty within. 

I don't get it

38 minutes ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

Yoga class: This one is awesome, you will see how in touch women are with their health and bodies and you will start to respect them for that. You will learn to appreciate their bodies as a work of art.. and yoga makes your body and mind feel amazing

I prefer to earn tons of cash and get hookers now and then if I really want to appreciate whatever you're saying, and you don't have to deal with their bullshit, win-win

38 minutes ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

Dance class: Great outlet, you will dance with girls left and right, you will learn how to lead, how to have a strong frame.. and most importantly, you will start to love making them smile.. Theres nothing better than doing a dance move with a woman and then looking down at her face and she's smiling from cheek to cheek... it warms your heart

Nice to hear about your fantasies and what turns you on, but I'm still not interested in that, not at all, never been, never will be 🙄

I'm not even going to refer to the rest of your post, it's bullshit, that I didn't ask for and it's not something that I mentioned anywhere in this post.

I asked you guys for the best vanilla ice cream there is, and you keep on telling me about chocolate, and I don't want it.

Thanks for your long post tho @Spiritual Warrior

I'm gonna stick to making more money and eventually start hiring hookers, thank you all for your "efforts" (none of you wanted to help me and answer my question, you answered accordingly to what you wanted).

I hope I helped you to boost your "helpful" egos 🤗🫡

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43 minutes ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

Maybe, for now I simply don't want to

Then there is no problem. You can pay for sex or indulge in masturbation or try nofap :D

Good luck!

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@petar8p Yeah, I think I will just do nofap / masturbate sometimes while staying on my grind and making money, thanks

And to these spiritual egoists giving me "good advice" that I didn't ask for and that only serves them  - namaste 🫡☮️🙏

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@28 cm unbuffed alright I just want to say one more thing because I just can't help myself. 

You are not frustrated and angry at women, you are frustrated and angry that you are unable to attract women and get laid .. 

I am the same .. I have never had sex.. I am also frustrated and ashamed of the situation that I am in.

The difference between you and me is that I am trying to solve this problem head on.. you are running from it.. and you can run as long as you want.. but you will get tired. 

Edited by Spiritual Warrior

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15 minutes ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

You are not frustrated and angry at women, you are frustrated and angry that you are unable to attract women and get laid .. 

I am the same .. I have never had sex.. I am also frustrated and ashamed of the situation that I am in.

The difference between you and me is that I am trying to solve this problem head on.. you are running from it.. and you can run as long as you want.. but you will get tired. 


I can validate your feelings, coming from someone with 10 years in game and massive success by any normal standards.

If 10s and 9s were throwing themselves at him, were very loving and kind towards him... suddenly he enjoys them very much.

Finally, he wants to run away from them with hookers but what he doesn't get is that he will NEVER feel like a man through hookers. Quite the opposite actually. Imagine that women ''wants'' you and ''wants'' to have sex with you ONLY when they are forced to do it.

What will this do to his self-esteem, confidence, and self-love? Absolute demolishment. This is what he doesn't get.


For you @Spiritual Warrior - I love the mindset and approach you have towards this. Keep going and you will succeed. The positive mindset is the most important thing really. Without it, nothing is possible.

I haven't read much of your struggles but would love to give some tailored advice to you. What are you currently struggling with? Do you get them on dates and struggle there? Do you struggle to establish attraction when you meet them? Do you struggle with approaching?

Edited by Migue Lonas

Connect with me on Instagram: instagram.com/miguetran

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@Spiritual Warrior

Don't project your shit on me, I'm not a virgin or whatever you're saying you are. I don't want to pursue some lovey-dovey relationship like you, flowers, rainbows, and women smiling at me.

I enjoy my life and how I built it and I don't need any girl if she's a 9, a 10, or 11/10 to come into my life and be a woman, fuck off, I'm not going to let it happen ever again, I experienced it way too many times already, I'm sick and tired of that bullshit. 

If that's a new thing for you and you live in a romantic comedy in real life, great, good for you, I'm so happy for you man, keep on doing that, ignorance is bliss!


@Migue Lonas 

Yeah, even if 11/10 would throw herself at me, I'm not in love with feminine energy like you are saying I should be so happy about or anything else there is to be so eager about. 

You're the man, I'm not, please become my hero!

10 years in the game?!?!

Meaning 10 years of chasing pussy??? 🤔😅😯🤤🥱

I almost forgot to say - YOU'RE THE MAN!!!


Keep on chasing pussy you two, keep on projecting your insecurities onto me, keep on not even answering my fucking original question, and talk some nonsense that you feel like saying, to protect your agenda and stupid dick-rubbing monkey egos (or whatever you're doing here).

Thanks for the help, you were really helpful, once again guys!!! 🤗🤩🥰


Jesus Christ, are you people for real?

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@28 cm unbuffed lol dude everything you are expressing in this thread through your words and demeanor demonstrates a cry for help and we are trying to help you. People don't talk the way you're talking if they aren't desperate. 

I'm trying so hard to get through to you because I think you have way more potential with women than you realize. 

But I will stop now, you are capable of handling this on your own. 

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Jesus Christ indeed. Is this really the best we get on an arguably the most conscious self-development and spiritual public forum? I get that it is an online forum but jeez. Is this normal here? @Leo Gura @Osaid @UnbornTao and the rest of mods

Amazing how you can misunderstand and project literally everything you are accusing onto us. But then again, I've seen this so many times that it is not really anything new. I guess I just have to accept that this level of crap also happens here on the Actualized.org forum!

Look, I have not read all the posts here but at least @Spiritual Warrior has been trying to help you and give you practical advice. I was trying to get you to change your mindset to a more positive, uplifting, and productive one. But I guess it is easier to keep basking in victimhood, blaming, projecting, and gaslighting. This way you don't have to do the hard work of changing yourself.

But what the hell are you doing on a self-development forum then?


Edited by Migue Lonas

Connect with me on Instagram: instagram.com/miguetran

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@Migue Lonas I appreciate that man, I think there's a lot that I need to work on and Im sure you could help me out, just not sure where to start.. maybe I'll send you a message when I'm ready to talk about it. 

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10 minutes ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

People don't talk the way you're talking if they aren't desperate. 

How did you come to that conclusion?

I'm here to get help, yes, but help with getting rid of a problem, as I said 10 times already, not getting into problem

10 minutes ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

I'm trying so hard to get through to you because I think you have way more potential with women than you realize. 

How can you possibly know that?

You have no idea who I am, you're probably projecting yourself onto me because you want to believe that there is some juicy pussy waiting for you.

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7 minutes ago, Migue Lonas said:

Look, I have not read all the posts here

7 minutes ago, Migue Lonas said:

But what the hell are you doing on a self-development forum then?






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