150mg 1V-LSD Trip Report

By Jannes in Psychedelics,
The moment I took it I thought I should have taken psylocibin, I have to deal with too many emotional problems atm and psylocibin is better suited for that.  Then I got a little fear. I relaxed into it and started some lofi vibe music and got my body in a relaxed position. I got kind of sleepy. The trip shortly got me close to an ego death experience. But after that there were nothing mystical anymore. LSD stretched my heart and chest wide open like a deep dumbbell bench press. It felt really good. Almost all I could think about was hugs and love. Or better said my longing for it. And some graffiti art. I tried to get my mind to some spiritual topics but it drifted away to emotional topics right away. The last year I faced so much hurt, manipulation, repressed emotions, no opportunity to let bad energy out. And my heart got fearful and twisted. The trip got me way back to people 5 years ago for which I felt innocent love. Where everything made sense. Where I didn't question everything. I remembered how I talked to that one gym employee. Through some context I dont remember I said that she had a beautiful smile when she greets me. She was soo dreamy and peaceful just like me. She was maybe around 30 y.o. and I was like 18. But there was no doubt about it that I liked her. It simply felt good to be around her and that was it. And I further remembered how I loved before. Love is like rock music, punching on each others shoulder, flying, coloring each others hair, "life is strange", getting lost. I didn't know what to make out of my feelings before, the trip got me on my feet again. After the trip I took my cuddle toy from childhood too sleep.  The next days a few more memories came up like my love for lego when I was in kindergarden.  The trip wasn't painful or anything but it had nothing to do with spirituality. I had way more clear spiritual experiences on LSD before. It's quite shocking that almost nothing spiritual happened. But that just shows that you need to deal with your survival situation before you can face spiritual issues. I am working on collecting hugs for now haha. 
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