
Why do PUAs tell us things that are absurdly oversimplified or just blatantly false?

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On 12/3/2023 at 3:45 PM, Leo Gura said:

Looks matter, but if you get hung up on that you will have way less sex in life than you would otherwise.

The way your mind thinks highly affects how much sex you will have in life.

If you are not careful you will think your way into lifelong inceldom. This is what incels refuse to admit.

Your looks are whatever they are. The only reasonable thing to do is to accept it and go talk to girls all the same. The only other alternative is endless miserable whining.

How much do they matter though?

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2 minutes ago, joeyi99 said:

How much do they matter though?

If you’re blind, then it matters not.

I AM reborn

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With the discussion shifting into the importance of looks, here’s a question: Who pulls more baddies; a morbidly obese, balding, broke guy with stinky armpits living in his mom’s basement in his thirties who also happens to have absolutely flawless game or a ripped, good looking, 6’3” wealthy entrepreneur who’s as bad with women as I am? My guess is if you’re the latter there is no being bad with women because at that point they make it incredibly easy for you. ?


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On 11/28/2023 at 0:50 AM, vibv said:

What you have to understand is that women have to look out for potentially dangerous situations all the time

Until they learn to start making better decisions in the men they fall for, I will have no respect for their pathetic attempt at caution. Time and time again we see example after example after example of women ending up in horribly abusive relationships or getting raped and or abandoned and stuck on their own with kids by the very men they severely misjudged. And I’m supposed to believe they’re only looking out for their best interest when they reject me for making a naughty joke or climbing out of small talk too early on? That’s a hard sell man. What they don’t understand is that usually the most dangerous men out there are very well socially adjusted and well calibrated, not the ones that just act like dorks. 

On 11/28/2023 at 0:50 AM, vibv said:

Or when you deliver it with a wink, you know. Then you're together in on the joke because you recognize the weirdness of the situation.

Ahh so that’s what I’ve been missing, the wink! How could I have overlooked that all this time? Guess I’ll get back to my same routine only this time with a flirty wink and I’ll let you know how it goes! 

On 11/28/2023 at 0:50 AM, vibv said:

You guys talk like you're some kind of alien that just read a book about humans.

Vice versa 

On 11/28/2023 at 0:50 AM, vibv said:

Girls aren't that much different from men in their crudity of humour, horniness, and so on, but they have to be much more cautious because they are way more vulnerable.

Experience heavily indicates otherwise. If that’s true then why’s it so much easier to hit it off with guys about weird stuff as opposed to how girls usually go off on a bitch fit or get icked out or offended when you go beyond small talk? I know it’s not because they’re “on the lookout” because experienced PUA guys can successfully joke about killing the girl and still pull her. I can repel them without saying anything close to that bad. It doesn’t add up. As far as being equally horny, that couldn’t be further from the truth. How many girls are there with crippling fapping addictions? Who established the #nofap/#NNN movement? Which sex is more successful on onlyfans? Which sex likes sniffing the other’s panties and feet? They’ve even done social experiments where a guy asks a hundred girls for sex and 100% of them say no (often quite aggressively) in reverse a good three quarters of the guys say yes. The evidence suggests men are in fact many times more horny than women are. 

Lastly, this thing about women needing to be more cautious because they’re way more vulnerable than men are, this is only true in the face to face physical sense. Men are more vulnerable in other ways. Legally being the most obvious one.


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@Emotionalmosquito Learn to take responsibility is all I can say. Your outlook on the whole thing is absolutely miserable. No wonder it doesn't work for you.

You can argue all you want, but do you really want to believe that it's all women's fault that you can't get laid? That's a very self serving, egocentric, blame-shifting and lazy attitude that precisely prevents what you set out to do.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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23 minutes ago, vibv said:

That's a very self serving, egocentric, blame-shifting and lazy attitude that precisely prevents what you set out to do.

In the sense that it bitters my mind to the point of discouraging action, you’re right. But not when I’m out there on the battlefield. It’s not like I’m talking like this to my approachees, that would be suicide to progress. This is the place for theory, and right now my theory has lots of kinks it needs straightened out before I go back into practice. But I’m sure the intensity of the practice will lead me right back here. 

I think I sounded like a condescending prick about the wink thing. I really do like that idea though and am going to use it. Just to clarify 

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On 11/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, flowboy said:

Your poor mental health makes you needy

You really can’t blame us for rotting at the soul when our basic need goes entirely unfulfilled for decades no matter how hard we try

On 11/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, flowboy said:

And somehow, you expect a hot girl to jump on your dick with her bloody vagina and STAY THERE to become your girlfriend?

Hot and bloody vagina is great but not absolutely required, I don’t need a supermodel. I also didn’t say anything about her staying there as a long term girlfriend. Isn’t pickup supposed to get you good at getting one night stands or even short term situationships? That’s what I’m after. Wherein are the long term prospects required in that?

On 11/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, flowboy said:

You have an extremely negative attitude, so you're not going to be fun to hang out with.

I don’t talk about this stuff when I’m out there doing my thing, I talk about it here because it needs addressed and people here give helpful advice. When out on the practice range I’m ““being myself”” and getting mixed reactions to it.

On 11/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, flowboy said:

Neither do you have anything going for you career wise. So you're not going to be a boyfriend to be proud of

Is having a job really that important for a man’s hope of getting laid? What about the millions of guys with jobs AND decent personalities who still can’t get any action?

On 11/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, flowboy said:

I doubt you've got a healthy circle of friends who respect you, which she could socialize with and give her the feeling that she made the right choice.

The purpose of having a fuck mate or a temporary gf is not so you can hang out with her with your friends, WHAT? There should be enough different types of girls out there to where it’s not considered “most” girls that absolutely insist on meeting the friends. Im not afraid of showing her my friends, it’s just a painfully tedious extra step to worry about. Besides, as you get older your friends spend less and less time with you due to the increasing demands of life and, ironically, marriage and kids ☠️

On 11/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, flowboy said:

Nothing. Your value proposition to women is all cost, no value at the moment.

You’re forgetting one huge thing. I’m good at being myself, very good. I can be myself like you’ve never seen. I thought that was supposed to be the most powerful tool to attract a quality girl. I hear you telling me money and status is just as important as personality, that’s exactly what the incels say only with looks in place of personality. LMS-looks money status. Should we change it to PMS? Yeah I get it, calibration, frame, yap yap yap. It’s be yourself but only within acceptable guidelines and in addition to all this extra shit that has nothing to do with being yourself. It’s that extra stuff I need to work on, yeah?

On 11/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, flowboy said:

Drop the diva attitude about it, you're not too good for a job, in fact you're at the bottom of society now, having a job would be a step up for you

Don’t divas think they’re better than others? Because that’s not me, I just want a suitable temporary gf LIKE everyone else. Temporary, I’m literally asking LESS than all these other people that want the perfect trophy partner to spend all their life with. 

On 11/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, flowboy said:

Get a job and a life purpose so you contribute to society

My LP is to have perfect game and become a tiktok prankster but I’m terrified of cameras and more terrified of girls. 

On 11/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, flowboy said:

Invest in some retreats to help with your social calibration and connection to women

How will that help my connection to women? Do you mean the temporary exposure will help me get better at connecting with them in general?

On 11/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, flowboy said:

You're the male equivalent of a morbidly obese woman with a mustache who doesn't wash herself, expecting a prince on a white horse to show up to her house and propose to her.

Now that’s just making a chicken out of a feather. I’m no Prince Charming but that’s insane. My friends think I’m awesome and occasionally even girls do when I’m being myself. Big fucking deal if I don’t have my own place or any money, I’m not ashamed about it nor can anyone make me. Aren’t we supposed to be thinking we’re the shit and nothing can bring us down? If so, that’s not a good thing to tell someone or have in your mind if we’re supposed to be hyping each other up and framing ourselves as high value.

On 11/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, flowboy said:

If you do not fix your mental health, you are just going to become more bitter. Pickup is not going to work for you from this state, believe me.

Pickup is my life purpose! Being successful at it means the whole universe and beyond to me. There’s no reason to be alive if I can’t have dozens of new partners per year like they get to.

I don’t know how you guys expect me to magically pull out of my ass all this energy and motivation needed to improve. If you aren’t getting any sex, naturally you lose power over time the longer you’re deprived. How the hell am I supposed to summon all this confidence, energy and inner strength without a dedicated girl to recharge my battery and repair my systems by entertaining me for a couple weeks? It wouldn’t even be all cost for her because I could entertain her too, by being myself of course.

Theres a saying, “A warrior needs pussy to become a king.” Actually it’s the other way around.

Edited by Emotionalmosquito

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1 hour ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Don’t divas think they’re better than others? Because that’s not me, I just want a suitable temporary gf LIKE everyone else. Temporary, I’m literally asking LESS than all these other people that want the perfect trophy partner to spend all their life with. 

Right now with stuff like this you give off very strong entitled man-child vibes and that's not attractive to women at all, especially if you want casual sex. Having lots of casual sex requires you to be masculine. Zero responsibility, zero earning, zero prospects are not masculine at all so you are shooting yourself in the foot by dismissing the value these things offer.

So unless you make up for this with top 0.1% charisma or extremely good looks, you are going to struggle to achieve your goal of having lots of different partners.


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On 12/4/2023 at 7:19 AM, StarStruck said:

@Schizophonia  What happened to that Roy guy? He was a good guy but obviously with some quirks. He wasn’t ugly though. Just a regular white guy. 

@Roy got demoted and banned. Pretty disappointing tbh, it was nice have a mod with contrarian viewpoints here

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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On 12/7/2023 at 4:51 AM, something_else said:

Right now with stuff like this you give off very strong entitled man-child vibes and that's not attractive to women at all,

Well that’s a simple fix. I just won’t be to women the same way I’m talking here. How does me saying I want less than what other people want in terms of a partner make me come off as man childish?

Why am I just now being told the importance of having a job and prospects and friends as things needed to get a steady supply of partners? PUAs don’t say anything about that, not even Leo does. Zero responsibilities means infinite free time means boundless creativity. Why prefer a guy whose energy and will is depleted by the end of most days as opposed to a guy who’s free to put everything he’s got into the gal and is sharp and spry from sunrise to sunset all the time? Should be a no brainer to choose the freedom option.

Say I start flipping burgers tomorrow, the next day I go to a bar. What about me has changed other than I’m twice as miserable and have some money in my pocket? Do the girls I talk to start giving me the Bambi eyes upon being told I’m an upstanding working man? Obviously not. I’ll still be the same weird guy whose soul cause of continuous blowouts is being (himself) more fiercely than most others.

There has to be a way to fix this problem by personality adjustment alone. 

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1 hour ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Why prefer a guy whose energy and will is depleted by the end of most days as opposed to a guy who’s free to put everything he’s got into the gal and is sharp and spry from sunrise to sunset all the time?

Because he can afford to take her on dates and actually do stuff with her.

Lounging around doing nothing remotely productive all day sucks the energy out of you just as much as working a shitty job, but at least you get paid.

And idk why you’re setting your ambition as burger flipping, you can do more than that. Ambition is attractive.


There has to be a way to fix this problem by personality adjustment alone. 

Of course there is, just more of a personality adjustment than you want to make I think.

There is no magical PUA personality adjustment which will turn you into a chad. Leo and others have talked on multiple occasions about how pickup is about transforming yourself into a sociable, well rounded, masculine man. It’s than not solely about learning how to get sex. The sex comes as a byproduct of improving those 3 attributes of yourself.

That’s how you should view pickup to get benefit from it, not as some source of parlour tricks that make woman want to fuck you. 

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On 12/9/2023 at 5:42 AM, something_else said:

Because he can afford to take her on dates and actually do stuff with her.

Most women these days are empowered with their own career or at least a steady income providing job, so they should be able to cover their own expenses? Or just have fun doing free stuff with the guy like walks in the park or hide and seek. Do most guys have to open their wallets for a girl BEFORE she’ll consider opening her legs for him or becoming a temporary girlfriend? If we’ve already had sex and I knew for a fact more was coming and I had a job, I probably wouldn’t mind spending on her. The danger is spending on her only to be told she doesn’t see you that way when you try to escalate.

On 12/9/2023 at 5:42 AM, something_else said:

There is no magical PUA personality adjustment which will turn you into a chad. Leo and others have talked on multiple occasions about how pickup is about transforming yourself into a sociable, well rounded, masculine man. It’s than not solely about learning how to get sex. The sex comes as a byproduct of improving those 3 attributes of yourself.

Everything but the byproduct sounds miserable 

Edited by Emotionalmosquito

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I’m the guy that shamelessly goes grocery shopping in his robe and house slippers if that tells you anything 

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7 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Most women these days are empowered with their own career or at least a steady income providing job, so they should be able to cover their own expenses?

Yea, but do they want to cover your expenses too because you're dead broke?


Everything but the byproduct sounds miserable 

Well having those traits is how you have lots of sex, so you'd better get over that misery if you want it that badly.

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On 12/12/2023 at 5:11 AM, something_else said:

but do they want to cover your expenses too because you're dead broke?

No they don’t want to and shouldn’t have to, but that also applies in reverse. Should the guy have to cover her expenses fully knowing she has the money for her end? I could come up with the money if a girl insisted we do something expensive together but not for both of us, especially if she has her own job and even more especially if for all I know she’s just using me for free stuff knowing I’m hoping she’ll give up the true valuables in return. That’s unacceptable and tons and tons of girls act like this thinking they aren’t doing anything wrong.

How much money do guys usually have to burn on dates and stuff before the girl finally decides he’s earned himself a night to remember fondly? At some you might as well just get a prostitute instead.

Leo said he used to have a personal rule that he’s not allowed to spend any money on a girl to get laid. I assume he had plenty of success doing it that way? So why wouldn’t we be able to?

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3 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:


Leo said he used to have a personal rule that he’s not allowed to spend any money on a girl to get laid. I assume he had plenty of success doing it that way? So why wouldn’t we be able to?

Because having money and then choosing not to spend it on expensive dates is very different from being cheap on dates because you’re broke. The former is attractive and the latter is neutral at best and an extreme turnoff at worst.

I’m not saying you need money, you can be dead broke and attract women. But usually only if you’re driven to contribute at least something towards society like music or art that makes you seem like a guy who a woman would be proud to introduce to her friends.

But if you’re broke, miserable, directionless and sex-obsessed your value proposition to woman is not high. You need to be thinking about getting your shit together in life and getting some direction before you start chasing women. Making some money would be a good starting point.

Trying to life-hack your way into women’s panties solely through PUA personality adjustments is just not going to cut it. PUA advice mostly assumes you already have the basics of life covered.

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6 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

No they don’t want to and shouldn’t have to, but that also applies in reverse. Should the guy have to cover her expenses fully knowing she has the money for her end? I could come up with the money if a girl insisted we do something expensive together but not for both of us, especially if she has her own job and even more especially if for all I know she’s just using me for free stuff knowing I’m hoping she’ll give up the true valuables in return. That’s unacceptable and tons and tons of girls act like this thinking they aren’t doing anything wrong.

How much money do guys usually have to burn on dates and stuff before the girl finally decides he’s earned himself a night to remember fondly? At some you might as well just get a prostitute instead.

Leo said he used to have a personal rule that he’s not allowed to spend any money on a girl to get laid. I assume he had plenty of success doing it that way? So why wouldn’t we be able to?

If you do everything right it takes as many dates as she has as a hard rule, or less. Often girls won’t have sex until at least date 2 and sometimes date 3-5, unless you get them horny enough on the first. But most (again not all, so don’t get butthurt) will take 1 date, that’s it, assuming you didn’t do anything super not normal.

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Another thing that’s come up lately: People are saying in bars and night clubs you can more easily get away with making social mistakes because the people there are in a less rigid state. 

No you absolutely cannot and no they are not!  HELLO?!

I seriously don’t think I live in the same universe as you guys if you genuinely believe that. People act like they have just as big a stick shoved up their ass in night life venues as anywhere else or in any other context. 

How can my experience of the same thing be this radically different from everyone else’s??



Edited by Emotionalmosquito

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