Stoica Doru

Am I Awakened?

31 posts in this topic

8 minutes ago, PureExp said:


You caught him red handed there.

His temple

*Hides back in the bushes*

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Update: Everything seems to be going alright, excluding the lethargy and dominant tiredness. However, my ego keeps insisting that it's unloved, which I know it's not true, granted the fact that I'm true love, as counciousness. I usually manage to calm this backslide, which comes in forms of obsessing over a girl from my past, insisting and overjudging myself that I must pursue her, despite of the fact that she had some problems and we were not meant to be togheter, my mind insisting that I should get back to her as it's actually ''meant to be''. I try to do as much Shadow Work as possible to understand my deeper wounds and frustrations. I also try not to spiritual bypass, as it's a trap and I know its mechanisms.

I'm currently trying to accept what is and apply total mindfulness, love and understanding to all my neurotic patterns and shortcomings.

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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Good to hear, keep looking at your mental states! :) 

why is it a problem whether or not its loved or not? What is the real value of this love to you as a being?
How does it pose an issue for you as consciousness? 

Sounds to me like natural desire and need for love. Run far away from this girl, or run to her, but don't think so much about it.
Either do or do not. But do not spend to much mental energy on it, it's not really a problem that needs solving, its the effort in solving of the problem that seems to be the problem here.

If it is giving you this much thought, that you need to talk about it here, perhaps it's better to do not, in this instance.
Girls that are unstable will make you mentally unstable, and strip any shred of enlightenment you have, in my experience. A girl that needs to be constantly pursued is too much into the game, to be able to just settle down and love.
But i don't know the details so can't be sure. 

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Sounds very clear to me and sounds if some things just play themselves out without needing to do a great deal about it.

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Final update. 

Hello everyone. My previous level of desire returned, and now I manage to connect with my innocence a lot better, life being easy, as I learned to surrender to the flow. It's been a hell of a ride this initial part of awakening, really. 

I'll see ya around. Much love! ?

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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@Stoica Doru  Your questions are always very intuitive, intelligent, sensible, useful, substantive in nature. 

You seem to be truly invested in your spiritual journey and your curiosity is also helping others to learn more. 

You have a wonderful intellectual gift that you should put to full use, so continue doing what you're doing and posting questions like these. They really help in grasping stuff. 

Best wishes on your wonderful journey. :)

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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8 minutes ago, Loreena said:

@Stoica Doru  Your questions are always very intuitive, intelligent, sensible, useful, substantive in nature. 

You seem to be truly invested in your spiritual journey and your curiosity is also helping others to learn more. 

You have a wonderful intellectual gift that you should put to full use, so continue doing what you're doing and posting questions like these. They really help in grasping stuff. 

Best wishes on your wonderful journey. :)

Thank you, pretty girl! It's quite a gift that people who've just entered adulthood, like you and me, are interested in the absolute truth and in the purest way of being. This world needs a lot more people like us, the people on this forum. Take care of yourself too. ?

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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On 4/4/2017 at 2:02 AM, Stoica Doru said:

@PureExp I would describe it as an ongoing unraveling of what's unnecessary, which evolves us into seeing the beauty of Truth, and the ending to all paradigms. We'll all be there, eventually. Glad I'm making this progress as a 19 year old.

This reminds me of a quote, " You naturally begin to center more and more on the spiritual part of your being. You do this not by reaching for the spirit, but by letting go of the rest" (Michael Singer)

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7 minutes ago, Maxx said:

@Stoica Doru in general it is hard to tell if someone really had an enlightenment experience by judging his internet posting about what happened. 

I would wait for a few weeks or months and then come to a conclusion. After that time ask yourself the following questions:

- do I really understand now what all these non-duality teachers were trying to tell me all time? Not intellectually, but because it is just obvious.

- are there significant, fundamental changes in my personality because of what happened? 

Even if you answer both questions with yes, you can still fool yourself. Read / watch some enlightenment reports of other people and compare maybe. One rule of the thumb I can give you is, that if you believe that what happened was a personal experience, it probably wasn't enlightenment. It is not the person that wakes up.

I wouldn't describe it as a personal experience. I'm aware of the fact that the awakening took control for the purpose of waking me up. The godly presence showed its infinite wisdom within me, and it still does. I'm nothing but a fragment of counciousness, who glimpsed his roots - nothing more. 

Edited by Stoica Doru

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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