
Everyone should experience the best thing ever.

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I don’t mean people should experience the best thing ever because they’re good, it’s just that like life has been like… I don’t even want to think of words for it. If you wanted financial compensation for anything… Where would you even begin? And money doesn’t make it better. I don’t know what would compensate for life. Will something just really good that in no way makes people feel bad or anything bad happen?

Edited by jdc7733

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Everyone is destined to realize their innate divinity and actualize their Reality into the specfic branch of the Infinite Multiverse that they so desire and live the rest of their days within an Infinite Lucid Dream.

That isn't just a hopeful fantasy, it is simply inevitable that God will awaken to it's Infinite nature as Infinite Mind. It just simply becomes impossible to not learn to have fun with it after a while! 🎵 🎶 💗

Everyone is destined for LOVE. ♾️ 💖 


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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