
Has anybody done „deep“ conscious/spiritual work while on ssri/snri etc?

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I‘ve been on an ssri twice in my life and sometimes think of going back on

for social anxiety etc

both times for about 6 months

i stopped them because of some side effects like dizziness, worse sleep and inability to take psychedelics, harder to learn for school/exams etc

i can feel sooo connected to the universe which is extremely beautiful but the slighest things people do can cause anxiety and extreme overthinking

i‘m just overly sensitive which can be good for some things but is hindering me in my life

ssri can definitely help me with overthinking, over sensitivity and confidence 

i remember though that i sometimes felt like in a fog with them so it could be hindering with consciousness work

i know that people can for example take psychedelics while on lamictal though (which is not an ssri at all)

have people been able here to chip away at their ego while on ssri/snri?

Edited by PurpleTree

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@PurpleTree To my knowledge, yes. I know Kenneth folk, a prominent insight meditation instructor, did a lot of practice whilst on an antidepressant. He stopped when his practice got good enough for him not to need the ssri anymore.


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