
INTEGRATE Lower Stages of the Spiral: 50+ PRACTICAL STEPS (Long rant)

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Here is my last insight:

Being developed in the spiral is NOT about how high (you think) you are.

Is about where your LOWER BOTTLE-NECK is.


You are going to be limited by the lowest stage that you don’t have integrated.

You can be fully enlightened, God realized, billionaire, deep understandings of complex systems bla bla bla… but if you have back pain, a gut problems, migraines, sleep deficiency, or you don’t control your sexual/sugar/online cravings, or don’t have a tribe/family or deep meaningful rituals, you are going to be miserable.

Is not about reaching turquoise as fast as you can.

Is about integrating the lower stages as deep as possible. 

Not trying to scape them.

Understand it. Enjoy it, fully embrace it. Live it. Savour it.

If not, everything else will be an overcompensation.

*The lower the stage, the more important it is to develop and integrate it.*

And you will realize that the spiral maybe is not that linear, and purple and turquoise may be closer than we initially believe)



Im building from this ‘classic’ thread by Reeves:


-Im aware that this could be a bastardization of SD, but is practical knowledge)

Is a simple way to structure stuff, so it’s easier to implement).

-When I talk about this, it doesn’t mean I integrated it all. I still work to do.

If I write this is because Im working on it. Im not above anyone).


So. Lets take a look a these lower stages:




- Healthy eating. No sugar cravings. Basically not being fat.

- Try keto for at least 2 weeks.

- Try a 24h fast.

This is not even stage blue discipline.  Is prior to that.

-How are you going to go for a (purple) hike or a camping if you are 20kg overweight? Or if you have sugar cravings? Or if you have some bodily pain? Or if you are zero energy or zero cardio?

-How are you are going to be intimidating when you need (red) if you are too fat or to skinny?


- Proper sleep. Be well rested.

Have energy to get through the day.


- Correct your posture.    HUGE 

-Learn how to sit properly (Avoiding back & neck pain). This shit can ruin your life.

-Sit less on chairs, and more on the ground even if its uncomfortable at first.

-Learn about ankle, hip, shoulder mobility; psoas stretching if needed and check for imbalances.


- Body movement. . HUGE

Here you have some great examples (notice the guy on the left is 60 years old):


People will say the first one is green, but that is not even yoga.

Is just basically becoming a baby or a mammal again. 

Just moving. No goal. You can’t start a serious green-yoga practice if you are stiff like a rock.

Get in touch with being a baby again.

Move. Crawl. Be stupid. Think less. Be less civilized. You will enjoy purple more ;)

Spend more time on the ground. 


Breathe properly. Again, like a baby (through the nose. Diaphragmatic breathing)




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This one HUGE

Purple can solve the modern day pandemics::

-screen addiction

-mental health (suicides)


Purple for me comes down to 2 things:

-Having deep, close, meaningful relationships. A TRIBE. A gang.

-Living an ANALOG lifestyle & Falling in love with GAIA

More nature/outside;  LESS ONLINE, inside.


So, the most important step here is this:

Do a 30 DAY DIGITAL DETOX. Embrace digital minimalism.

Ask yourself this question: ‘if I were living 10.000-20.000 years ago what would I do in my day?’

You can’t complain about life when you posted 15.000 messages on an online forum

This is even more important than eating healthy.

Lets get this straight:

If you are on your phone 2+ hours per day, you are SICK. 

(Last month I reduced screen time from 14h/week to 2h/ week and is one of the best changes I’ve made in years. Is a bigger effect than changing your diet)


The same way the BMI determines (aprox) if you are ‘bodily’ healthy, there should also exist a number to determine if you are ‘online healthy’. Maybe in a few years we will have that.


You can’t depend on a screen for your entertainment. Thats an illness. Thats not human.

We can see the awful consequences with our own two eyes. 

The rates of depression, anxiety, low level depression, apathy and polarization are through the roof. Historic levels. 

Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually weak generation. And lonely.

And is not about just being sick. 

Is about not being able to tap into your authentic self, not being able to enjoy life to the fullest.



A great resource for this is Cal Newport’s book.

I summarize here in a paragraph, but read it. Apply it.


Social media (and your phone) is fucking you life up, so do a 30 day technology detox (no social media, no videogames, no Netflix, no movies, no tv, no news).

In those 30 days:

-Embrace the void, the pain and the boredom.

-Think DEEPLY about your principles & values, and you relationship to technology, so at the end of the 30 day you use tech as a tool in order to serve your values, not the other way around.

-Look for analog things to do.



‘PURPLE’ things you can do with your new free time:


-Connect DEEPLY with nature.

-Connect with the mystery and magic of Gaia. REVERENCE IT.
It has infinite more wisdom that you will ever have.

-Understand that you don’t understand anything about nature. All you think you know is just THEORY you learnt in school. Don’t label things.

-Connect withe aliveness of the trees, the bugs, the fungi, the cycle of life..

-List the 5 closes hikes you can go.

Call your tribe and go togheter

If you don’t have one, join a meet up.

-Go camping with your family.

-Cook or bring some food you prepared and enjoy the SHARING of it.

-Share stories around a campfire in the woods with your closest friends. LAUGH.

-Deepen your converstaions with your tribe. Fears, hopes, dreams; thoughts about God, life, the Universe…

-Take some weed/mushrooms with your tribe looking at the stars and contemplating the divine.

-Spend time alone. Deep solitude. Connect with the Silence. (No people, no books, no music, no screens). Nothing.

-Climb a tree.

-Dig a hole with your hands and FEEL the soil, the rocks, the tree roots..

-Get buried in the sand til the head.

-Go barefoot.

-Bark! Louder!!

-Eat with your hands

-Build something with your own hands.  (Jewelry, ceramics, sewing…)


-Get dirty


-Eat a fruit from a tree.  (Could also expand to: eat REAL NATURAL food only)

-Watch the sun rise for the next week. Reverence your God-Sun. Ra.

-Connect with animals. Watch for a full hour a colony of ants. 

Observe and see the beauty in that.

Learn from them.

-Enjoy the birdsongs and notice the difference between different types.

-Whistle more

-Avoid pharmaceuticals when possible. Learn about medicine plants.



-Go talk to your grandparents, let them talk about life, understand the life story of your ancestors

-Connect with old people.

-Learn mythical stories/tales. Learn proper storytelling.

-Develop spiritual devotional rituals. Individual and tribal.

-Try bhakti yoga and look how you can implement it in you life.

-Attend a Kirtan.  (Amazing)

-Listen to shamanic music

Forget about pop music, or even ‘elevated’ classical music. 

Go for 2 weeks just with shamanic / amazonian / african tribalistic type music

-Go meet a real tribe. Life there for some weeks if possible.

-Wear some tribal accessories/jewelry if you find meaning in it.

-Buy meaningful gifts for important people in your life. 

-Buy 2 amulets/items for your partner and yourself, and wear them as a symbol of love.

-Redecorate some part of your home in a more ‘purple’ way.

-Learn some craft with your hands: Archery, javelin, handstand, drums, how to juggle, play yo-yo…

-Learn some closeup magic with day to day objects. Bring magic to peoples life.



-Build a ritual or celebration for each season (and/or for each month).

-Connect with the different seasons and enjoy each one to the fullest.

-Create some weekly/monthly rituals (ex: no meat Friday, no phone Saturday, movie Friday with girlfriend, full moon yoga… so you connect with nature, tribe and within)

-Have rituals for a new season in your life (moving to another city, changing jobs, changing careers, having kids…)




-Connect with the weather.

Stop looking at the weather forecast. (Who cares about the ‘degrees number’? Use numbers as little as possible. 

You don’t need and umbrella under light rain. Get wet. 

In the weekends don’t look at the clock (only when necessary). Just live.

Eat when you are hungry, rest when you are tired.

-Contemplate storms and thunders in awe, appreciate the brute force of the wild see and huge waves in a rough weather.

Feel how weak you are as human and how easily the sea could kill you.


-Get mesmerized by the vastness of the sea.


-Learn SURVIVAL (imagine you are lost in a jungle for a month). Preferably do a live training, not just online info.


-are you able to fast?

-Learn how to orientate yourself.

-Learn about clouds, and the wind. Know when is about to rain.

-Learn where you can get food, water and shelter

-Learn how to start a fire

-Learn how to do a tourniquet

-Learn how to measure remaining sunlight with your hands

-Learn how to deal with a dangerous animal

-Learn about sea currents (this can safe your life) (if you are caught in one, don’t try to swim toward the beach, swim parallel to it until you are out fo the current)



-Watch some podcasts about this topics so you have ideas that fits you.

But ACT on them!


-Go a bit more amish.

Reduce tech when you can.

Ex: Buy a normal alarm clock, buy a sand clock (love theses), buy vinyl records, use matches in stead of lighters...

-Think about raising your kids in a more comunal way, and find other couples with the same mindset.


-STOP watching porn

Masturbate if you want, thats fine, but no screens for that.



Problems taking purple for granted:

-If you don’t get purple right, you are going to be unhealthy green, idealizing purple, and hating red, blue and orange.

-if you don’t have real close deep loving bonds with family/tribe, it will be difficult for you to love humanity as a whole.

-If you are a social media/internet junkie, it will be difficult to build deep relationships.

-If you are a social media/internet junkie, you will get triggered by exaggerations and polarization, not having a clear understanding about realty.

Your beliefs are going to be fueled by hate

You mind will be filled with wrong twisted emotional data, stories and narratives.


You will become a laughable SJW.

You will become a sad, self-aggrandizing, isolated maybe-rich liberitarian .

You will become a sad lonely incel (if you also overlook red)



Become a fucking HUMAN being again.

Throw away the screen. 

Connect deeply with your tribe, Gaia, and the divine spirits of life.





> Tomorrow I'll do red (maybe blue)

Edited by koops

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Keep going, it's valueable, it's cool to cultivate nondual emptiness consciousness on everyday, still it's good to have some healthy routine, good finance etc that allows more holistic thinking

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I love this! Thank you for sharing! I've neglected to put attention on purple and beige in my work, those posts were especially helpful to me.  

I completely agree with you, its more important to integrate all of the lower stages of the spiral than to climb as high as you can. In this way, you're able to sip on all of the different flavors of life and become a more integrated being. 


Edited by Spiritual Warrior

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20 hours ago, Fluran said:

Keep going, it's valueable, it's cool to cultivate nondual emptiness consciousness on everyday, still it's good to have some healthy routine, good finance etc that allows more holistic thinking

Glad you like it!

Yep, the fundamentals can't be forget. They are not sexy, but we need that solid foundations in order to build a large building.

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2 hours ago, integration journey said:

@koops I love how you break things down. Are you planning to do stages Orange, green & yellow? 


I'll do blue this week, since is what Im working on.

For the other stages Im not sure I can get into this level of detail, but I'll be doing them before the end of the year. 

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2 hours ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

I love this! Thank you for sharing! I've neglected to put attention on purple and beige in my work, those posts were especially helpful to me.  

I completely agree with you, its more important to integrate all of the lower stages of the spiral than to climb as high as you can. In this way, you're able to sip on all of the different flavors of life and become a more integrated being. 



Yes, the more integrated the lower stages, the easier is to go up.

For example, a lot of people struggle with healthy green, because the neglect purple.

And yes, the beauty of life can be found in simple things like purple activities or even (my version of) beige.

No, don't forget to implement some of theses practices ;)



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There's a reason why Consciousness is expanding. We have evolved out of the caveman days for a reason. A lot of what you're saying maybe good advice but not practical for modern day living. For example, about the phones. Many have started online businesses where the use of their phones and the internet is needed. Also online banking. Being on your phone for more than 2hrs for productive reasons is not being sick. But, yes, overstimulation of digital devices isn't recommended.

You say become a human again. We cannot become what we already are, so everyone is already being human, hence HUMAN BEING, no matter what we are doing. We don't need to have a loving bond with family and/or tribe to love humanity, All that is needed for that is Self-love and the rest will fall into place. Loving everything.

"If you don't get purple right"? You either are or you're not. It's not about getting a stage right but trying to transcend your current stage to the next.

"No porn, masturbate if you want, but no screens for that", that is just simply trying to control people's desires and a natural ascension. People have to sometimes burn through their addictions and or desires for something greater or a better way of being. Can't know one thing if the other isn't recognized.

We don't have to imagine being in a jungle for a month and learn how to start a fire and how to deal with dangerous animals if that's not your lifestyle entails. These are just additional information and knowledge that can be useful if needed. Time spent learning other things more important to a modern way of living is better spent.

Some people will catch a cold even under light rain because of how their immune system is. Some people work outside and need to know what the weather forecasts, so they be better prepared for what their working conditions allow.

Some of the advices here are practical and are good to add to our well-being, but we have to also consider the many diverse lifestyles that people have and to not turn general statements into "MUSTS", because what might be good for one might not be suitable for another. 

My personal opinion is that the higher the stage of the Spiral you are, the more content you become and less outside stimuli is needed for one's happiness and feeling fulfilled on a general basis. We need to get out of survival mode and start to thrive and what you're explaining has more to do with surviving like cave men rather than thriving. Humans already have an innate knowing of how to survive on a basic level - that's evident in today's society, no matter what level they're at with their agendas and survival mechanism. Even babies know to cry when they are hungry. 

Good videos, though, and the practice of yoga is recommended for well-being and longevity paired with a healthy lifestyle. These are just my opinions and observations, not facts, as there are different ways of perceiving things and the world around us.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

There's a reason why Consciousness is expanding. We have evolved out of the caveman days for a reason. A lot of what you're saying maybe good advice but not practical for modern day living. For example, about the phones. Many have started online businesses where the use of their phones and the internet is needed. Also online banking. Being on your phone for more than 2hrs for productive reasons is not being sick. But, yes, overstimulation of digital devices isn't recommended.

You say become a human again. We cannot become what we already are, so everyone is already being human, hence HUMAN BEING, no matter what we are doing. We don't need to have a loving bond with family and/or tribe to love humanity, All that is needed for that is Self-love and the rest will fall into place. Loving everything.

"If you don't get purple right"? You either are or you're not. It's not about getting a stage right but trying to transcend your current stage to the next.

"No porn, masturbate if you want, but no screens for that", that is just simply trying to control people's desires and a natural ascension. People have to sometimes burn through their addictions and or desires for something greater or a better way of being. Can't know one thing if the other isn't recognized.

We don't have to imagine being in a jungle for a month and learn how to start a fire and how to deal with dangerous animals if that's not your lifestyle entails. These are just additional information and knowledge that can be useful if needed. Time spent learning other things more important to a modern way of living is better spent.

Some people will catch a cold even under light rain because of how their immune system is. Some people work outside and need to know what the weather forecasts, so they be better prepared for what their working conditions allow.

Some of the advices here are practical and are good to add to our well-being, but we have to also consider the many diverse lifestyles that people have and to not turn general statements into "MUSTS", because what might be good for one might not be suitable for another. 

My personal opinion is that the higher the stage of the Spiral you are, the more content you become and less outside stimuli is needed for one's happiness and feeling fulfilled on a general basis. We need to get out of survival mode and start to thrive and what you're explaining has more to do with surviving like cave men rather than thriving. Humans already have an innate knowing of how to survive on a basic level - that's evident in today's society, no matter what level they're at with their agendas and survival mechanism. Even babies know to cry when they are hungry. 

Good videos, though, and the practice of yoga is recommended for well-being and longevity paired with a healthy lifestyle. These are just my opinions and observations, not facts, as there are different ways of perceiving things and the world around us.


I understand what you are saying

I have an online business.

I use online banking.

Im not talking about going full amish. Never said that.

You can spend 8 hours per day working online and checking your online apps. Thats fine.

Its a different thing to spend time on your phone for work reasons than for ‘entretainment’.

Its a whole different thing.

You get what Im saying.


You, as a women, don't get the porn thing, as myself as a male, probably don't get the ‘how do I get him to stick with me after fucking me’.

Young guys have a serious problem with porn. Most need to get rid of that.

I talk about the URGES. Men need to let go of that.

Fapping to porn can be ok from time to time. Cool. Im not saying is evil.

But being addicted to porn (and social media) is lame. There is no way around it.

As a healthy male you should be enjoying sex with women you like.


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1 hour ago, koops said:


I understand what you are saying

I have an online business.

I use online banking.

Im not talking about going full amish. Never said that.

You can spend 8 hours per day working online and checking your online apps. Thats fine.

Its a different thing to spend time on your phone for work reasons than for ‘entretainment’.

Its a whole different thing.

You get what Im saying.


You, as a women, don't get the porn thing, as myself as a male, probably don't get the ‘how do I get him to stick with me after fucking me’.

Young guys have a serious problem with porn. Most need to get rid of that.

I talk about the URGES. Men need to let go of that.

Fapping to porn can be ok from time to time. Cool. Im not saying is evil.

But being addicted to porn (and social media) is lame. There is no way around it.

As a healthy male you should be enjoying sex with women you like.


Ok. Just thought I'd point out a few things you might not have been aware of. Thanks for the effort you did put in, though, to try and educate people on certain aspects of the Spiral stages and the dedication you showed on this topic. Much appreciated.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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