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San Pedro preparation

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So I’ve got blended Catus in a slow cooker, has anyone done this before? Is a slow cooker on high hot enough?

Edited by Holymoly

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Did you succeed with the preparation? 
I cut the skin of the cactus then either you can blend it or let it this way, then you put it in a regular saucepan with lots of water.

You then proceed to turn on fire at the minimum, you want it to heat slowly so that water evaporates over time. Wait 3 hours or more that the liquid slightly reduce, filter what's left in the saucepan, set aside the liquid you recolted then put back the cactus skin on the saucepan and add more water.

Same process with low heat until it reduce then you combine the two liquid you recolted and you're good to go.

Keep in mind the more you reduce it the better, less nausea and you need to drink less for same effects.

You can keep it for a long time in the freezer if you don't finish everything.

Enjoy, Huachuma is a blessing

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@Lynx hey yes it was successful had about 600ml of tea and it was quite perfect could maybe have been a bit stronger. I had it in the slow cooker for about 24 hours 

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