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Nonduality is not to be spoken of. Nonduality is simply to be. (they will never know)

17 posts in this topic

If you truly stand your ground... if you indeed walk your talk, to the best of your abilities...

Sooner or later, this realization should hit you. And I'd dare to say later, rather than sooner. 'Way after' your self - realization, your karmic return, and all that jazz.

Once you have awakened to a certain degree, and you brought that Light into you everyday experience... You will inevitably realize; you simply cannot make anyone truly, really, wholeheartedly understand. They will never know. Simple as that. Fucking hilarious, indeed.

They will never know. That's just how it is.

No matter how fucking hard you try to explain, no matter how intricate the thought process you lay out before them is, no matter how monumental, deep and existential the questions you are asking them are, no matter how flawless your mathematical equations are... you will never make them understand.

There just is no one there to make understand anything.

No one is home.

So... you have realized yourself as all there is, eh? As the one, infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent, unfuckable divine being, huh?

Good. Now shut the fuck up about it. How about that for the next step in your evolution?

How about actually being what you're screaming about in everyone's face like a 12 year old girl? How about never mentioning any of this spiritual crap ever again... but actually implementing it? Actually using the wisdom, instead of measuring disks with other spiritual or non - spiritual lunatics? 

How about just being awake, instead of trying to convince everyone of how awake you are, or worse, how asleep they are?

How about just getting fucking real and dropping the bullshit, huh?

Sounds good to me. It's not like there is any other choice.


Edited by ivankiss

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So what then is the point of realization?

If awakening to essence is truly accomplished, what then?

In taoist terms, the science of essence cannot be taught. If one stumbles upon the root source of one's essential nature through no action of one's own and truly penetrates to the source of impersonal nonoriginated potential (awareness), it is obvious there is no understanding understood. At such a time, even absence is absent. This is called the Absolute.

Since such realization in the selfless quality of awake has never been otherwise, so be it~ who knew?

But what of the science of life?

The science of life can be taught…

Have you ever heard of the science of life?

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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@deci belle One trying to make another understand is paradoxical. It is both possible and impossible. It can be equally as helpful as detrimental.

It is just that, selfishly so, at this 'stage of my evolution'... it is rather exhausting and counter - productive. It sets me back, instead of catapulting me forward.

Trying to make anyone understand anything seems like a counter - intuitive and kind of a self - defeating thing to do. 

Still, I do try. Very much so.

Edited by ivankiss

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I'm always curious to see if and how the mind can deceive itself 

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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The hilarity of it is.. thinking and talking so much about it, but actually being it so little.

One can never not be consciousness. But how conscious one is... is another thing. Relative matter- if you will.

Edited by ivankiss

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Nice brainstorming thread....I've notice some of you post contradictory threads like this....because you are indirectly letting us know you wish to stop posting on here and go out and live it. Well you have our blessing, but ummm maybe my being sharing it. Ever think of that one?

Maybe God created everything....because it wants to share? Hmmmm...

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Razard86 Duality is contradiction. Of course what I post is contradictory. Such is reality. In one post I might rant about relationships, in the next I'll say there are no people and no relationships.

It's all true.

There is no one to share anything with, absolutely speaking... But yeah, sure. You should share. My life path is that of a musician... I'm not planning on stopping to share the music I make. 

Still, I see through the illusion of it. Especially when someone is trying to awaken another, by shoving their beliefs down their throat.

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Truth can't be spoken, true.
But i'm confident that it can certainly be pointed at with right speech, action and heart.

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when i change me i change you, in both cases no words needed, everything outside is the part of me that needs healing inside

the outside is the inside being shown to me on the big screen to make sure i won't miss it

anything that's amiss, transmute to bliss

"I drop resentment and extend forgiveness here."

"I am showering light and love to him despite his actions."

"I am a vessel of peace, knowing harmony is the only freedom."


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Make no mistakes. This thread, as every other, is totally about me. 100%. 

Which means it's totally about you.


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@ivankiss sure , What it is about is deeply living the fact of being alive, of existing. the incredible and obvious miracle that existence exists.

But for that it is important to try to understand what barriers limit you as a human and how to dissolve those barriers, and while that constant, automatic, irreversible process occurs, it is fun to talk about it.

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22 hours ago, Razard86 said:

Nice brainstorming thread....I've notice some of you post contradictory threads like this....because you are indirectly letting us know you wish to stop posting on here and go out and live it. Well you have our blessing, but ummm maybe my being sharing it. Ever think of that one?

Maybe God created everything....because it wants to share? Hmmmm...

I had that insigth. What if all the same ones blabing here their thougths could just do Leo courageous move and post their mind in Youtube with long videos instead of just short bits here. Of course I am aware that is ridiculous to force your will onto others or tell them what to do. But everytime I see a 12yr old girl trying to explain the obvious here I think the same thing. So, would be amazing to see some of the great contemplators here sharing their youtube links instead of nitbits.

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21 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Razard86 Duality is contradiction. Of course what I post is contradictory. Such is reality. In one post I might rant about relationships, in the next I'll say there are no people and no relationships.

It's all true.

There is no one to share anything with, absolutely speaking... But yeah, sure. You should share. My life path is that of a musician... I'm not planning on stopping to share the music I make. 

Still, I see through the illusion of it. Especially when someone is trying to awaken another, by shoving their beliefs down their throat.

22 hours ago, Razard86 said:

Nice brainstorming thread....I've notice some of you post contradictory threads like this....because you are indirectly letting us know you wish to stop posting on here and go out and live it. Well you have our blessing, but ummm maybe my being sharing it. Ever think of that one?

Maybe God created everything....because it wants to share? Hmmmm...

I had that insigth. What if all the same ones blabing here their thougths could just do Leo courageous move and post their mind in Youtube with long videos instead of just short bits here. Of course I am aware that is ridiculous to force your will onto others or tell them what to do. But everytime I see a 12yr old girl trying to explain the obvious here I think the same thing. So, would be amazing to see some of the great contemplators here sharing their youtube links instead of nitbits.

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21 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Razard86 Duality is contradiction. Of course what I post is contradictory. Such is reality. In one post I might rant about relationships, in the next I'll say there are no people and no relationships.

It's all true.

There is no one to share anything with, absolutely speaking... But yeah, sure. You should share. My life path is that of a musician... I'm not planning on stopping to share the music I make. 

Still, I see through the illusion of it. Especially when someone is trying to awaken another, by shoving their beliefs down their throat.

You do music? Where can one check your musical compositions?

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On 08/11/2023 at 2:10 AM, ivankiss said:


How about actually being what you're screaming about in everyone's face like a 12 year old girl? How about never mentioning any of this spiritual crap ever again... but actually implementing it? Actually using the wisdom, instead of measuring disks with other spiritual or non - spiritual lunatics? 

Nice! I wholeheartedly agree.

I even would add, what when people usually scream about it and try to convince others, etc... is a sign that they already in duality. 

Is common in my experience that once I am back in duality I love to create topics about how awake I am and how far I

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On 11/8/2023 at 5:51 AM, ivankiss said:

@Razard86 Duality is contradiction. Of course what I post is contradictory. Such is reality. In one post I might rant about relationships, in the next I'll say there are no people and no relationships.

It's all true.

There is no one to share anything with, absolutely speaking... But yeah, sure. You should share. My life path is that of a musician... I'm not planning on stopping to share the music I make. 

Still, I see through the illusion of it. Especially when someone is trying to awaken another, by shoving their beliefs down their throat.

Because reality is an infinite perspective and an infinite echo chamber, depending on the perspective....every ego is shoving their beliefs down their throat. Someone can read what you post and claim you are shoving your belief down another's throat.

It takes two to be in a conflict. If you argue with me and I remain passive, then you are the only one doing the shoving. The moment I engage in the argument then the two of us are shoving our beliefs down each other's throat. So notice you pretend to be one who is not, but you are. The ONLY way to not engage in that activity is to allow other selves to have their way with you and to never speak up and disagree. 

So's all just a game of self-denial you play, and this is how you construct your identity.

Lastly just to poke a little fun at what you posted.

Your title is "Nonduality is not to be spoken of. Nonduality is simply to be. (they will never know)

Let's change it for fun. Nonalcoholism is not to be drunken of. Nonalcoholism is simple to be.

*Drinks some wine* If you truly stand your ground... if you indeed walk your talk, to the best of your abilities...

Sooner or later, this realization should hit you. And I'd dare to say later, rather than sooner. 'Way after' your self - realization, your karmic return, and all that jazz.

Once you have awakened to a certain degree, and you brought that Light into you everyday experience... You will inevitably realize; you simply cannot make anyone truly, really, wholeheartedly understand. They will never know. Simple as that. Fucking hilarious, indeed. *Drinks some wine again.*

Onlooker: But hey aren't you drinking too?

Duality is contradiction. Of course what I post is contradictory. Such is reality. In one post I might rant about relationships, in the next I'll say there are no people and no relationships. *Drinks some more*

Onlookers:....That guy is crazy. Why is he telling us to do....what he refuses to do? Why doesn't he walk his talk and stop drinking. He probably thinks that he needs to drink to relate to us, but we would understand him more and take him seriously if he stopped drinking. 

Onlooker: I think he is in his own world, I don't think he clearly sees that he is no different than us and is just fooling himself. 

Onlooker: You mean he is self-righteous? Yeah he doesn't realize we are all him and he is just ranting at his own reflection. Ohhh got you. He's like that guy that watches his favorite team plays sports and when they make mistakes he criticizes them. So he is doing this because he loves and cares deeply for us.

Onlooker: Of course he does, why else would he be ranting and raving?

Onlooker: Oh I got you!!! Wow!! 

Onlooker: I think he is just telling us that eventually he is going to leave us and stop drinking or at least that is currently what he wants to do and wants to share that with us. 

Onlooker: Look how lovey-dovey that guy is!!! He cares enough about us to share his thoughts!!!

Onlooker: That's love man!!! That's love!!!

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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