
stories from ex-occult members

12 posts in this topic

Occult does't equal satanism. Occultism is a general term that indicates many traditions.
Occultism is like fire. You can use to bake a cake or you can burn your fingers. finding a teacher is preferable.
Some poeple use it for Evil, Yes. And then they usually burn their fingers

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Thank you for protecting us from this dangerous world Ms PepperBlossom

(playful sarcasm) 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I think we’re mixing up occult with cult.

occulted knowledge is what Jesus would have studied ( Jewish mysticism or Kabbalah and even speculation of philosophies from the east) . Regardless of whether such a person existed or not, the teachings and general message comes from ancient occulted wisdom. Just to be clear ‘occulted’ means hidden and a lot of prophets or sages of the time spoke in metaphorical language to hide it from the governing structures who attempted to stamp it out because it threatened the stability and validity of the hierarchies power over the people. 

it’s recognised that all power is Devine as all is one. Some misuse that power when they don’t have an understanding and fall into separation. They use it over others for their own gain but ultimately end up harming their own spiritual progression. The wisdom of the ‘one’ survived through the Greco-Roman empire by remaining occulted and kept alive by secret societies in various schools of philosophy like Pythagorean or platonic. Most of these included a psychedelic sacrament as part of the initiation. Jesus and other disciples would have been inducted into a mysticism similar to this. Instead of hiding it, they wrote letters to various groups of people explaining what they learned for example the letter to the Philippians/ Corinthians etc. 

It’s better to read and learn about occultism before dismissing it as something bad. As most spiritual texts are written in occulted form, it is incredibly ignorant to take them literally. In that sense, students of the occult know more about the basis of a religion than a devout religious person themselves. What lies under occulted knowledge is the study and understanding of the nature of reality and the  ‘one’. 

what I think is being discussed in these videos is people getting caught up in cults or belief systems.

anything can appear real and affect you if you believe it is real. Just for an example, there are a good few groups of people who go on about demonic entities hijacking ayahuasca ceremonies and yet if you go to tribes where this does not happen and you ask them, they tell you “we don’t believe in that” and it doesn’t happen. If you actually take the time to study and understand occulted wisdom, if your lucky enough to break through the metaphor and understand what is being said then you begin to understand just how powerful the mind is.

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ah thanks everyone x1000.  I have come to the conclusion:

the universe is infinitely more intelligent than me and probably has infinite teachings to provide (even if I am part of or the universe too or whatever)

It could be that the demon stuff does exist like y'all and the videos say and is part of the infinite intelligence of the universe.  People see demons maybe because they are unaware of their own evil nature and may even use the demon stuff for evil and then it may bite them in the butt.. but the universe does that as a mirror/karma/learning thing.  One may then switch over to worshipping bible Jesus as these people in the videos did because they associated bible Jesus with love and seeing that they wanted to create and embody more love and thus the demons no longer had any power.  But there can be shadow sides to this as well that they could potentially realize and so one may eventually drop the bible Jesus and move on to more things to be aware of, realize, notice; more shadows to work on; more things to learn/experience/consider.


On 11/8/2023 at 10:02 AM, _Archangel_ said:

Occult does't equal satanism. Occultism is a general term that indicates many traditions.
Occultism is like fire. You can use to bake a cake or you can burn your fingers. finding a teacher is preferable.
Some poeple use it for Evil, Yes. And then they usually burn their fingers

It sounds fascinating that that stuff (maybe) actually exists but also scary that it can cause evil or that one would want to use it for that.  People in the videos I watched mentioned that the demons would be able to go into their body or others would have access to their body when they gave permission (such as when they left their body for astral projection and a demon could go in) or that they could go spy on people with astral projection...

On 11/8/2023 at 11:44 AM, Salvijus said:

Thank you for protecting us from this dangerous world Ms PepperBlossom

(playful sarcasm) 

@Salvijus I guess the world is pretty dangerous with or without that stuff.  Your sarcasm was helpful because I was getting pulled in/super scared about this stuff and death/(bible hell)/how reality worked till my bf started to refuse my thinking and so your rejection helped me to reject this one way of thinking and to go away from that fear that the videos had.

I watched these near death experience videos of where people say they hell and I started to get scared about reality and if we all needed to be jesus lovers but then have to think that maybe those people were seeing that as a shadow side that they have their own evil that they need to stop doing. and it doesn't make sense to go to hell for infinity for something we didn't realize or hadn't had the opportunity to fully learn to grow out of doing with the finite lifespan as a human.

On 11/8/2023 at 1:09 PM, Adrian colby said:

I think we’re mixing up occult with cult.

occulted knowledge is what Jesus would have studied ( Jewish mysticism or Kabbalah and even speculation of philosophies from the east) . Regardless of whether such a person existed or not, the teachings and general message comes from ancient occulted wisdom. Just to be clear ‘occulted’ means hidden and a lot of prophets or sages of the time spoke in metaphorical language to hide it from the governing structures who attempted to stamp it out because it threatened the stability and validity of the hierarchies power over the people. 

it’s recognised that all power is Devine as all is one. Some misuse that power when they don’t have an understanding and fall into separation. They use it over others for their own gain but ultimately end up harming their own spiritual progression. The wisdom of the ‘one’ survived through the Greco-Roman empire by remaining occulted and kept alive by secret societies in various schools of philosophy like Pythagorean or platonic. Most of these included a psychedelic sacrament as part of the initiation. Jesus and other disciples would have been inducted into a mysticism similar to this. Instead of hiding it, they wrote letters to various groups of people explaining what they learned for example the letter to the Philippians/ Corinthians etc. 

It’s better to read and learn about occultism before dismissing it as something bad. As most spiritual texts are written in occulted form, it is incredibly ignorant to take them literally. In that sense, students of the occult know more about the basis of a religion than a devout religious person themselves. What lies under occulted knowledge is the study and understanding of the nature of reality and the  ‘one’. 

what I think is being discussed in these videos is people getting caught up in cults or belief systems.

anything can appear real and affect you if you believe it is real. Just for an example, there are a good few groups of people who go on about demonic entities hijacking ayahuasca ceremonies and yet if you go to tribes where this does not happen and you ask them, they tell you “we don’t believe in that” and it doesn’t happen. If you actually take the time to study and understand occulted wisdom, if your lucky enough to break through the metaphor and understand what is being said then you begin to understand just how powerful the mind is.

@Adrian colby I feel like there will maybe be infinitely "hidden" knowledge but yet some claim that at the god level all is known I just don't know how one gets there (unconscious, unseen, not experienced, etc.)

it is interesting that maybe all these different spirits/gods/energies/abilities are known by the occult more so than the religious and what else could possibly be known that I have no idea about (but maybe I don't even care to know or want to know because it seems the more I read about, the more I wish I didn't read).

I totally agree on that anything can affect me if I believe it is real and that the mind is super powerful.  As far as all the powers of the mind and knowing what those could be... or even caring...

I guess for me, I find learning new things fascinating but then yet these extra powers like telekinesis or magic or whatever.. I don't want to get involved with.


I guess one thing I found weird was that one video had where someone said as part of being a psychic, a demon/spirit would go in the psychic and tell them about the other person and then follow that person home and make those things happen and that sounds scary....

or it sounds scary that people could put a curse on me or astrally project and spy on me.. stuff like that.  If it is real.

but then people would say that they would rely on prayers and it would make the demons go away and I just don't understand how that works either but I guess if this is literally ALL IN THE MIND anything is possible.

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@Adrian colby I was thinking some more about this whole idea of finding metaphors and I feel like one could get infinitely creative in their interpretations.... in terms of this forum it could be like:

like the whole jesus casting out demons and healing the sick could have been jesus casting out delusions and showing deeper truths...?

jesus rising to the father being more like jesus experiencing oneness.

jesus being a born without a father being more like there is no father/god of the universe; its just always been

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On 11/8/2023 at 10:02 AM, _Archangel_ said:

Occult does't equal satanism. Occultism is a general term that indicates many traditions.
Occultism is like fire. You can use to bake a cake or you can burn your fingers. finding a teacher is preferable.
Some poeple use it for Evil, Yes. And then they usually burn their fingers

@_Archangel_ What has been your experience with it?  What kind of evil? And how do they burn themselves?

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@PepperBlossoms I have no direct experience with entities/demons, but i do know that Magic work their purpose if correctly executed.
So, given the big literature and testimonial about it, It doesn't seem strange to me that poeple could come in contact with intelligencies with no body.

How do they burn  themselves? 
Take human beings. we don't consider a fellow human an "entity", as much as we don't consider the sun a star, but that's what it is.
If you befriend the mafia for example, you might qiucky get money, sex, status, but the chanches of getting shot, arrested, betrayed rise up significantly.
If you befriend a drug dealer, you get the best drug, but you also increase the chanches of getting a stroke, and so on.

The same happens with non-material entities. An entity is a kind of energy/idea/information that incarnates and becomes "conscious" and invoking it will make you come in contact with that particular energy. But you must pay attention what energies you interact with.
If you evoke the God of War, you might become more combative a work, but your collegues might start looking at you bedly.

This can help you. This guy is does Cerimonial Magic, was on death row for nearly 20 years passed the time studying this stuff.


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12 hours ago, PepperBlossoms said:
On 10/11/2023 at 1:24 AM, PepperBlossoms said:

@Adrian colby I feel like there will maybe be infinitely "hidden" knowledge but yet some claim that at the god level all is known I just don't know how one gets there (unconscious, unseen, not experienced, etc.)


If you listen to a few near death experiences, a lot of them report being integrated into the light and know everything. Compressing that all into the mind of a human isn’t possible so if you have a NDE or psychedelic trip or massive shift in consciousness during a meditation or within a dream, you know it but can’t hold onto it when you come back into the perception of the body. You can retrieve that knowledge but you end up knowing everything but unable to explain it because you know it as a whole. To explain it means making distinctions, focusing on individual things and creating narratives or stories about them as attached descriptions. 
to get there is to remove your attention from physical perceptions or the 5 senses and shut out anything external including your perception of the body and remain focused and aware of your awareness. This isn’t accurate but for the sake of describing ‘something’ close your eyes, keep the body so still that it eventually disappears and all that is left is the awareness behind your eyes. Eventually the head and eyes and sense of self will also disappear and you will be left in a void that is aware. Turn awareness back in on observing itself. It is in essence nothing and the core of what you are. You may have to slowly question everything and deconstruct everything you have accumulated as knowledge till there is nothing left and then let g. This is where interesting things start to happen. As awareness starts to reconstruct the mind or consciousness, form appears and you can end up anywhere, experiencing anything your mind can come up with. 
take it slow as sudden and vast realisations can be shocking and throw your ego into existential crisis. It’s not pleasant. There will be plenty people around to guide you but they will only take you so far and then the rest is up to you. Depending on what it is you are interested to know you may want to consider not concentrating on accumulating knowledge about cults or religions etc and instead turn inward and find your answer in there. Once that is understood, going and exploring all the various different things that there are to experience outside can be enjoyable lessons and not scary. 

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On 9/11/2023 at 4:44 AM, Salvijus said:

Thank you for protecting us from this dangerous world Ms PepperBlossom

(playful sarcasm) 


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