
5-MeO-MALT Trip Reports

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I Am A Character Of God's Dream

Last week, I experimented for the first time with 5-MeO-DMT. 

Today I had my first trip on 5-MeO-MALT. I plugged the same amount I did last time for my first trip (12 mg according to my scale),
to test the substance and my reaction to it. It was the HCL version.

Overall, the experience was more gentle than my trip(s) on 5-MeO-DMT. I started feeling the effects 3 minutes after plugging and it took one to three more minutes for my consciousness to really expand. It lasted longer (1h30 + 30-60 minutes of after effects). And it was less hard on my body. I just had a weird tingling sensation in my upper teeth. It also came a bit in waves, but they were much softer than the ones I had in my trips with psilocybin.

I went into the trip with the intention of getting insights on how to reduce my suffering on top of exploring consciousness (both are very linked for me). I so directed my trip into that and I had a good mix of both. For the quantity I took, it was a good trip, but it felt like I was a few steps away from having a really profound experience. Though, it was still a breakthrough and my report won't make it justice as I'm writing it a few hours later.

Anyway, I became conscious that I was a character in a dream dreamed by God. So my personal self (from my body to mind), was part of a dream (a character within a dream), and the dream extended to all of this life (the planet, the universe, other humans, everything we know in this life/dimension) to create support and sense for this dreamed character to even exist (to be ''independent'' and have consciousness of it's own). All of this was new in the way I was becoming conscious of it. 

This awakening made me realize why it was so hard to change certain things about my personal self and why I couldn't, for example, become somebody else or experiment someone else's dream within this dream we are in. Because I am a figment of a dream, I have limitations. I am not the one deciding of everything, and so I can't easily change things on this plane, not even aspects of my own self.

I was awakening but I was still in another dream… I didn't become the second dreamer from this story. I still knew all of this was God and I had ego death, but the dose wasn't high enough to awaken from that ''higher'' dream too. It was still interesting because I had insights, a lot of clarity and I could investigate: ask myself personal questions and get form of answers (which I didn't go into in this report).

I had the desire to up the dose on the same day, but I didn't have enough time. So I left my room, had something to eat and walked my dogs. I hope to be able to do a higher dose in a few days.

One of the personal insights I got was that I needed to trip more. I was very hesitant to do it today as I hadn't been feeling well, but it actually was the thing I needed most.

Edited by Clarence

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Second Trip

I plugged 18 mg this time.

I became conscious again that I am God. This was another deep awakening, but I still don't know how to change myself or reduce my suffering.

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@Clarence great trip report! Love to hear also from 5 meo malt Trip reports because this substance is so gendle and in my opinion the number one psychedelic tool to explore consciousness / god

Is becoming God every time shocking to you? How was first time realizing that you were God? 


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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:





5 hours ago, OBEler said:

@Clarence great trip report! Love to hear also from 5 meo malt Trip reports because this substance is so gendle and in my opinion the number one psychedelic tool to explore consciousness / god

Is becoming God every time shocking to you? How was first time realizing that you were God? 

No, it is not shocking for me. What is shocking for me is having a body. I've never felt human. Now I understand why I've never felt human… I've never been human. So it is a relief. Every God-Realization is a relief. 

Well, the first time was also… a relief. I could finally talk and think from direct experience. I had the intuition that Leo was correct, but that wasn't enough for me as an intuition was still a form of belief. So I felt a bit guilty about being confident about him being right prior to having the experience for myself. Plus, I just wanted to know what it was like. So having the experience for the first time was amazing.

I still need to have many more trips and to explore at higher doses, but I'm not scared. That's the only thing I'm excited for. It's less painful to be God than to be me…

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@Clarence You really have the best mindset on this forum for tripping. I hope you will have a lot more deep trips so that Leo is not alone in his deep realizations :) 

For me I feel fully human, I am absorbed in this dream so I have a lot more work to do to unravel this but I will get there one day. 





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On 3.11.2023 at 9:09 PM, Clarence said:

I just had a weird tingling sensation in my upper teeth.

Just reading this I feel psychedelic xD

I get these psychedelic feelings in my body when I am very happy, ecstatic, like in the heat of a dance. Never made the connection that on a scientific, material level it is probably because of serotonin or something, the same mechanism firing up.

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@OBEler That's really sweet, thank you. I will at least do my best to do the work and have these 300 breakthroughs B|

Yes, you will get there. You seem smart. I think that when you'll feel ready, you'll make it happen. In the meantime, keep (or start) asking yourself why being human is so weird. It really is weird when you deeply think about it ;)


@Girzo Haha I get the vibe. It feels like an excess of energy or consciousness for the body. But I don't know how exactly it happens at a materialistic level either. However, I was not in an ecstatic dance, rather I was all curled up in my bed under the blankets, too conscious to even do anything else (:

Edited by Clarence

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Great report, I appreciate the detail that you have provided

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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