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How do we get these warmongering politicians/leaders away from decision making?

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War in Russia/Ukraine/Israel/Palestine/Syria/Lebanon etc etc

powers like US, Iran, France, Turkey, China, India etc etc

weapons lobbies happy

civilians dying 

and some point it’s enough bro

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@PurpleTree The populations are warmongering and ignorant too. The populations are responsible for tolerating the absurd levels of legalized bribery that go on in countries like the US.

Americans were watching Hollywood movies and gossiping about the latest celebrity while their government destroyed entire nations, funded dictators and death squads and now provides the bombs used to genocide Gaza out of existence.



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10 minutes ago, Tobia said:

@PurpleTree The populations are warmongering and ignorant too. The populations are responsible for tolerating the absurd levels of legalized bribery that go on in countries like the US.

Americans were watching Hollywood movies and gossiping about the latest celebrity while their government destroyed entire nations, funded dictators and death squads and now provides the bombs used to genocide Gaza out of existence.



So how do we get out of this vicious cycle?

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We had war now for like 6 thousand years or something

before thr was the ice age and before that we genocided the neanderthals (although i do have some neandertal dna)

but killing/war is boring now let’s do something else

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17 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

So how do we get out of this vicious cycle?

Education, consciousness, and respect for the "other".  The norwegian or finnish populations are less likely to support violence abroad because their level of education and collective consciousness is much higher than in the US.  

Violence abroad and violence at home go hand in hand. A militarized, armed and violent society at home will then cheer on all the foreign military adventures abroad

Especially when war is somewhere far away and all you see is some sanitized propaganda on CNN, it's easy to support it or ignore it.

But education happens slowly and takes decades to change a society. it may happen faster if war starts to come closer to home and suddenly fear may accelerate it.

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