
Is it possible to miss out on life?

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10 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

So essentially, it is just about not caring. If you think you are missing out on life, you are and if you do not, you are not.

I think so, but it is essentially impossible to not care. You have basic needs and there are things you want for yourself.

The feeling of missing out is a relatively complex emotion. I don't think any other animals experience it because they don't weave stories about themselves.

Edited by Basman

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7 hours ago, Basman said:

I think so, but it is essentially impossible to not care. You have basic needs and there are things you want for yourself.

It is possible to not care, but your beliefs have to be very strong. For that, you have to experience and understand life even stronger. Many people don't care about anything in life during their teens due to their weak beliefs ( like living doesn't matter, working hard is futile, we can enjoy life only now, misunderstanding living in the present) , but start caring about life more later due to their beliefs getting shattered with further experiences. This also leads to feeling of missing out in life.

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8 hours ago, Basman said:

I think so, but it is essentially impossible to not care. You have basic needs and there are things you want for yourself.

The feeling of missing out is a relatively complex emotion. I don't think any other animals experience it because they don't weave stories about themselves.

That definitely true that animals with primitive emotions doesn't experience this at all.

The notion of missing out is a pretty loaded one with lots of linguistic baggage behind it. 

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Think about this if you want to complicate this a little more.

Is it possible that you missed out on life, which thinking that you lived life to the fullest?

What if you think if you missed out on life, while in reality you did not miss out.

The whole concept of missing out is a bunch of bullshit. I say you lived a pretty good life if you did not go out of your way to create bullshit for yourself. Life is a journey of exploration. You only learn more and more.

Missing out is a negative or scarcity-based concept overall. Even if you wasted your whole life, it is probably not worth it to think that you have missed out on life. 

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1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

The whole concept of missing out is a bunch of bullshit.

It is. Mostly, we want what our peers have. But the nuance is that this realisation shouldn't be used as an excuse not to take action. In a sense you want to be as genuine with yourself as possible. The ideal is to be actualised enough to be able to take action without friction whenever the need arises. That includes taking action on your desires and dreams.

57% paranoid

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7 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Think about this if you want to complicate this a little more.

Is it possible that you missed out on life, which thinking that you lived life to the fullest?

What if you think if you missed out on life, while in reality you did not miss out.

The whole concept of missing out is a bunch of bullshit. I say you lived a pretty good life if you did not go out of your way to create bullshit for yourself. Life is a journey of exploration. You only learn more and more.

Missing out is a negative or scarcity-based concept overall. Even if you wasted your whole life, it is probably not worth it to think that you have missed out on life. 

most people think they are living to the fullest, only on their death bed do they see the utter waste of an incarnation

forget about missing out ... you have to define what is worth achieving from life

why are you here, what's your life purpose, the thing that no man no circumstance no issue will stand in your way to prevent it

define that and then we talk

Edited by gettoefl

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Three points:

1) Every painful life experience is an opportunity to grow significantly. For example, a nasty breakup with a significant other. You can look at it from a victim mentality, as well as having a myriad of “what ifs” for what could’ve been done to prevent that breakup. On the other hand, you can introspect on what went wrong, zooming out and identifying patterns on how all your relationships have crumbled (not just focusing on the recent one), and work on addressing the core issues you’ve identified so that you can have healthier relationships moving forward.

2) You miss out on life by avoiding growing yourself and staying stuck in an unhealthy cycle.

3) STOP comparing your growth process to others’ standards. Your path is unique; trying to be like someone else is an endless tail chase. Consider how someone can be single and have healthy relationships, whereas another can be married and have corrupted relationships. 


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I think God which is absolute infinity cannot possibly miss out on life. That's is why God creates finite being so that God can feel what it is like to miss out.

So you can definitely miss out on life, especially through no fault of your own. That's just life. And that is by design.

God wants to distract itself from the humongous infinity that is itself. 

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