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Ana Kasparian comes out against Gavin Newsom

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Interesting, there's obviously divide within a political wing not just between wings. 

My opinion (which admittedly isn't worth much) is that Ana Kasparian is doing a disservice to her party. Why go on a right wing podcast and bad mouth your party? Of course she will find a sympathetic ear to her views but will only cement in the minds of the right wing that there is problems on the left. Also who ever said Newsom is perfect and that governing is easy? Yet Ana seems to be demanding Newsom do better and reach Queen Ana Kasparians standards of governing. 

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Newsome is presidential material. If he doesn't become president I will be shocked.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Newsome is presidential material. If he doesn't become president I will be shocked.

I believe that at this point either Newsom or Josh Shapiro or Gretchen Whitmer or Andy Beshear or Wes Moore will become president within the next decade, unless someone else we haven't heard of before comes from out of nowhere and really tops them all as a candidate. 

Then again, it's not 100% clear or certain that Newsom or any of the abovementioned potential presidential candidates will end up doing well in the democratic primaries for president until they have been tested under the white heat of a presidential campaign. A lot of people thought that Kamala Harris or Corey Booker would be strong top tier presidential candidates in the 2020 democratic primaries but surprisingly did not do well at all.

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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Newsome is presidential material. If he doesn't become president I will be shocked.

He’s very unpopular outside of California

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