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My Experience With Hypnosis.

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Specifically clinical hypnosis I am talking about. I have done hypnosis about 10 times, learning from a psychologist who has been trained with the skills to put someone into a state of hypnosis. The first time I did it, it was the most relaxed I had ever felt in my entire life. A weird thing though happened when he clicked his fingers and I opened my eyes at the end of the session, it was like I was disassociated from the external world and deeply inside myself, and as soon as I opened my eyes the whole word flooded back in. The first time it took about 20 mins to enter a genuinely deep state of hypnosis, now it only takes about 5 minutes. I have found it very beneficial for becoming a calmer person overall, and changing your beliefs around yourself, so it could definitely be used for self esteem. If you're interested there are some recordings on youtube that are really great. Have fun relaxing!

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@Evilwave Heddy yeh it does have some similarities to meditation. They are both relaxing to do however I find hypnosis more relaxing. The main difference between the two I would say is that with hypnosis you lose a lot of your awareness with regards to what is happening outside of yourself, and the state is kind of like a sleeping state, whereas with meditation, at least mindfulness, you become more awake, alert and aware of everything, Ive never felt disassociated as a result of meditation, if anything I feel more connected to my surroundings.

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