
The Levels and AQAL explained by hoe_math

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I'm straight stage Beige / Purple. And to think I was being proud of feeling others. Stage 2 huh, what a joke, and just how much pain and focus I invested to even get there in the first place right...

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On 03/11/2023 at 7:56 PM, UnbornTao said:

As long as it's taken as a tool, it's okay. Although it isn't about consciousness.

Totally agree! This guy has no idea of consciousness. 

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it’s really funny how people try to “explain” consciousness when they never experienced. 
it’s like when I have done my first maturity assessment by Susanne Cook-Greuter. I answered the questions and they put me on a low level because “my answers was very short”. Then (one year later) I have done it once more but I didn’t change my answers. I just add a clear explanation behind every answer so they understand what I meant. They gave me one-two levels more and said: “they could give me higher level if my answers was short.”
That’s ridiculous. 

On top before the second consulting with Susanne she recommended me to read the book: “Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism”

with all my respect the her work, I have discovered how the model can be very ineffective at higher levels. 
How they supposed to assess levels where they have never achieved on their own?
it’s like to take a high school student and ask him to assess your doctorate work.

Probably, she was influenced there by Ken Wilber because in my 2 h meetings with her it was clear to me what’s going on. 
Anyway, in my opinion, for the level at which the society is now… her model and assessment map are brilliant. 💚

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I just found this content creator tonight and was looking for his chart and this forum popped up in google search, lol.   By his definition I have an intellect at level 8 with an emotional/limbic response as low as level 1. Having the intellectual understanding of how I (and everyone else) respond to stimuli but having the cravings, impulses, or emotions control you and take you down a selfish, hedonistic route is obvious something that is harder to master for some rather than others. I know what I need to do, it's a matter of doing it and breaking the addictions.

We are all genetic computer software shaped by DNA and culture. I would argue there's not much free will, even among people who have access to this content... they are still being "programmed" by a particular philosophy... who's to say that philosophy is "right" ... one's feelings?  The release of oxytocin from a bonding reaction or using shrooms? Logic would dictate radical true love rules all, but in a matrix like this universe with these natural laws including evolution and natural selection, our species would eventually go extinct with such a philosophy. Ultimately it takes all types to drive a specie's evolution especially homo sapiens. Natural selection is savage and doesn't care about a specie's overall morality, if it's successful and passes on it's DNA to subsequent generations.

His more recent videos go into why "doing whatever you want without anyone judging you" can lead to cultural collapse. Spoiler alert he references a lot of stuff regarding terms that aren't necessarily very popular among people here. I myself have gotten warned on this forum for posting about this stuff. Free speech is not free. ;)  I mean, given his youtube username is "hoe_math"  it shouldn't be that surprising his content would have some of this.  Honestly, it looks like he's using spiral dynamics to promote "that" type of material, if you get my drift... .that matrix reference we can't talk about.

Still, his first video posted by the op was quite informative. Will strive to continue growing my aspie brain. Just another tool in the toolbox to try and understand this constructed reality, the known universe, this dimension, whatever it is, whoever created it, along with why we are here, probably just a video game for some energetic intelligence. Who knows. o.O


Edited by sholomar

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One of the Goals seems to become Multiperspectival. And at same time knowing that not all perspectives are equally of the same Value, since they come from different levels. Allowed to existit but not necessarialy the Highest 

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7 hours ago, sholomar said:



Not sure why but this video just triggers me. Actually a lot of his content does. 

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@Butters orange shadow possibly? The women are stuck at hypergamy orange dating strategies, basically the things that give birth to the incel lol

Edited by integral

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Now he has a Self-Actualization AI assistance O.o What do you say guys, should I try it?


AI Self-Help.png

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if i am at stage yellow , does that mean i am in the top 1% of intellectuals

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hoe-math , the 2024 channel you didnt know you needed, but you really did

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On 10/8/2024 at 9:18 AM, Ramanujan said:

if i am at stage yellow , does that mean i am in the top 1% of intellectuals

not intellect brother, its awareness/perspective


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On 11/22/2023 at 0:25 AM, Justdoit247 said:

Totally agree! This guy has no idea of consciousness. 

Can you explain this?  Curious of the difference of interpretations

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On 11/6/2023 at 0:38 PM, Girzo said:

I didn't like the video, some explanations are off. The guy just focuses on levels of thinking, misunderstands green. If I were to make such a video, I would focus on values, that is Spiral Dynamics, and not the Loevinger's model.

You know Ken Wilber's 4 Quadrants right?? Loevinger is Quadrant 1 , SD is Quadrant 4 -
so Spiral Dynamics represents more values of culture/social system/groups

Summary of the Difference in Focus:

Spiral Dynamics (SD):

Focus: Outer-Collective (Lower Right Quadrant)

Concerned With: Collective value systems, societal structures, cultural evolution, and group dynamics.

Usage: Understand large-scale shifts in society and how people at different levels interact with the systems around them.

Loevinger’s Ego Development Theory:

Focus: Interior-Singular (Upper Left Quadrant)

Concerned With: The subjective inner experience, ego development, and personal self-concept over time.

Usage: Explore individual psychological complexity and personal growth, often used to understand how a person’s way of relating to themselves and others evolves.

Edited by KoryKat

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52 minutes ago, lostingenosmaze said:

I just need to know why his name's hoe_math and how is he a hoe at math before I can anything of his stuff seriously 🙅‍♂️

Because he is a bit of a misogynist.  

God and I worked things out

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