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Big UFO Story Details - Peru Alien Attacks

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Not sure if this has been discussed yet on the forum as the search function isn't working for me. 

But if you're not familiar there have been ongoing alien sightings and supposed attacks and abduction attempts in the Peruvian jungle. There are numerous interviews of locals online, many giving very convincing accounts. 

They report seeing alien beings hovering around, flying down into the jungle using what seems to be non-human tech. They're resistant to bullets and can have reportedly stunned and knocked people unconscious with some sort of laser or light weapon. This is a brief summary of the reports, feel free to google around. 

I'm not saying I'm totally convinced about the sightings, but based on the reports from locals, there is simply no rational explanation. Very strange, at the least.

Anyway, two Americans, one of which is fairly well known within the UFO community I believe, travelled to the location of the sightings with the intention of doing much more thorough investigations, interviews and hopefully seeing the beings themselves. They have just finished their expedition and we're currently waiting for their findings in the coming days and weeks.


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Here's the update video! Very interesting story whatever you think happened. Recommend watching.


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