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Israel's Plan for Mass Displacement

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29 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

@Merkabah Star but you don't get it. Hamas are bad guys so it's okay. 


It’s hard to be neutral in energy when so many thousands of children are killed and maimed. 

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13 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

@Something Funny

What you don't understand is that Hamas doesn't care about Palestinians and that they are using them as human shields. They literally murdered Palestinians who listened to Israel request to evacuate to save their lives. Yet, you blame Israel only.

But that's ok, keep protecting Hamas, keep justifying it. You and people who think like you are the real enemies of Palestinians, you just don't understand it because you are so obsessed with hating Israel. 

I am sorry, but you must be either retarded or 100% disingenius and manipulative to suggest I am justifying or protecting hamas in any way.

If I criticize israels war crimes that means I think that it's okay for Hamas to commit war crimes or that I support them, right?

You are so binary, it's ridiculous. 

8 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

believe that most of their reports are false. They play with western's emotions, create a narrative in which Israel look like the evil and themselves as saints, freedom fighters (lol). Good manipulation, and it's really working to make people to forget the ISIS crimes they made in Israel. I don't fall to their trap. Sorry.

Nice cope. Most of those death tolls are confirmed by the UN and Israel themselves. Nobody, EVEN ISRAEL, is disputing them that much.

Israel has openly admitted to theur last attack and killing almost 100 civilians, they have no issues with it.

Besides, that's not the point of the question. The question is, where do you draw a line for yourself? But you are not going to answer, are you?

It's crazy how you can't even hold an argument with a bit of integrity.

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7 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

I believe that most of their reports are false. They play with western's emotions, create a narrative in which Israel look like the evil and themselves as saints, freedom fighters (lol). Good manipulation, and it's really working to make people to forget the ISIS crimes they made in Israel. I don't fall to their trap. Sorry.

Hamas and the massacre was vile. It’s already at the same level of vile with the bombings from Israel. Look at the photos, the density of people in such a small space with so many bombs, I’m surprised the death numbers aren’t higher. There is no where for civilians to run. It’s a genocide. 

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4 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

Hamas and the massacre was vile. It’s already at the same level of vile with the bombings from Israel. Look at the photos, the density of people in such a small space with so many bombs, I’m surprised the death numbers aren’t higher. There is no where for civilians to run. It’s a genocide. 

Please be careful with acknowledging that both sides are guilty. She might not be able to compute that.

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38 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

I am sorry, but you must be either retarded or 100% disingenius and manipulative to suggest I am justifying or protecting hamas in any way.

If I criticize israels war crimes that means I think that it's okay for Hamas to commit war crimes or that I support them, right?

You are so binary, it's ridiculous. 

But this is what you do. You have already justified Hamas in your posts by saying that everyone would act like them and you tried to make me to say that I will also act like them, lol. Perhaps you, not me. No matter what, I never beheade babies, cut body parts, rape people and burn them alive, no matter what my condition is.

And it's not like you are not binary, look at your arguments and see how binary you are before pointing your fingers on me. 

38 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

Besides, that's not the point of the question. The question is, where do you draw a line for yourself? But you are not going to answer, are you?

It's crazy how you can't even hold an argument with a bit of integrity.

Where I draw the line? From my perspective no one should be ever killed, my view is very naive and idealistic.

But the reality of war is ugly, it's a war of survival between two cultures. To say to you that I'm happy that Innocent civilians, no matter what side are killed? Of course not.

But ask yourself for a second, why do you so care about these particular people who are being killed at this particular time? 

After all, there are many refugees in the world, among them children who are killed in horrible ways and yet you don't talk about them at all, you don't even bother to mention them because they are not Palestinians fighting against Israel. 

Do you care about Palestinian people in particular? That's ok, admit that and say that you care about them in particular while any other child or innocent civilian in the world can fuck off, instead of puting yourself in this highly moralistic chair of a social justice warrior who "only cares about innocents".


Edited by Lila9


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29 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

Please be careful with acknowledging that both sides are guilty. She might not be able to compute that.

By your perspective I'm retarded and MAGA and you are so enlightened and good, so why to bother arguing with me at all? Don't you have better things to do rather than debating with people you consider stupid?




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9 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

But this is what you do. You have already justified Hamas in your posts by saying that everyone would act like them and you tried to make me to say that I will also act like them, lol. Perhaps you, not me. No matter what, I never beheade babies, cut body parts, rape people and burn them alive, no matter what my condition is.


Show me a post where I am justifying Hamas.

10 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Where I draw the line? From my perspective no one should be ever killed, my view is very naive and idealistic.

But the reality of war is ugly, it's a war of survival between two cultures. To say to you that I'm happy that Innocent civilians, no matter what side are killed? Of course not.

That was not the question.

My question is: is there anything Israel can do (kill a 100000 civilians, commit xyz warcrimes, starve people to death) to make you say "okay, that's to far, I can't justify that"?

13 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

But ask yourself for a second, why do you so care about these particular people who are being killed at this particular time? 

After all, there are many refugees in the world, among them children who are killed in horrible ways and yet you don't talk about them at all, you don't even bother to mention them because they are not Palestinians fighting against Israel. 

Do you care about Palestinian people in particular? That's ok, admit that and say that you care about them in particular while any other child or innocent civilian in the world can fuck off, instead of puting yourself in this highly moralistic chair of a social justice warrior who "only cares about innocents".

Because this is a thread about Israel / Palestine conflict? 

Start a thread about something else and I will share my opinion on that as well.

11 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

By your perspective I'm retarded and MAGA and you are so enlightened and good, so why to bother arguing with me at all?

Because it triggers me a lot. You using those dirty manipulation tactics, like your question above triggers me a lot. It's like getting stabbed in the gut by a friend.

12 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Don't you have better things to do rather than debating with people you consider stupid?

Apparently not.

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4 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

Show me a post where I am justifying Hamas.

Please, I'm not going to look into your posts now. It seems that you forgot some things. Didn't you blame Israel for the massacre committed by Hamas? Because of the Palestinians conditions or something?


10 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

That was not the question.

My question is: is there anything Israel can do (kill a 100000 civilians, commit xyz warcrimes, starve people to death) to make you say "okay, that's to far, I can't justify that"?

I don't even justify it now, I don't justify it when 1 innocent civilian killed, there is no justification for that.

But I am aware that Hamas doesn't make it easier for Israel and deliberately uses Palestinians to make Israel look less moral than it actually is. My criticism is about people who are so blinded with hatred towards Israel that they don't put Hamas accantubale to their crimes against Palestinians and even protect them and natively see them as innocent fighters.

And my criticism is also for the Arab countries who do nothing for Palestinians but complain about their conditions.


19 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

Because this is a thread about Israel / Palestine conflict? 

Start a thread about something else and I will share my opinion on that as well.

So what? You are here for a while on this forum, I've never seen you commenting about non Palestinian refugees and innocent civilians being killed, which always happens. These issues didn't bother you.

What if there was another Arabic country instead of Israel which is in conflict with Palestine, would you have cared?

21 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

Because it triggers me a lot. You using those dirty manipulation tactics, like your question above triggers me a lot. It's like getting stabbed in the gut by a friend.

You don't know how to differentiate between people and their opinions. You think that if I don't agree with you this is a personal attack on you. This is why you are so triggered. 

Maybe this is the opportunity to realize that people have the soverty to think differently than you?

Without personally attacking them and calling them in names? 

Because... well.... we are grown humans and not 5 years old children?


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1 minute ago, Lila9 said:

Please, I'm not going to look into your posts now. It seems that you forgot some things. Didn't you blame Israel for the massacre committed by Hamas? Because of the Palestinians conditions or something?


Okay, you are right, I am done. I can argue with stupid people, but there is no point in arguing with someone who has no integrity.

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On 10/31/2023 at 10:10 AM, Razard86 said:

The real question is....what is a Jew?

People have to realize it's a muddy line - but Israel goes off a good metric "would Nazis have killed you for associating you as a jew?"

It's kind of pointless to argue ancestry of a 5,700 year old tribe (genetic drift much?) but if you adopt the culture, convert then you are technically a jew. You are also technically a jew if one of your grandparents were genetically Ashkenazi/Saphardic (or Ethiopian) even if your athiest/different religion.

I wish people who knew jack shit on the subject would stop flying off at the mouth about it, but that's pretty hard to avoid on any topic on the internet.

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On 10/31/2023 at 3:07 PM, Leo Gura said:

That's not why people hate Jews.

Where does antisemitism comes from according to you ?

Edited by Loveeee

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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