
bad trip mushroom

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Go lay down in bed and sleep it off. It will pass soon. Try not to resist it too much.

It lasts about 3hrs.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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As said above, go sit and rest somewhere comfortable.

Sometimes entering a different room in the house can make you feel more settled as well.

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Breathe in through your nose out through your mouth slowly with your eyes closed 

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(French canadian *bad english*)

Thank you very much guys ! I am back to normal now. I took 2g of magic mushroom (blue meanie). I really thought that I was losing my mind. That was so terrifying. It felt like a mini psychosis I would say. Normally, I like to do hatha yoga when I do psychedelics and everything is fine when I do that but that trip was working in a sinister way from the beginning. I don't know if I can call that a lost of sense of self but I had no reference point to comeback to in normal reality, I felt completly lost all alone in that trip and man it can be so terrifying.. I was not prepared for that! The trip went so bad that I experienced hyperventilation at times and needed to comeback in my yoga mat and try to concentrate on my breathing  ! We take our experience of life for granted until you have a bad trip ! 

I am thankfull to be alive and to be able to function as a normal human being. Please take care all of us and make this world a better place !

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I love shrooms personally.    Hard work at times, can also be illuminating/earthy/mystical.   They can be wild eh.   LSD, I have some..LOl.   Next week... I keep saying.... Canada eh. 

I am thankful I live in Canada, a nice place.  Not everyone's trip, not for everyone.  I feel for them.

Edited by Sir Oberon

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I'll be next...I did too much LSD, how long does this last????  Help me... please!   Leo, tell me it will be over soon...

I will be doing 100 milligrams, If I cut the blotter just soooo, just because I know, that's all I need right now.  Big hit later?  Who knows, I don't know what's in this.  With shrooms, I know. 


Edited by Sir Oberon

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Hey everyone, if you are in trouble during a trip you should go to 

They have people volunteering during a bad trip and you can acccess their trip sit discord channel via zheir homepage as a guest and they help you out. I've been there several times over the last 5 years and I find it quite helpful. They help you to keep it positive and it helps you to stay grounded only by knowing that there is this option and one is not completely qlone in case.

@Leo Gura have you ever heard of it? Is it ok that I promote this channel? 


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3 hours ago, Starlight321 said:

Hey everyone, if you are in trouble during a trip you should go to 

They have people volunteering during a bad trip and you can acccess their trip sit discord channel via zheir homepage as a guest and they help you out. I've been there several times over the last 5 years and I find it quite helpful. They help you to keep it positive and it helps you to stay grounded only by knowing that there is this option and one is not completely qlone in case.

@Leo Gura have you ever heard of it? Is it ok that I promote this channel? 


^^^Only an option if you are still in the human reality. Your trip could take you to the void and this won't be an option.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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22 hours ago, actuallyenlightened said:

This is why I quit mushrooms and do LSD instead. They really shouldn't be legalizing shrooms first lol

The problem with mushrooms is when they are going well they are amazing. But if they aren't it' can be an absolutely terrifying experience. I know this can be said about many drugs, but for some reason there is no way to predict how mushrooms will go. A lot of other substances I feel more comfortable bc I feel more in control. With mushrooms you can go from being this super grounded stabilized person to questioning everything you thought you knew very quickly 

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2 hours ago, kamwalker said:

The problem with mushrooms is when they are going well they are amazing. But if they aren't it' can be an absolutely terrifying experience. I know this can be said about many drugs, but for some reason there is no way to predict how mushrooms will go. A lot of other substances I feel more comfortable bc I feel more in control. With mushrooms you can go from being this super grounded stabilized person to questioning everything you thought you knew very quickly 

Mushrooms can have a hard come-on, depending on your state of mind/heart.   I find they come alive for me when I get grounded with good music or being in nature.  Never have bad trips anymore, intense, for sure.  Once you have been on the rollercoaster several times it's just not all that scary and becomes interesting all the more.  Then you can explore the landscape, it's truly magical. hence magic mushrooms I figure.  It will work with you, It has spirit, always amazes me with the healing I get from it. 2-3 grams is my limit, any more and it gets too heavy, any less and I wind up wishing I did more.

I did LSD in my youth, I am talking 40 years ago, my first Psyco Trip was with LSD.  Never fazed me, never had a bad trip on LSD.  Always wanted more, got out of it all for 20 years.  made a come back 10 years ago with Ayahuasca, Syrian rue, and Mimosa, an amazing experience that is. Did it a lot.   Now I got some LSD online, whats the world coming too?   LOL, going to do it, soon.   

I only trip maybe 3/4 times a year now, it's sacred to me, my mind/soul, I try to keep it that way.   Remember set and setting.  It matters... but then again I just winged it some days, and it was some of the best moments I ever had...

Anyway, if you're having a bad trip, say, I'm having a bad trip. Don't try to run from it, accept it head-on.  It will pass, and probably get amazing real soon, your mind won't be fried, it's a common will be OK!   However, it's not for everyone, If you have deep trauma/stress it can make it worse.  It magnifies whatever is on your mind.  Be warned. Some people never do this shit ever again.






Edited by Sir Oberon

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Oh ya, did peyote a few times, that was interesting, not as visual for me, but very spiritual.  and it lasted 12 hours like LSD that way, a strong body load for sure, but unique, LSD not so much but very colorful!  Sounds become light/light sounds, and things breathe. Like shrooms but smoother?  Need to try it again...    It's interesting how all these subgroups have their own melee, LOl.  And don't get me started on salvia, now that is strange. The total amnesia, it's like my world never was, and is gone?   And then I come back and laugh my head off.   It's just so bizarre, and I get it, it trips up the part of the brain that creates memories/self-realization or some darn thing.. 

What a life, I am blessed to have seen this side of it all.  Death will be a trip too, the greatest, in many ways I am prepared. If I see Jesus I hope he will understand, there was a warning in the bible about not dabbling in the occult.  Jesus went out to the desert, fasted for 40 days and nights, and fought with the devil, he should understand.

Edited by Sir Oberon

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My main desire in this life is to realize my full union with God.  Psychedelics take me there, it's this that propels me on my journeys.  Anything else I may do is just another experience along the way, to that which is beyond all human understanding.   God within, without, all things truly are one.  

It comes to a point where anything else I do seems like a waste of time... I want to know God. experienced within me. I however am not God, God is beyond all created things, being the source of all created things. This I am.



Edited by Sir Oberon

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Take it as a lesson: 

I had psychosis on my last bad trip. The only thing I could do was let go. Ended up being good. 

Letting go is the only way. The more you resist, it gets worse. 

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@actuallyenlightened Dude, LSD lasts 10hrs and the main angle of attack that we have for legalization right now is to first make it legal in therapy settings. Very hard to fit 10-12hrs trip into a therapist's work day.

As long as you don't take too much, there's nothing about mushrooms that you can't handle.

Edited by Rigel

Sailing on the ceiling 


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On 11/3/2023 at 10:15 AM, Pudgey said:

Take it as a lesson: 

I had psychosis on my last bad trip. The only thing I could do was let go. Ended up being good. 

Letting go is the only way. The more you resist, it gets worse. 

Accepting yourself, too. Being vulnerable and having the courage to face aspects of yourself that you’ve been avoiding or suppressing is key to healing. Do so with the intention of understanding yourself, as well as an openness to experience whatever arises.

What you perceive as wrong can be recontextualized when you see yourself clearly. Same goes with what you see as right. This is tricky, as it’s easy to assume that reality has to be one way or another in a rigid manner. 


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