
1 full year watching LEO'S videos (what I learnt)

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I started watching Leos videos one year ago (around 50 videos this year)

Started with the videos listed in the: ‘Start here’ page. So basically with foundational videos. (Didn't watch all, around half, and also other videos not in that page)

I already had a few years, maybe a decade in personal development, so I could label myself intermediate when I started.


And when I say watching videos, I mean seriously.

For every video, I took notes, wrote word for word the highlights of the video (around 2-4 pages each), also writing the stuff that came to my mind in relation to that topic, how it related to my life, and actions steps.

So, 1 hour video, could take me 2-3 hours to complete.

And place then in a proper folder, separated by topics.

Sometimes I binged, watching a few of them straight without taking action, which is ok.

But then recognize it and got to it.


Some things that I implemented this year:

-Building a better infrasctructure

-Reading some of the best books on his booklist (Reading habit of 30 mins+/day; not everyday though)

-Reducing porn almost to zero (usage and cravings)

-Reducing social media (usage and cravings)

-Reducing screen time to less than 30 mins/day

-Re taking meditation habit

-Going to a meditation centre 1-2/week.

-Spending some Saturday with no tech, no socializing, just alone in the forest. Meditating, contemplating, introspecting…

-Cleaning diet, with fasting and trying keto successfully.

-Trying psychedelics for the first time.

-Trying a few classes of yoga for first time (and understand basics of real yoga).

-Reducing the things I do. Just focus on: Working on business, learning/reading, meditation, spending more time in solitude (nature, walks...), quality time with girlfriend and some few friends, and gym.

-Quitting most of hard addictions (coffee still there, still some sugar and social media cravings)

-Being aware of soft addictions (judging, moralizing, arguing). This ones are tough, but at least Im aware of those now.

-Writing a draft for a book in just 1 month (+40000 words for now)

-Redefining life purpose (Creating a Lifebook: with vision boards, 3 main life goals, 10 virtues (Ben Franklin style...), Seasons goals...


Some things were easy, like cleaning up diet, since I almost always was in shape and eating decent.

Others were completely new habits.


And in general, I got higher perspective in life, not that ‘practical’, but maybe more important:


-Understanding how everything is a distraction from being, from looking inward, even relationships, marriage, career, business, success, family…

(This one is tough, since balance is key here)

Those things are important in life, the Big Rocks if you may; but being, looking inward is VITAL.

-Differentiating what enlightenment is and is not. (Not Tolle’s, hatha yoga, dogma spirituality, more in the autolysis, self-inquiry, deep solitude, neti neti stuff)

-Changing my approach to learning. Learning = Behavior change

-Im shifting towards a Mastery, Craftsman mindset life. (still hard to scape from the shortcuts distractions)

-Understanding the value of solitude for real insight, original though.

And how being constantly around people and culture (info input), is as toxic as it can be without noticing, like the frog doesn’t notice how the water is boiling.

-Seem obvious that we don't have free will. That we are machines moving around to get our pleasures/dopamine hits, and get our survival needs met. That all our thoughts, emotional patterns, habits, values, are programmed in our minds by culture, society, family, country, regional area etc..

-Having a ‘feeling’ of no self through neti neti. Probably some intellectualization, but I got something there. I understood for the first time the ‘no-self’ thing. I can't locate myself in space. Damn.

Am I nothing? So, there is no-one? My girlfriend is nothing?


-Everything is an hallucination, not just the color red is hallucinated by my brain.

The brain is also is part of the hallucination, the same as red. There is no observer, and no observed. Damn. After hundreds of times hearing it I got it, at least on an intellectual level.

Consciousness is not generated in the brain, the brain is inside Consciousness!

‘So.. Who/what is hallucinating the brain?’

-Understanding spiral dynamics, specially stage yellow, as I can see something to shoot for.

This was DEEP. My values shifted, I had to change things in life purpose, values, principles, virtues... people that I admired.
I was heavy orange, with lacks in healthy blue and understood the value of green, yellow and blue; and where I was lacking.

Im also (a bit) less judgmental since I get that people are in whatever stage they are, and thats ok. Their background was different than mine. Every color is important, and necessary in its healthy way. The Earth as a system depends on the healthy side of every stage. Not everyone has to be like me.

-I understood the shortcomings of science (being myself a stage orange rationalist).

I even have some hate for scientist and atheists now haha

-I open myself to the idea of God, coming from a soft religious background, and then being hardcore atheist since adolescence. 

-Im not religious, but now I don't hate religion. I don't love religion. I understand religion (even Islam, that was tough for me), and the role it played in society, and for individuals.

-I understand now the shortcomings of capitalism and libertarianism. I liked the liberitiarian POV for a long time, since I started my business, but now I see the flaws.

-I see the flaws of stage orange, and understand green people/ideals (Still don like some green stuff, the same I don’t like some blue and orange stuff). 

But now I can see how orange generates a lot of problems and more healthy green (and yellow) is needed. 



Still had some big ego backlashes in this year, with a couple months hard on social media and youtube, porn, politic news, self help mental masturbation and eating pretty shitty.

Is the way it is. I accept that. Growth is not linear. Setbacks are ok. Just get back to baseline and get another growth period.


Now that Im on another spike of growth I was ver happy...








Yesterday I was re watching one of the most important videos in the channel: Real Growth VS Fake Growth.  (this video is deeeeeep).

And asked myself: 

-Did I really grow this past year

-Did I really grow the last 5, 10 years since I started in personal development?


All this shit about understanding spiral dynamics, that there is no free will… is real growth? Or is mental masturbation?

Things can become tricky.

Even Leo reaching the highest of highest enlightenment.

Is that real growth?

Is he more loving day to day?

Is he more fulfill day to day?

Is he more or less judgmental?
Is he more or less arrogant?

What really changed?

(I ask the same questions for myself, off)

Sometimes is tough to draw the line from real growth and fake growth.


Some of the deep questions that are more important for me right now:

-Am I escaping from something? Am I doing this out of fear?

-What is real growth for me?

-Am I doing the emotionally challenge thing? Or the cushy thing?

-Am I doing this to hide from something?

-Is my day to day/week to week improving?


These are ones to ponder DEEPLY.






So my point in this one is:

-Do you remember that video/s that blew you away a few months/years back?
Go REWATCH them (and consult the notes you took).

Contemplate and journal. Deep. 1 hour min

-For every video, take notes, write your own shit, and write at least an action plan.

If you are not going to do that, is probably mental masturbation (even if you do that, it could also be, since only if you take action are this videos really useful).

Watching the best video once is not enough.

-Is mandatory to spend some time pondering what type of videos to watch.

-Is best to watch 10 videos 10 times, taking notes, journaling about those topics and your life, and (throughout a few years), than to watch 100 videos and talk shit on the forum.

I read the forum and everyone is talking about Israel, Tate, Trump... that is a HARD DISTRACTION.

I get it. Is fun to talk shit sometimes, buts thats gets expanded in time, and then regrets come. Im talking from experience.


So if you want to take something out of what I learnt this year is:

> Pick 3-5 foundational vids, a couple foundational habits, and go full on that for 3 months (1 season), minimizing distractions.


So a good question can be: ''which ones could be the 5 videos am I going to watch, rewatch, take action and contemplate on for the next season?'

Some for them from my POV:

-Real growth vs fake growth.

-High consciousness vs low consciousness

-Minimalistic lifestyle.

-One Rule for Acing life (emotional labour)

-Setting propter expectations

-Stop backsliding

-Overcoming addictions + Subtle addictions

-Spiral dynamics


Is easy to get lost.

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.


This kind of videos are perennial. Making 1000$ a month or a million a year... this shit is still going to determine our baseline level of happiness.

Those are some videos that have to be integrated, coming back to those concept again and again.

Why muslims pray 5 times a day? Forgetfulness... Distraction. Is so easy nowadays..

These concepts are going to be our life compass. With a damaged compass, all advancement can be in the wrong direction.


Even after this rant... Im still confused.

Did I really grow?
I think I did. 

Did I make a lot of mistakes?
I also think I did.

One thing is sure:

Ill keep going.

With solid foundations, doing the emotional challenging thing, with patience, focusing only on vital and important things...
in a few years who knows where we can be ;)


What are your thoughts on Real Growth?





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You seem to have learnt a lot in the past year. Real growth in my opinion is something very personal. Moving closer towards our life purpose after clearly identifying it could be real growth for atleast most of the people. My definition of real growth is having new and unique experiences in life although I must admit I don't care about growth at all.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@koops Good list. Wishing you well with your work.


@An young being try not to quote such large amounts like that. 


 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Nice. One thing I recommend is to try to make things practical for yourself. Like observing the principles in action through experience. Watch That video about exposing yourself to new experiences. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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I usually go in the Saturday mornings, so all my approach to the weekend is different now.

Before I was less conscious, dabbling around and drinking a lot (just filling time really).

Now I wake up early (so I don't drink on Friday night), go to meditation, and I feel fresh and in a higher state of consciousness for the weekend.

Also it make me go for high quality activities, like hikes, discovering new parts of the city, more cultural activities, walks alone or with audiobooks, read some of Leos books on a park, watching high quality movies with my girlfriend, going to he beach picnic style with my gf, yoga/stretching, contemplation, planning, journaling, connecting with old friends etc..


For the meditation itself, not much help really aside from stretching the length of it, since I usually do 20-30 mins, and in the center we do 40 mins.

Also the ritual side of it, just going there makes me feel good. Is something I look forward to do.


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@koops that's awesome! Actualized.org has the power to change your life.  You seem like a worthy student. 

@Leo Gurais the Socrates of our time and is "corrupting the youth" more profoundly than Socrates did. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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