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The Rich Use the Poor as an Extended Arm in Helping Immigrants

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This is an observation about an unhealthy dynamic in Sweden's asylum immigration. One example of how green moralizes in place of doing good systems thinking. There are many reasons why our immigration policy has been dumb but I've never heard anyone articulate this dynamic:

When you save someone from drowning you are supposed to do so with an extended arm, meaning an object between you and other. This is done so that the other doesn't pull you down under the water with them and because it's easier to help when you are safe yourself. 

In charity immigration, it's always the rich that have enough of their needs met to care about others that want immigration. Meanwhile it's the poor in the country that live with the immigrants and suffer the negative effects of immigration. Effectively the rich use the poor as an extended arm in helping the immigrants. Apart from this being unfair, it makes the system unresponsive to when the immigration becomes too much, as the poor will say that it's too much but will be dismissed as just less moral than the rich. Also the poor has less influence than the rich, further contributing to the poor's needs being underrepresented. Once the rich feel that the immigration is too much the poor are already radicalized.

A population has a level of caritabiliy mostly based on how much its needs are met. If pushed over that level there will be a backlash. In the scenario I'm describing the population overshoots its natural caritabiliy and the inevitable backlash creates turbulence. In the end you end up at the systems natural level of charitably, but the society has taken a destructive rollercoaster ride of unsmooth changes.


The road to God is paved with bliss.

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