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Educational Videos on psychedellic synethesis, chemistry, histories, and applications

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Great channel that covers many molecules (not just psyches):

Interesting new methods to simplify LSD synthesis have implications for other medicinal molecule production such as bromocryptine and future drug synthesis. I also found it interesting that 6-Meo-DMT has been found to be just as psychoplastogenic (promoting of neural growth and neuroplasticity) as 5-Meo-DMT without having any psychedelic or hallucinogenic effects:


Precursor chemicals for 5-Meo-DMT synthesis are currently legal and easily accessible, although the substance is controlled in many countries. Check local laws to avoid criminal charges if you're interested in synthesizing some:


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I was just watching this yesterday lol. 

do you think a non chemist can pick up this method and make LSD, or will LSD manufacturing will always be reserved for people with chemistry degrees + ? 

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