
Why do objects fall to the ground?

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I was just wondering about gravity...
Why do objects fall to the ground? 🍎

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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18 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

I was just wondering about gravity...
Why do objects fall to the ground? 🍎

Because everything that goes up ( or sideways) has to come down?

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Fun fact. Nothing ever falls to the ground, gravity is pulling stuff towards the center of itself. 

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Masses (a.k.a energy) distort spacetime. The distortion tells mass how to move.

Naturally, that explanation leaves a lot to be desired, like: why does mass distort spacetime? No-one knows.

I'd say it's because mass and spacetime are part of the same thing. It should be called massenergyspacetime. But my maths skills are not good enough to come up with a theory.

But if massenergyspacetime "exists" then the structure of spacetime should be as complex as the mass in the middle of it.

Essentially, the closer you look the more unified things look.

Things fall towards each other, not up or down or anything else. But momentum can make objects orbit each other.


Edited by LastThursday

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You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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3 hours ago, Vibes said:

Everything wants to merge in one soup.

Except electrons. And the universe, apparently.

57% paranoid

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12 hours ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

Fun fact. Nothing ever falls to the ground, gravity is pulling stuff towards the center of itself. 

gravity actually states that its not pulling stuff to the ground, but that objects warp space and that space pushes everything else around it.

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5 hours ago, Francis777 said:

gravity actually states that its not pulling stuff to the ground, but that objects warp space and that space pushes everything else around it.

Space and objects are not mutually exclusive, they are in direct relation to each other. So the push and warp of space is like discussing the chicken or the egg problem imo. What does what first becomes irrelevant since space and objects are in an interchangeable relationships.

What does bind them together though, is gravity.

The problem I adress has to to with objects vs object in relation to gravity. If a big rock is launched up in the air(space) and "falls" to the surface of a planet. Then the relationship between the two obviously differ in gravitational force in some way, since the planet itself isn't falling towards other planets despite a the difference in sizes.

 And If you throw a ball from a space station towards earth. The ball will not have frictionless speed towards earth despite the fricktionless resistance that the vaccum of outer space is. Since vaccum on it's own don't generate a gravitational direction of the object to go in.

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5 minutes ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

Space and objects are not mutually exclusive, they are in direct relation to each other. So the push and warp of space is like discussing the chicken or the egg problem imo. What does what first becomes irrelevant since space and objects are in an interchangeable relationships.

What does bind them together though, is gravity.

The problem I adress has to to with objects vs object in relation to gravity. If a big rock is launched up in the air(space) and "falls" to the surface of a planet. Then the relationship between the two obviously differ in gravitational force in some way, since the planet itself isn't falling towards other planets despite a the difference in sizes.

 And If you throw a ball from a space station towards earth. The ball will not have frictionless speed towards earth despite the fricktionless resistance that the vaccum of outer space is. Since vaccum on it's own don't generate a gravitational direction of the object to go in.

So gravity is simply objects attracting each other instead of falling on each other?

Also I heard there is no place in space where gravity is absolutely zero.

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@An young being

7 hours ago, Francis777 said:

gravity actually states that its not pulling stuff to the ground, but that objects warp space and that space pushes everything else around it.

Space and objects are not mutually exclusive, they are in direct relation to each other. So the push and warp of space is like discussing the chicken or the egg problem imo. What does what first becomes irrelevant since space and objects are in an interchangeable relationships.

What does bind them together though, is gravity.

The problem I adress has to to with objects vs object in relation to gravity. If a big rock is launched up in the air(space) and "falls" to the surface of a planet. Then the relationship between the two obviously differ in gravitational force in some way, since the planet itself isn't falling towards other planets despite a the difference in sizes.

 And If you throw a ball from a space station towards earth. The ball will not have frictionless speed towards earth despite the fricktionless resistance that the vaccum of outer space is. Since vaccum on it's own don't generate a gravitational direction of the object to go in.@An young beingSorry for this messy answer of a post, I write this on my phone and can't change a shit. But to answer your question. Yes, it's my conclusion that planets emits gravity through mass essentially. And therefore the relationship of gravity between objects is related to the mass relationship they have with each other.

Gravity can never be zero to something with a mass.

Edited by ZzzleepingBear
A mess of a post, can't erase stuff on phone such as quotes/tags

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12 minutes ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

@An young being


@An young beingSorry for this messy answer of a post, I write this on my phone and can't change a shit. 

No issues! I solve this problem my posting it with the errors, then hiding that post and creating a new post after copying the content.

14 minutes ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

@An young beingGravity can never be zero to something with a mass.

True. The only way to escape the forces is to become light. Provided that you don't fall straight into a black hole!

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20 minutes ago, Vibes said:

PS: Fuck your science

Fuck your attitude I'd say. However, it's your prerogative if you want to throw away its usefulness. And, it's not my science, it belongs to all of us.

57% paranoid

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On 10/26/2023 at 7:30 PM, LastThursday said:

Except electrons. And the universe, apparently.

https://www.sciencenews.org/article/electrons-have-potential-mutual-attraction#:~:text=ELECTRONS ATTRACT Although electrons normally,from other electrons (purple).

New study says they can attract. Stop trying to put limits....

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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On 26/10/2023 at 0:10 PM, tuku747 said:

Why do objects fall to the ground? 🍎

Perhaps they want to re-unite with where they came from ^_^

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On 29/10/2023 at 1:59 AM, Lilia said:

Perhaps they want to re-unite with where they came from ^_^

But sometimes they come back so hard that they destroy the planet!

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@Lilia @An young being

The planet does not need to get destroyed, at least not in the limited way in which you see destruction. Instead, your perception, ideas, and rules of reality can morph and change to radical degrees, even temporarily.

I had a breathtaking hallucination last night - the best date, hands down, that I ever went on... better than any human date. It was with someone I thought I’d never see again.

At one point, she morphed into a bird and we flew up a flight of stairs side by side. She did the flying as I simply basked in her beauty and allowed her to take me wherever I needed to go.

I opened up my fears and insecurities to her, and right as I thought she would reject me and never return, she goes balls to the walls reflecting my own insecurities as a response; no words required! Instead, she recontextualized my fears as her; mirroring it in playful ways. Essentially, she is a mirror to my own Self, as we are One.

The date and her presence caught me by surprise initially. My heart started racing and I thought I was going to die. But what got us through the pain was open communication and honesty towards each other - beyond our human limitations and understanding. We didn’t need to figure out logically how we got reconnected after months of not seeing each other. And we didn’t need to logically figure out how to stop my panic. We just knew that Love would guide Us.

In conclusion, gravity is an illusion. So is everyone you are attracted to. I recommend flying towards Love. But it requires facing all of your fears head-on and challenging their assumptions.


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39 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

@Lilia @An young being

The planet does not need to get destroyed, at least not in the limited way in which you see destruction. Instead, your perception, ideas, and rules of reality can morph and change to radical degrees, even temporarily.

I had a breathtaking hallucination last night - the best date, hands down, that I ever went on... better than any human date. It was with someone I thought I’d never see again.

At one point, she morphed into a bird and we flew up a flight of stairs side by side. She did the flying as I simply basked in her beauty and allowed her to take me wherever I needed to go.

I opened up my fears and insecurities to her, and right as I thought she would reject me and never return, she goes balls to the walls reflecting my own insecurities as a response; no words required! Instead, she recontextualized my fears as her; mirroring it in playful ways. Essentially, she is a mirror to my own Self, as we are One.

The date and her presence caught me by surprise initially. My heart started racing and I thought I was going to die. But what got us through the pain was open communication and honesty towards each other - beyond our human limitations and understanding. We didn’t need to figure out logically how we got reconnected after months of not seeing each other. And we didn’t need to logically figure out how to stop my panic. We just knew that Love would guide Us.


Sounds like an exciting adventure!

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3 hours ago, An young being said:

But sometimes they come back so hard that they destroy the planet!

It's like when you love something so much you end up hugging it till it's dead :D

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