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Why is spirituality healing?

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By spirituality I mean generally raising your consciousness. 

I am painting in broad strokes, I know its not all sunshine and rainbows (see the mental health section here and also Leo's video on the dangers of spiritual work). I find generally people tend to come out happier, wiser and more loving. 

But I am wondering why is this? Why do these things seem to be aligned somehow? Is there some link between human love and spirituality that I am missing? 

I have heard that Universal love is not just an amplified form of human love, and something else entirely. Yet somehow I feel I am becoming more loving, of myself and others generally. 

Why does it generally tend to be elevating and not the other way round? 

Some people will say you are 'expanding yourself' but somehow that doesn't do it for me. Another answer is removal of judgement, freedom from dogma is liberating, makes sense but I feel like there is something more I can't put my finger on it. 

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Spirituality is largely understanding what it means to be human, what are the chains that bind you, that keep you trapped, in a miserable state, afraid of other people and the human condition in general. If you want to move forward you must see this and go through that fear. So, if you no longer fear others, your feeling towards them is better, just as your feeling towards the present moment is better and you can open it if you do not fear what may happen to you. but both things are very difficult, the fear is real and it is there for a reason, especially the fear of what could happen to you, it is difficult to let go, let go of the tension

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it is the process of healing the soul.

there is another dimension where everyone loves eachother and everyone is happy and that is the true nature of your soul

but your soul is being crushed right now and spirituality will allow it to expand and it feels like weight is being lifted off of you.

and you will feel free, your soul just wants to be itself but the ego stops it. and this is what crushes the soul

the soul is like a battery that is fully charged with happiness and it drains itself by stopping its own happiness.

spirituality can recharge your battery and you can just keep it full by learning the practices

Edited by Hojo

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