
Are psychedelic clothes masculine?

115 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

Look like Pimps. 

He is Ranveer Singh, an Indian actor. He is notorious for his unconventional wardrobe-choices. 

His social confidence is on another level, which is why he can carry anything. We can safely call him the Russell Brand of India. 

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2 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

psychedelic pimps


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I really like clothing that is a bit out of the norm. It gives me "I transcended societies values and create my own life/ main character vibes" for cheap :D . I also think it helps going out in something a bit extravagant from time to time and getting comfortable with the extra attention + observing and transcending your fear and thought patterns of possibly being judged. 


Edited by Cireeric

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― Carl Gustav Jung

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11 hours ago, Cireeric said:

observing and transcending your fear and thought patterns of possibly being judged. 

Yea I used to be quite scared to wear anything that stood out too, but having this mindset helped a lot :D

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On 24. 10. 2023. at 7:00 PM, StarStruck said:

What do you think? I’m planning to wear this. It is definitely LSD-esque. Definite eye catcher but I don’t want to be seen sissy.


The fact that you don't wanna be seen as such implies to me that you have second-thoughts on your masculine power. That's ok btw..

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On 26-10-2023 at 11:09 AM, something_else said:

Yea I used to be quite scared to wear anything that stood out too, but having this mindset helped a lot :D

This is why I want to do it. 


8 hours ago, petar8p said:

The fact that you don't wanna be seen as such implies to me that you have second-thoughts on your masculine power. That's ok btw..

Perhaps it is your own projection 

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On 24. 10. 2023. at 7:00 PM, StarStruck said:

I don’t want to be seen sissy.

nah bro, I'm talking about this

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Worrying about what others think about your clothes is not masculine.

Death and decay 🥀

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10 hours ago, Something Funny said:

Worrying about what others think about your clothes is not masculine.

@StarStruck Capisce?

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34 minutes ago, petar8p said:

@StarStruck Capisce?

It is something that I need to contemplate. Usually wear only what I like but lately I have gotten a lot of attention for my taste. It is nothing to shabby. But I found out I like the attention too so now I’m dressing for the attention 😩

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9 minutes ago, petar8p said:

Oversized, but at least matches the carpet!

Unfortunately I can’t take my carpets everywhere I go. 

Edited by StarStruck

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1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

Sheesh! Looking clean. Bet the girls will like it. I know the hippies will at least. 

It is the perfect pee-cocking sweater but it is not fully my style. I don't  know. Too baggy.

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7 hours ago, StarStruck said:

@Cireeric I like this more although it is not psychedelic 


David Attenborough: Here we can see as the Netherlands species tries to improve It's chances of mating, It's method is unusual but effective.

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On 10/30/2023 at 5:27 PM, PurpleTree said:

no baggy pants are 90s and horrible imo

Baggy pants are back in trend right now.

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