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My life is nothing🌸🎥

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I feel so bad right now about the drone that I bought. It was returned back to the sender because my mom said it was a scam. So that thing had arrived at my home and I had hold it even but return it. When I look at the package, I wanna see the address but couldn't find any . (The address of the sender.) And even in the website, it was not a full address. So that packaging (that supposed to have a drone in it) was returned back to the sender. Idk. Idk. I really don't know. I feel bad about it. 

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I'm getting really sick      . I don't know what to do       . I'm just really sick


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I must have been cursed by the seller and the courier. 

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I keep on 

6:36PM Nov 20th , 2023

Right now, at the age of twenty seven , I wonder where my life should be. Where I should be now. 

I should have gathered wealth, career, success, experience, love, children, 💟 and many more. I'm old. But with nothings much really. I have a few nephew and nieces. That's only it. They are loud and merrier. 

Now I'm twenty seven. I am no longer twenty two. I should have ...

Can my life be really good? 

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I think whatever I do this room simply doesn't make it. It can't be good no matter what. 

No matter what I do to my room it is still not pretty. I think this house is old. And it is beyond repair. Whatever you do, however to make up the room . It's still...  Unsettling. 


I am trying to draw my room from IG story. 😂


We used to have like the real plan of this house. 


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I have $160 with that person, I want it back. 

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I had a weird dream I don't know... 

I had to kill a big bird because it won't stop attacking me. First I crack/fold it's wings until it break but his big beak won't stop attacking me towards the end. Then someone unplug it. Just like electrical lighting. And there was also a lamb/goat. Keep attacking me. But I remember killing the bird. 

I still got weird dream of the back neighbour and the blinds. It's truly weird. I do open up the blinds completely yesterday. .. maybe it's time for me to change my room yet again. Like back then. The other room had a smaller window. But I do once in a while caught looking at each other randomly there is no privacy. It was both our backyards. So we both want a reflective time on our backyard. But it turns out there's each other. It was never , had privacy. But we forgot and act as if there's really no one in our backyard it's funny. When early morning I just want to open my window. But there's someone sitting in his backyard reflecting. It was a long time ago. 

And there was a group of my mom's friends who brought me out of my room while I was sleeping. They woke me up. it's like a cult. And we read something. 


3:41AM Taeyeon's album is coming out btw~

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Waaaa I have finished this game, I can't believe it. 


I have finished healthy lifestyle and collect all 10🎉.

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I don't know why I choose a red bedroom : 


It was supposed to be maroon bedroom but I choose this instead.  



And my father ask me to create a wall art. To decorate the new wall with my own work. 

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I want maroon but it turns out red. 🌚IMG20231124223919.jpgPattern Curator BLACK CHERRY.jpegGiant Realistic Botanical Garden Wall Murals.jpeg

this is so different than I thought... 

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The kind of colours that grows on u. 


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I am thankful for this paint. 



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This song is my Essence. Throughout childhood, adulthood, teenagehood.. but now not anymore. Only recently. It has ended. 

This song is a past. Now. 


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Right now is the era of Taeyeon's new album :



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So I have painted my room red . 


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We went to the park , today🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


After a long time. Wow. But it was just hot outside. There are really many people because it's weekend. I feel old but I went with my nieces and nephew. Holding my nieces. I used to go here since I was 15. But back then,, I was young and we went with the adopted sisters (ours) but now I went with my nieces and nephews so I did feel old. But I wasn't as before. I wish I would have made a lap/jogging for a few rounds. But maybe tomorrow or any other day. I want to use the benefit of being a grown up or adult so that we can go to the park in non weekend days so there wasn't any kids or school children around. I want to go when there aren't many people around. It was so hot just now. And the park are just crowded. But as an old person, I feel like it was fine. I like seeing the kids and the people crowding the place. I wasn't as shy as before. I'm old now. I wish I was younger though. It's not good to feel old. 

I wanna jog and exercise a lot more.

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