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My life is nothing🌸🎥

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It's good actually.. after the smoke is finished, you're left with this fragrance. Turn the air conditioner on. And you'll get this soothing smell. 

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I think I'm old. I wonder, what things will give me ultimate happiness. I feel old. I found no joy in going to mall. Or maybe it is just this one. But I feel old. I wonder if I will ever be happy. 

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This is not quite like the ones I wanted. I want a maroon wallpaper. IMG20231029175349.jpg

I wonder what will make me happy. I feel tired and old going and doing all these. I don't know.. 

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I wonder if it would be more fun if I have a child. 

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I'd rather go to Egypt than renovating my room. Maybe that is happiness. Well, who knows.. going back to my home. 

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Dream will just be dreams.  What is the use of dream board if you can't achieve your dreams? 

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Idk why I bought back this thing it makes my room darker/uglier. It felt like a foreign thing to me. And I feel like I can never achieved what I want. It will be nothing. Just a picture. But while I'm at it, might as well just do it~



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Might as well just leave my room all white. (Rather than installing a wallpaper). I wanna paint it maroon .  

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1:50PM 30/11/2023

I got an even badlier dreams.   Is it because of what I've wrote yesterday? How can I get away from this? I really only want a futuristic dream and outlook. Don't wanna be stuck in the past. I want to be modern and updated. 

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Look at this Beautiful wall. There used to be a window here but since the renovation, they closed up those windows. So this room had been spoilt. It used to be a room that I grow up in. 


So now Ive changed to a different room. But look at how beautiful that wall is. This wardrobe, is not something that I want. But my sister want to buy it back then. Then she's not using it. I was a minimalist and I want to have as few clothes as possible (back then) I want to live like a sage. With minimal/few clothes. 

This wall used to be my favourite thing. I paint it maroon like wine colour back then as the first (original colour of this wall). But now... 😔

First, my sister paint it a different colour, then my bro. It's just not good. My brother paint this room all white when I was in the hospital. Not only that , changing the curtain and bed and my things are lost a lot. 

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This is the original colour, 2013 : 



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8 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Looks like you

Thanks :) my favorite artist ^^

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I feel like I want to break this wall :


Don't mind what's in this room just imagine that it's just a wall with empty room without furnishing. 

Edited by Sabth

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Now, this is my dreamboard/vision board. Will my dream comes true? 


Idk... It doesn't fit. And I don't know what I'm doing.  Will loa works for me? It looks better than when it had nothings on it. 

I'll be seeing this everyday. 


This is an expensive dream. ~~


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Did they kill the person who have made that trade? Huh?

(The person that I messaged back then, both of them , the person that I'm messaging had changed and became a different person with a different profile pic and different people. But the number remained the same. So it's no longer those two person but a new person with the same telegram number. And they did the trade income too. In that group. And doing the investment. What happened? Now I can no longer had contact with those two previous people. I feel a little scared . Will my number be the same like this too? ??)..😔

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I'll put these below my bed. B612_20231030_203555_361.jpg


Edited by Sabth

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I wonder what happiness is. I wonder if I'll be happy if I achieved this. Or will I be unhappy still? Because my eyes hurt? Or my eyesight is no longer good? .... 

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