
Why am I being haunted by ghosts and spirits all of a sudden?

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Ever since my mother died in the house I've been haunted by spirits and incubus.  Almost every night I experience a being touching my legs and feet and pulling on the blanket. It sometimes pulls on my bra. I've seen my bed's blanket move dramatically as if someone were on top of it. There appears to be several of them.  I've asked it to leave, saged the room etc. to no avail. They bang on my wardrobe and on my door. Once I saw the word “boo” playfully on the side of a box after a loud bang and “Horton hears a who!”. I have these feelings that some of the spirits have been with me since childhood and have warmed up to me and are playful.

I've had an extremely vivid dream in the astral (? I think it was in reality as well as dream state) of a man/ghost gently climb on top of me and lovingly press his head to mine as he held my hand. I felt his head in my hands and squeezed his hand. He was gaunt with small bumps on his head. I felt very peaceful.

I've felt the spirit touching my leg move up to my upper body and face to press against me many times. Sometimes I'll even ask it to because I'm feeling lonely and want a hug. This happens when I'm half asleep since it seems to have an easier time reaching me in the astral. Although it's so vivid it feels like it's happening in real life as well.

I've had a extremely vivid dream in the astral of a spirit roughly having sex with me. With a loud thudding sound and condensed air where my you know was. I also smelt a bad smell.

Last night I was in the astral and I felt an entity having sex with me. I could extremely vividly feel the same sensation I feel on my legs and feet pressed to me, as if it were happening in real life as well. I asked them to stop though and they stopped and the word ‘wise’ appeared in the dream. 

What are your thoughts and advice regarding all of this?

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You are probably accessing these experiences through some odd sleep state, as you say you are half asleep. Would explain why it happens at night. I have had hypnopompic hallucinations while waking up which transitioned themselves perfectly seamlessly, for example, I would be looking at a door and hearing screaming from behind it, and then at some point I would wake up, but my visual perception of the door would be continuous.

Anyways, sounds like some very vivid experiences, which would only happen during astral projection or sleep paralysis or some odd sleep state. My only advice is to increase sleep quality as much as possible and make sure that your sleep is not interrupted, and that your stress and nutrition in general are fine. 

Describe a thought.

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Oh I forgot to mention: they feel like an extension of the entities (normal people are 'entities', like I have a relationship with the universe) that I see when I'm in the right state.   As if the ghosts or spirits were one being and communicating to me through eachother.  One voice, many beings.  One mass "entity". 

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4 minutes ago, Osaid said:

You are probably accessing these experiences through some odd sleep state, as you say you are half asleep. Would explain why it happens at night. I have had hypnopompic hallucinations while waking up which transitioned themselves perfectly seamlessly, for example, I would be looking at a door and hearing screaming from behind it, and then at some point I would wake up, but my visual perception of the door would be continuous.

Anyways, sounds like some very vivid experiences, which would only happen during astral projection or sleep paralysis or some odd sleep state. My only advice is to increase sleep quality as much as possible and make sure that your sleep is not interrupted, and that your stress and nutrition in general are fine. 

I want to believe this except that I'm wide awake when its touching my legs and feet and pulling on the blanket.  It's almost annoying at this point.  I went to another room to sleep and I heard hissing and growling and something pushed me out of the room.  I felt it.  The whole house is like this.  

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If they didn’t go with a sage, can I ask what you said when you saged? I say when I sage after a bad dream experience, “I clear all energies and entities that are not in tune with my true light being and release them to the love and light of god/the universe/Buddha (or whatever resonates.) And I clear them all from my dream space, sleep space and all parts of my being.” Then I always ask my spirit guides and Angel team (or whether resonates with you) to support and protect me while I sleep and dream. I do that every night. 

own your space. You are powerful. Your words are powerful and you command the space when you speak. 

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7 minutes ago, Kore said:

Oh I forgot to mention: they feel like an extension of the entities (normal people are 'entities', like I have a relationship with the universe) that I see when I'm in the right state.   As if the ghosts or spirits were one being and communicating to me through eachother.  One voice, many beings.  One mass "entity". 

That could be your guide trying to take control of it all. I long ago directed my guide to make all the other spirits and whatnot go through him, and him only. I would give him permission to do that to shut the other ones down. 😀

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Once they realise you feel the touch on your leg or bed they all want to say hi, it can become a free for all. And it’s quite nice at times, but you do need big boundaries and you need to take control.

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I had an experience like this in the past in a home where someone who lived there prior to me had died inside the home. The spirit didn’t seem to want to do harm, however I had very bad dreams and just odd feelings. I had someone come and anoint the home with oil and cast out or ask the spirit to leave. It worked. Maybe if there is someone you know or could find who has some good knowledge of the proper way to do this, I believe that is important. 

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7 hours ago, Kore said:

I'm wide awake when its touching my legs and feet and pulling on the blanket.  It's almost annoying at this point.  I went to another room to sleep and I heard hissing and growling and something pushed me out of the room.

Have you thought about setting up a security camera to catch all these sounds and movements? Even a cheap $35 camera has night vision and sound recording.

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1 hour ago, cetus said:

Have you thought about setting up a security camera to catch all these sounds and movements? Even a cheap $35 camera has night vision and sound recording.

I’ve done this. Looking back at the footage I look completely normal, just a bit confused. But during the actual experience… that’s a totally different story.

I AM Godzilla

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It happened again tonight.  I asked it to stop and this time it stopped. 

I think it might be my mother.  I remember hearing a croaking sound once or twice that reminded me of her voice.  I've heard her highheels in another room. I also had a supernatural occurance of her moving throughout the house. It's allowing in other entities into my dream space and space in general somehow.  She died by euthanasia (dehydration death) and the whole ordeal was traumatic and triggered off a host of situations.  There's definitely lack of closure regarding her death and the situations before her death and after her death.  Extreme situation. 

Edited by Kore

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 it's all in your head they don't exist, your beliefs on them is what's causing them to seem real even though they aren't


setting up multiple recordings, and seeing hard proof of none of what you describe is not real would help you snap out of it, if you try to be conscious of it, unless if your ego somehow tries to make up more stories about it being real, ignoring hard fact evidence of it not being real by the recorded stuff caught, then your pretty much going to be in that loop of delusion for long


multiple deluded people will try to validate your craziness because they are deluded themselves, good luck making it out of that phase, i was once in it

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@khalifa hopefully you're right.  I'm tired of this.  I just want to sleep without disturbance. 

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37 minutes ago, khalifa said:

 it's all in your head they don't exist, your beliefs on them is what's causing them to seem real even though they aren't


setting up multiple recordings, and seeing hard proof of none of what you describe is not real would help you snap out of it, if you try to be conscious of it, unless if your ego somehow tries to make up more stories about it being real, ignoring hard fact evidence of it not being real by the recorded stuff caught, then your pretty much going to be in that loop of delusion for long


multiple deluded people will try to validate your craziness because they are deluded themselves, good luck making it out of that phase, i was once in it

My mother had brain cancer.  A reflection of my own 'brain cancer' mayperhaps. When everything went downhill radically after an enormous peak.  Reality is funny like that.   We are all connected.  There wasn't a lot of closure.  Everything just went downhill for seemingly no reason. It killed my mother and it killed my soul. 

You might be right though.  

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It doesn't matter if it's real or not. The solution is the same. Whether is god or demon, Angel or devil, sadness or bliss, extacy or agony. Simply allow. Be the presence that allows all things and is beyond all things.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Salvijus  parroting that nonsense isn't very helpful, presence of that isn't going to really help any real solution as ego still has to take care of daily life with whatever it has to deal with


in this case they need a different healthier knowledge graph that gets them out of it and not just some i am god delusion philosophy


they still need to take practical action from here, imo recordings and proof that it's all in their head at the moment should help subconscious mind quiet down on it

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6 minutes ago, khalifa said:

in this case they need a different healthier knowledge graph

Yes i agree. 

A healthy mindest to have is. "don't make any conclusions about what you experience. Maybe it's real Maybe it's not. As far as i know. Something is happening. Let me to just fully allow it and experience what is happening with full embrace. That way one discovers a space inside that is beyond all."

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Believing things is delusional, disbelieving things are also delusional. Being in ' i don't know what is going on' is healthy honesty. That's a good place to start. And then observing the arising phenomena with full awarenesw without drawing any conclusions iš very healthy. In fact it's the only sane option. Just observe and don't make conclusions. (just observe and just allow are the same thing) 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Thanks for input guys.  Got me thinking.  

I think a balanced approach is key.  If your mind is too open you allow all kinds of stuff in.  A scientific approach is balanced and a protective mechanism.  It shuts it down, since it feeds on openness.  But that then closes down any potential communication with the other side.  If you feed it, the 'blur' expands, you can feed that communication.  That can be good for a soul. I know I'm not delusional, but there is a blur between delusion and non delusion that can be utilised, either for protection or communication. Which ever one you're aiming for. 

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