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Alex O'Connor is so wrong about Jordan Peterson.

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   Not just Jordan Peterson, but GOD as well:

   If only he had psychedelic, magical, mystical, paranormal and supernatural experiences he would understand how wrong he was.

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   Based on many developmental factors like spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits,  ego development, life experiences and other lines of development, and ideological indoctrination of and beliefs from culture and family upbringing, and many points of information ecology that manufactures consent in viewers, Alex is over simplifying this dissolving of the Monarchy and tbe royal family.

   Let me demonstrate with some logic why Alex is wrong. Let's argue and grant thag Alex O Connor, irsish gut here, is right, and grant that he gets to dissolve the monarchy and royalty from the UK. Well, by dissolving monarchy and royal family, we liquidate their assests and materials and turn them into money. Which means, let's assume nerworth of UK is 100 million, then the liquidity would surge the money by roughly 100 x, so 100 mil becomes 100 billion pounds!! Furthermore, this spike in currency increase is within a month-week! What does the UK and Britain do with all that money, so suddenly increased? Sounds like hyper inflammation if you ask me, which immediately erodes the financial value of the pound when the country is hyper printing money and produces too much coins. How does the country deal with such a huge inflation, which could create another bubble in economics that may burst and worsen the country?

   That, and other problems like too much stage green feminism, egalitarianism and high divorce rates, is what Alex has to contend with, and must sufficiently answer if he was to persuade me from my argument against Alex's assertion that we should do away with the royal family and monarchy. He has to justify to me why his left wing, his humanism/secularism argument is and has better ethical frameworks than Christianity and conservative/traditionalism. If any of your have a good refutation of my argument I'd like to read them, as I feel this is a serious obstacle against him.

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