Guest Bazooka Jesus

Debunking solipsism... for the 476th time 💀

171 posts in this topic

Just now, Razard86 said:

Winning statement!

Yeah but there's no competition. You can only win if you're competing.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Deluded in what? What part?

That you are God and that you are alone/all there is .

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Just now, Someone here said:

That you are God and that you are alone/all there is .

I have never experienced anything outside of what I'm aware of. What I'm aware of isn't me. It can't be, or I couldn't be aware of it. I'm not alone, Awareness is all there is. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I have never experienced anything outside of what I'm aware of. What I'm aware of isn't me. It can't be, or I couldn't be aware of it. I'm not alone, Awareness is all there is. 

This makes me  confused.  Didn't you say that you were alone and its all you (that thread)?

If you truly believe that awareness is all there is then why do you set an alarm to wake you up in the morning? The universe disappear when you are not aware. 

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59 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

That's not what I'm saying. People will say I feel so alone whether they are alone physically or not, but never will say I feel people around me when there is no one around. Usually everything has an opposite, but this one thing seem not to. You could be in a marriage and still feel alone, you could be amongst your friends at a party and still feel alone. You could live with 10 people and still feel alone, I could go on and on. BUT....have you ever felt like there were people around you when you were actually alone physically. No, unless you've gone mad - not talking about that.

Do you understand what I'm saying, it's very subtle, you have to catch it. No one ever says, when they are physically alone I feel like there are so many people around me, but says I feel so alone. 

In other words, how can someone feel so alone when there are people around them but never feel like there are people around when they are alone. 

You can definitely hallucinate people that appear very real. And who's to say that feeling alone isn't equally mad. It's pretty arbitrary, isn't it?

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Just now, Someone here said:

This makes me  confused.  Didn't you say that you were alone and its all you (that thread)?

If you truly believe that awareness is all there is then why do you set an alarm to wake you up in the morning? The universe disappear when you are not aware. 

People transcend, people wake up. Just because I said something prior, doesn't mean I'll stay in that awareness. 

Awareness is aware of sleep. If i set an alarm, it's because my biological clock needs to wake up at a certain time. Awareness never sleeps. I have never slept a day in my life. My body has. I am not the body. I'm aware of the body. It's so obvious. How can I be the body. There is nothing out there. There is no-thing. Nothing disappears. It never was, never is, never will be. It's only appearing within Awareness.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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22 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Well, let's hope that this is going to be the final round. ^_^

An esteemed member of this forum PM'd me today in order to inquire about my take on Solipsism, and I was so mightily pleased with my response that I thought it might be a good idea to share it with all you other buggers out there. You're welcome!


Look, it's very simple: Reality is appearance. Whatever appears here and now is that which exists. And that's the whole story! Slapping the label 'me' onto the whole of existence/appearance is an unnecessary and nonsensical extra step, and it is based on a very clear and obvious fallacy... the fallacy of taking a random relative concept (me) and conflating it with the absolute. Instead of calling it 'me', you might as well call it 'cheeseburger', 'Santa Claus' or 'The Flying Spaghetti Monster'.

Now, do others exist? Sure... as a concept, they exist. Does their perspective exist? Sure... as a concept, it exists. These concepts are undeniable appearances in the here and now and thus they are real; if they weren't, we could not talk about them right now, you see? But don't conflate random relative concepts with the entirety of reality in which these concepts appear... it is the mother of all spiritual traps, and it can lead to all kinds of dangerous delusions.

Hope this helps!

you forget that consciousness or awareness is capable of becoming self conscious or self aware which is what we call an awakening or enlightenment, it’s when consciousness recognizes itself and says omg it’s all me, I’m god, and that’s what we call god realization, the trick here is when I say me, I’m talking about my absolute identity, which is consciousness or infinity, but at the same time you have a relative  identity which is your name and and address and all that, both are real, other people have the same 2 identities and everyone and everything is god, not just you, not just me, you cannot ignore your relative identity without greatly hurting your survival, you have to go on living with your relative identity, while at the same time knowing that the real you is the absolute and the entire world, even if you try to be holy and only live from the absolute perspective, other people are too attached to their relative identity and they’ll give you a hard time if you mess too much with their worldview.


other people are not concepts, you’re not a concept, everyone and everything is god, and god is not a concept.

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1 minute ago, Yousif said:

while at the same time knowing that the real you is the absolute and the entire world, even if you try to be holy and only live from the absolute perspective, other people are too attached to their relative identity and they’ll give you a hard time if you mess too much with their worldview.

Have you noticed that making a distinction between the absolute and the relative is a duality?

Making a distinction is not wrong, but it would be wise to see that there is no difference from a higher / deeper level. 


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solipsism should be banned from this sub ... we have same discussion here every 20 days ... it is philosophy not spirituality

pure mental masturbation

namely ream upon reams of crazed text

no one defining their terms even simple things like what is i or what is me

everyone doggedly trying to justify their smarts

stop getting sucked in to such drivel and madness and please go to the philosophy section

i know this sub has been going through a dry patch but you just tie yourself in knots with this rubbish

philosophy is how much can i write and say nothing

spirituality is how little can i write and say something



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3 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Have you noticed that making a distinction between the absolute and the relative is a duality?

Making a distinction is not wrong, but it would be wise to see that there is no difference from a higher / deeper level. 

It’s a way to ground yourself, inwardly experience would be like a psychedelic trip, but outwardly you are just your ordinary relative self. 

you can’t run around saying you’re god, you get yourself in trouble, you can get away with it if you’re in america where you have freedom of speech and if you’re financially independent.

also everyone else is god and they’re enjoying their dream, they’ll wake up when it’s their time,  if you keep poking them to wake up you’ll only make them mad and make things worse. 

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1 minute ago, Yousif said:

also everyone else is god and they’re enjoying their dream, they’ll wake up when it’s their time,  if you keep poking them to wake up you’ll only make them mad and make things worse

I know right. Try waking someone up whose sleeping and whose not ready to wake up. When my cat meows at me in the middle of my sleep, I get groggy and wanna hiss at her for waking me up, even though it doesn't last. Same thing. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 minute ago, Princess Arabia said:

I know right. Try waking someone up whose sleeping and whose not ready to wake up. When my cat meows at me in the middle of my sleep, I get groggy and wanna hiss at her for waking me up, even though it doesn't last. Same thing. 

I know the feeling lmao, But in all sincerity it would be selfish of me to forcefully wake them up, I can embody my teachings, talk about it in a video that they choose to watch or not, when they’re ready nobody is stopping them from awakening.

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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I know right. Try waking someone up whose sleeping and whose not ready to wake up. When my cat meows at me in the middle of my sleep, I get groggy and wanna hiss at her for waking me up, even though it doesn't last. Same thing. 

That’s where radical acceptance comes into play. We run into a lot of trouble when we are constantly in survival mode; not allowing reality to present a different perspective. 

If you can allow your dream to be completely shattered, that will go a long way towards expanding your sense of self. It won’t be easy, though.


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9 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

That’s where radical acceptance comes into play. We run into a lot of trouble when we are constantly in survival mode; not allowing reality to present a different perspective. 

If you can allow your dream to be completely shattered, that will go a long way towards expanding your sense of self. It won’t be easy, though.

Reality does present a different perspective and she will wake up if she has an appointment or gotta go to work, but when woking up from your cat on your day off, that’s a different matter.


meaning you’ll wake up when you want or need to. Not when someone else decides you need to wake up.

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Calling your self and everything around you God, is about as enlightening as a scientist telling you that everything is atoms over and over again. 


"Honey whats for dinner tonight?"

"It will be atoms as usual my dear"

"Dang it, atoms tonight again!? We had that yesterday.."

Oh well, maybe there will be something else tomorrow".

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1 minute ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

Calling your self and everything around you God, is about as enlightening as a scientist telling you that everything is atoms over and over again. 


"Honey whats for dinner tonight?"

"It will be atoms as usual my dear"

"Dang it, atoms tonight again!? We had that yesterday.."

Oh well, maybe there will be something else tomorrow".

That's why you're the sleeping bear. Lol. Sori, couldn't help it. I tell you, the breadcrumb trails are all over the place. Lol

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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8 minutes ago, Yousif said:

Reality does present a different perspective and she will wake up if she has an appointment or gotta go to work, but when woking up from your cat on your day off, that’s a different matter.


meaning you’ll wake up when you want or need to. Not when someone else decides you need to wake up.

In other words, the absolute is in all of those scenarios, and choosing one thing over another thing creates seperation. 

I personally identify as the cat… I’m very needy and can be a bitch when it comes to attention. That’s why I’m thankful to have busy people in my life to tame my expectations.


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