
Arnold Schwarzenegger Warns We’re Raising a “Generation of Wimps”

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Please delete my account  @Leo Gura See also my PM I am very serious please delete it !!!!!  This forum is extremely immature, just please make a delete button for older accounts, I barely get any quality. 

32 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Please curb your feminism and egalitarianism in check. You are here because men made the societies and laws, and rights, and enforced those rights for people like you such you didn't have to risk your life through war.

No. That is only a partial truth, not going to engage with you and I will tell you frankly you're on my blocked list for a long time now. I would appreciate not having the opportunity to engage with you at all. 

Also that would heavily move you into manosphere toxicity, I bought an audiobook and stopped listening to it that had a similar ideaology, of what you type. Hard Times Create Strong Men: Why the World Craves Leadership and How You Can Step Up to Fill the Need. 
It's quiet stage 1 masculinity framed, if Arnold does not speak about god and the spirit, the guy is for my standards an utter joke, and just another human I also think he is weak as an old man to chase strength that much and survival that much. 

It's such a linear defintion of strength let alone it's stupid it would be stupid to not make proper gradations, and basically the guy is selling his book mate. 


Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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32 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

Please delete my account  @Leo Gura See also my PM I am very serious please delete it !!!!!  This forum is extremely immature, just please make a delete button for older accounts, I barely get any quality. 

No. That is only a partial truth, not going to engage with you and I will tell you frankly you're on my blocked list for a long time now. I would appreciate not having the opportunity to engage with you at all. 

Also that would heavily move you into manosphere toxicity, I bought an audiobook and stopped listening to it that had a similar ideaology, of what you type. Hard Times Create Strong Men: Why the World Craves Leadership and How You Can Step Up to Fill the Need. 
It's quiet stage 1 masculinity framed, if Arnold does not speak about god and the spirit, the guy is for my standards an utter joke, and just another human I also think he is weak as an old man to chase strength that much and survival that much. 

It's such a linear defintion of strength let alone it's stupid it would be stupid to not make proper gradations, and basically the guy is selling his book mate. 


   A fine example of feminism and egalitarianism run amok, and excess of stage green with mental health issues from too much internet and online culture, too much Tik Tok hyper stimulation, too much social media consumption, begging @Leo Gura to delete your account. If you're a biological guy doing this it's embarrassing, and if you're  a biological female doing this, you need a guy to settle you down or take a break from the forum. Let go of feminism, egalitarianism, and progressivism from the internet.

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39 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

Please become a christian!! That would be to funny. 

   I am a Christian, so? What does that make you, with your behavior lately?

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Dealt with a toxic exchange.

Keep the discussion on track and be respectful to each other.


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That's Nichijou

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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We need AI because of an aging population and an increasing want inside society, fostered by authoritarian blame-shifting, to not hire foreign younger labor. We can’t get older people to do the work of twenty-year-olds, no amount of retraining will fix that.

Beyond that a dynamic country to remain competitive requires foreign workers to fill skilled gaps as they appear, not five years later when the country has adjusted to retraining and then has new gaps to fill. That’s if we can even constantly incentivize young people to want to fill those gaps in the first place. The other option is AI, where we just make the workers., a third is we have a worse quality of life, where we lack in certain areas. The UK is going to lack for local doctors  (GP’s), and waiting times are already terrible, if it doesn’t get over itself and hire more foreign medical staff or really boost funding.

Resources are in fewer hands because capitalism is heavily favored and socialism is demonized. They are out of balance. There are many reasons for this, not least of which is the people in power preferring it that way, and the ‘enemy’ used as a lever or foil is socialism. Like in Russia and China the enemy is liberalism. It's always the socialists, the communists, the liberals. Them vs us. The capitalist influences and to a greater extent authoritarian policies get some pushback but not near as much.

If you are going to use the stages as your frame. For acquiring or maintaining wealth, stage orange is critical. Adapting up the dynamics scale material things are of less importance for people. Orange is being seen as less favorable, we want to do things outside of maintaining wealth, more for others, or the planet. We are not wanting to slave away in a career just for material gain. You cover blue well, but for most of the Western societies the driving force was/is orange and that is what is dropping away currently.

There is no avoiding green. You have to immerse yourself (and society) in stage green before you can bring all of these things into balance and realise all are necessary. Without green there is no care for others around for who and what they are. No harmony with others outside of your immediate experience. It is obviously introduced slowly and gradually, with pushback and adaptation, but that’s natural.

What’s the answer to that, fostering a sense of community. That is not reliance on a god above your head telling you so, or hard rules enforced by fear. People do it because they care about the person next to them. Taking away the fear from people of each other and different perspectives, and allowing each to be heard. Then yes religion or spirituality can be introduced in an open and communal way. Not as a hammer or a leash.

Imposing an authoritarian perspective over millions doesn’t work to create anything like an ideal society, that one man alone cannot possibly ever represent those millions, or lead over educated free thinking people. You can’t apply one aspect of the political compass and expect to cover all of them a fraction as well. The delay you see is a natural part of how true democracy works. Consensus takes effort and time. In a crisis you need someone to handle it without delay. That is the balance. It takes patience and compromise to run a democracy. Accepting others opinions.

You can find data that says anything. Usually skewed from the perspective of the person collecting the data. If you have one source I can check it out, and see how many other factors they took into account during its collection, the way questions were asked, and the overall state of the world/countries at the time.

Margaret thatcher did not decide alone for the UK there would be war. The government did and the Queen for that matter. Certainly authoritarian voices in positions of power help in wartime, as control has to be maintained. I don’t think the potential embarrassment of my country, their action to correct it, or wartime really relates to birth rate, war as a whole is BAD for birthrate. War is usually a result of two authorities over extending, like the period we have now

Sources: |

We have a labor shortage and a cost of living crisis. Women working helps fill these. It does have some impact on birth rate yes, but so would not being able to afford the family in the first place, or have the necessary jobs filled to maintain social cohesion. Also not everyone is suited to be a parent AT ALL, some are downright disruptive and harmful as parents to the community. - One aspect other stages of spiral dynamics had right is that children were raised by the tribe or community, not one individual with all the potential flaws or inadequacies they posses.

Jobs don’t mess up women’s minds, any more than a building does, or a park bench.

The dating scene is messed up because:

People focus too much on the top 5% of perceived partners, and because they see it in front of them constantly they aim for it. Its like the 80s all over again, a weird hypermaterialism. Male and female alike. All the 'good' partners are taken and so they date the people playing around. People are dating for sex and instant gratification, yada yada we could do a whole 15 points on this too if you’d like. ‘Men sleep around then complain there are no women not sleeping around. - That’s half of the red pill problem in a nutshell. Women letting them do it, is the other half’

Women do have unrealistic expectations that they will magically find partners in their mid thirties and somehow fit a family in, or juggle career and family at once yes unless they get lucky. Mostly because we haven’t adapted working convention because of a perceived personal sense of necessary equality or egalitarianism, the thing you hate.

Women should get more time off, to raise their kids. Simple as that. Women should have some inbuilt time in their careers for their family, and that should be the norm, if we want things to function effectively, but we are not there yet.

Autocracy does not form all rights. You are looking at one part of a wall of a building and say ahah! That’s the wall where everything is built on. What part of authoritarianism is responsible for homeless shelters, a national health service, how about a liberal art festival. You’ll answer that 1/4 over there which gives it authority, and then I’ll say yes and the other 3/4’s arise from these other factors inherent throughout all of society.

An institution is NOTHING but a pile of bricks or a mark on a paper if it doesn’t have popular support, financing, a social reason for its existence, and yes the authority to hold that space.

Do I need to break down what created rights? Do you want all the social conditions, all the financing that goes on, all the necessity to create balance or perceived fairness, all the institutions, all the events that led up to it, the populist movements, the pressures that hold them there or give them legitimacy?

This is long enough I’ll tackle the proposed autocracy you are wanting if we wrap it up, but the summary above is enough for now.

Edited by BlueOak

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I feel like you are giving me 3/4's of the perspective here and taking 1/4. :) But it was an interesting discussion nonetheless. Thank you for it. I usually lack a good authoritarian perspective because of my own remaining resistance to authority which is always lessening as I age.

Edited by BlueOak

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Conservatives are right about some things y'know, you can have a life of freedom if you're born into a family and culture that provides it. But life starts to suck when it gets too easy for too long, not to mention the effect it will have on your view of yourself and your character. Nobody lives an easy life and says "Yup, I'm proud of that" It's just that simple.

It's worthwhile going over the things conservatives are right about. After all, as a liberal you should be more open minded to experiences and ideas, they don't have that kind of luxury.

Edited by MarkKol

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Walk around any western city and its pretty clear lmao 

Stage Green can go toxic too 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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