
Is there anything beyond consciousness or infinity?

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I had a conversation with a friend. And i told him that its possible to become conscious of absolute infinity, absolute truth and infinite love. He argues and said how can you know that its the final answer? I said through direct experience.

His argument was, what if human beings have a limit to what they can be conscious off and that there is something beyond consciousness or an infinite mind itself? Something that we cannot put into words or understand at all.

 So he would rather be agnostic and no make a final conclusion for anything and be in a state of constant not knowing.

What do you guys think about this?

Edited by HairyMystic

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Anything outside infinite mind/reality/God is actually part of reality. There can’t be anything outside reality. 

And of course, there are infinite states of consciousness, so you have to be infinitely conscious to experience the infinite consciousness. Infact, infinite consciousness and infinitely conscious are the same. 

There is no limit to how conscious you can become. Psychedelics can do wonders. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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The definition of absolute infinity means it never ends even if there were something outside you couldn't get there and if you did it would be part of absolute infinity. 

There is no limit to what humans can discover because we aren't even humans we are the background of reality talking to itself. The background can take any form you have seen it take infinite form with your own eyes.

What could potentially take place in the background of reality? That's what infinity means its what is potentially available to see in the background of reality, but not only that its much more. Every single object in the background of reality can have its own energy system and what its like to be that thing. This adds infinity onto infinity. Then you add infinite more infinite layers to the cake and you have absolute infinity. Or the experience of being a human. You are just a bunch of infinite working together to make you feel like a human.

Edited by Hojo

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Anything outside of infinity or consciousness that you could become conscious of is inside 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Hojo That is kinda what i was telling him. But he told me that he wants to keep an open mind and be agnostic. Because if there was something else that created absolute infinity. something beyond it that the godhead didn't even understand. I explained of course that it is not a possibility, since absolute infinity includes the idea that he was talking about.

But he asked me how do you know?

What are your thoughts

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16 hours ago, HairyMystic said:

Something that we cannot put into words or understand at all.

Yeah, that would be Consciousness/Infinity. ;)

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2 hours ago, HairyMystic said:

t he asked me how do you know

There is a very simple logic behind it, but most people can’t see it. 

Absolute infinity is reality. And reality is whatever exists. Truth. Anything that you claim exists is by definition reality or infinite consciousness. It's a mind fuck when you realize this completely. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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@HMD I completely agree. But he seemed to not be satisfied with this as an final answer and wants to keep an open mind for more radical realizations than this. 

So i shared this thought to hear what you guys think

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Of course. Toxic skepticism doubts everything but itself. It’s a blindspot. 

Edited by HMD

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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19 hours ago, HairyMystic said:

His argument was, what if human beings have a limit to what they can be conscious off and that there is something beyond consciousness or an infinite mind itself? Something that we cannot put into words or understand at all.

Yes, humans have a limit to what they can be conscious of. It is possible to experience beyond human consciousness, though. 


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@HairyMystic a void of nothing created it, you can ask whats outside of nothing but thats where you are. its just nothing and something

Edited by Hojo

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On 22/10/2023 at 8:15 PM, HairyMystic said:

Something that we cannot put into words or understand at all.

Consciouness and infinity and beyond are just words, it's not any of those. Is it possible to understand it all? Yes it's here, right now, just look, feel, listen, taste. Unfortunately, all those are just words too.

57% paranoid

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you’re thinking of infinity as a static object at the top of a hierarchy of objects. but infinity means there is no top, or bottom.

except you.

Edited by Oppositionless

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The limit of what humans can be conscious of is at the edge of the Observable Universe or the Cosmic Horizon. From there, we have no idea if there's more and can only assume an Infinite Universe. This is the essence of Faith, to continually become aware of that which is unknown.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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On 10/22/2023 at 3:15 PM, HairyMystic said:

His argument was, what if human beings have a limit to what they can be conscious off and that there is something beyond consciousness or an infinite mind itself? Something that we cannot put into words or understand at all.

Your friend has created a construct of absolute infinity which includes four components: 1) infinity includes “things” ,2) consciousness is awareness of things, 3) being conscious of this infinity would mean being aware of all things, 4) humans have a limit to what things they can be conscious of. . . Within the construct your friend created, they are correct: a human mind could not be conscious (aware) of all things. 

There are many other constructs that could be created. For example, rather than “consciousness” meaning human awareness - we could create a construct in which “consciousness” is Everything (which is the same as Nothing). Now imagine a space of Nothing in which any thing can exist and appear. Here, the Awareness is not knowing and understanding every single thing that exists within infinity (your friend’s construct). Rather, the Awareness is of the infinite nature itself - both known and unknown to a human mind. Here, there is awareness that a human is within infinity and that a human mind knows of a subset of things within infinity. Within this construct, it is irrelevant whether the human mind knows about a thing, can explain a thing or understands a thing. In terms of things, a human mind would have knowledge / understanding of a minuscule percentage of infinite things (0.000000000000. . . . . .%. An infinite number of zeros).  Yet there is awareness of the infinite nature itself.

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Simple, if there is zero structure, there cannot be less, then reality is shown as it is without structures. It is the same as reality with structure, only without them. You can't imagine it because imagining it is structure, the only thing you can do is dissolve all the structures.

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On 23/10/2023 at 0:08 PM, HairyMystic said:

But he asked me how do you know?

What are your thoughts

Good question. I'm also learning how to navigate such conversations without sounding like a condescending schizo.

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