
Was this girl a prude?

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So, I recently went on a date with a girl and on the date we first just had a normal chat about her, about me, what we like to do for fun, making jokes and teasing each other, etc. I also physically escalated with her gradually while paying attention to her non-verbal cues to notice how receptive she is to me escalating the sexual vibe. Then, in the middle of the conversation I asked her if she watched porn. She then gave me a weird look while saying "uh, no." Then she asked me why I would ask that. I said I am just curious. Then she was like "Okay?....Well, are you obsessed with sex?" I said "Oh no, I just wanted to if you happen to be into that. I mean there's nothing wrong with porn." She then said "Well, no there isn't, but that is a weird question to ask someone you just barely met." The date ended with a kiss, but a few days later she said to me over text that she didn't want to date again due to "personal reasons."


Do you think this chick was just being a prude? 

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2 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

Why did it end with a kiss if she wasn’t into you



Good question. I don't get it either. Maybe she just felt pressured into doing so?

Edited by Hardkill

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3 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Good question. I don't get it either. Maybe she just felt pressured into doing so?

I don’t know. Im asking because I’ve noticed this trend in some stories where it seems to me some women do things (even heard stories of them having sex) with men when they’re not even into it because it would be uncomfortable to cut it off or something, and in these particular cases it not even being the men putting pressure or something, which is crazy to me but I guess I’d have to ask women ..


Edited by Sugarcoat

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She must've tasted your political analysis and got turned off xD

Well add that to your arsenal of "Questions to never ask women"

Edited by MarkKol

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That’s usually a post-sex question. In most cases, it’s best to not bring up sex straight up, because that usually kills the sexual tension. She seemed like she was down to have sex. You were the prude by desexualizing the situation by bringing up sex. 

Edited by Chew211

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When you were talking about yourself in beggining with "normal chat" you were presenting yourself in some type of way that is opposite of a person that would ask "do you watch porn"? because of that it caught her off guard,if you showed that you are a sexual guy by how you talk and move in beggining then it wouldnt be a problem, but if she doesnt like sexual topics then thats that,but im 100% sure you dont even know why you asked that queastion...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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23 hours ago, Hardkill said:

So, I recently went on a date with a girl and on the date we first just had a normal chat about her, about me, what we like to do for fun, making jokes and teasing each other, etc. I also physically escalated with her gradually while paying attention to her non-verbal cues to notice how receptive she is to me escalating the sexual vibe. Then, in the middle of the conversation I asked her if she watched porn. She then gave me a weird look while saying "uh, no." Then she asked me why I would ask that. I said I am just curious. Then she was like "Okay?....Well, are you obsessed with sex?" I said "Oh no, I just wanted to if you happen to be into that. I mean there's nothing wrong with porn." She then said "Well, no there isn't, but that is a weird question to ask someone you just barely met." The date ended with a kiss, but a few days later she said to me over text that she didn't want to date again due to "personal reasons."


Do you think this chick was just being a prude? 

Sounds like a perfect date and you did everything correctly. Good job.

Next time just don't bring up porn on the first date. Girls really aren't into it. Sluts and strippers might be though.

Edited by itsadistraction

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It's just a dumb thing to bring up.  How does talking about porn make you more attractive to her?  

Yeah, all the well-known attraction triggers: handsome, confident, good sense of humor...watches porn.

Which one of these doesn't belong? 9_9

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2 hours ago, itsadistraction said:

Girls really aren't into it. Sluts and strippers might be though.

This is a huge misconception. Think about it. Why would someone out there that's having a lot of sex or working in the sex industry want to spend their downtime watching more sex. Unless you're a sex-addict, you won't care to do that if that's what you do for a living. You would be surprised if you really knew who were the freaks, kinks and the ones into fantasy role play. The strippers and the hookers and the sex workers are the ones supplying the tools for the so-called ordinary people who are the real "freaks". 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Porn is a very shallow facsimile of the real thing, and women are far more poised to easily get the real thing. Mentioning porn can creep some women out. You just got rejected; it happens all the time. Us guys get rejected all the time — btw, from the feminine gaze, part of the allure of the masculine is their perception that a guy can get rejected and be totally unaffected (if a girl respects you that’s actually how she expects you to be). Gotta keep swinging even if it’s hard but eventually it won’t be hard at all.

Props on the date ending with a kiss though. The only truly unsuccessful date is the one where you don’t even go for the kiss.

Edited by The0Self

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