
My sister is starting sixth form…

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How can I help her become conscious of her political opinions?

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Give more info. What's sixth form?  How old? Why do you want to change her opinions? what's wrong with them? 

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First become conscious of your own. Then be an example for her and others.

Your entire motive for this feels rather unconscious. So how about You dive into that? :P Before working on other ppl's unconsciousness.

Words can't describe You.

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Sure, just make her feel safer, and more expressive than what yelling her political stance at a rally ever would.

There is no way in hell she has a stable, solid understanding of politics developed enough to flourish rational viewpoints. She doesn't get what she's in for, but she does emotionally understand that being part of a group that has the potential to create impact is suitable for her survival.

Pure herd. I get it, I judged myself as intelligent at 16 but it was most simple, uncontrolled, misdirected emotion.

Guide her by her side. If she bit into it there's no going back other than her giving up (which she, hopefully, will)

Edited by Felliks

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16 minutes ago, jdc7733 said:

How can I help her become conscious of her political opinions?

id say let her roam about for a few years if she's 16, let her discover her mind and personality, young minds are easily swayed by political influence, there's no harm in letting her solidify her world view a bit before forming a solid political opinion.

After which you could step in, and help her make her most selfless political view, if you think you qualify to give that advice of course.

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Precisely. But be careful since those years are ***crucial*** for character development, and nobody wants to develop it in a single-minded political dogma no matter its quality. I wouldn't let mine ponder it for longer than what's necessary.

It's up to you to understand where that limit lies, but in my perception, going ahead of her and explaining your body of understanding in way more detail than what she engaged with politically would yield in her mind-shifting paths.

They just need something to rely on. Today's landscape is so brittle and scattered that our community-driven brains hardly cope with it, which is why they find outlets in disgusting ways.

Or the thing I originally suggested, which is less likely to happen.

Edited by Felliks

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@Sincerity That’s reasonable. I suppose it is just an attempt to get a greater understanding myself. I wanted to discuss principles, she sounds very smart, then again, it is impossible to tell how smart or dumb someone really is. I didn’t want her to make the same mistakes I did.

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@Francis777 All political views are ultimately selfish, but, within the constraints of life, how can we get the best result for everyone? 

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It may even be that the world is aiming at becoming the best version of itself, but, best is complicated.

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