
Who feels scared about what's going to happen in 2024?

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3 hours ago, itsadistraction said:


The smartest economists can't predict recessions accurately. What makes you think you can? In fact big recessions usually happen when virtually nobody sees it coming. (With the exception of small group of fringe traders and/or permabears). 

If the news bothers you, turn off the news!!! Do you really think your worries are going to help the situation? 



Yeah, don't you worry, until that problem seeks and finds you.

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10 hours ago, itsadistraction said:


The smartest economists can't predict recessions accurately. What makes you think you can? In fact big recessions usually happen when virtually nobody sees it coming. (With the exception of small group of fringe traders and/or permabears). 

If the news bothers you, turn off the news!!! Do you really think your worries are going to help the situation? 


I've tried that method before, but the problem is that I still have too much difficulty dealing with a worry or problem that is outside of my control. In fact, a lot of times, whenever it has to do with a problem or worry that I can't do anything about, then that makes me feels depressed or even more scared.

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Meh..... Business as usual.

So, if Trump became president again and the Republicans took control of the Senate again and held onto control of the US House, then how would things still be business usual, especially when you factor the fact that courts, including SCOTUS, have been stacked much more favor of the conservatives/Republicans, than when Trump first became president 2017?

Have you even heard of the terrifying plans that many big conservative groups such as the Heritage Foundation have already come up if they regain control of both chambers of Congress and the presidency?


How about the fact that they will continue to destabilize the US economy and much of the global economy by further deregulating the whole financial system and passing even larger tax cuts for the rich and corporations? We could have another Great Recession if not Great Depression if they were in power again.

Plus, that if Trump and the Republicans control the entire government again by 2025, then they will undoubtedly bring us much closer to WWIII or a global nuclear warfare. Not to mention, that they continue decimating our natural environment and further worsen the climate change problem.

They are so hell-bent on wanting to get their revenge even if it risks annihilating this country, if not the whole world!

Edited by Hardkill

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32 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

So, if Trump became president again and the Republicans took control of the Senate again and held onto control of the US House,

That would be a shit-show.

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11 hours ago, itsadistraction said:



This picture is not quite correct. If you can do something about it, then worrying is valid. That's the function of worrying, is to get you to act on things which you can do something about.

But if you can't do anything about it, then drop worrying.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

That would be a shit-show.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

This picture is not quite correct. If you can do something about it, then worrying is valid. That's the function of worrying, is to get you to act on things which you can do something about.

But if you can't do anything about it, then drop worrying.

I've never been able to manage my worries about something that's out of control. It usually makes me feel hopeless and pessismistic when there is nothing I can do about a serious problem.

So, how should we prepare for the worst?


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4 hours ago, Hardkill said:

I've never been able to manage my worries about something that's out of control.

I find it easy. Once I realize a thing is out of my control there's no more need to worry.

The hard part is determining whether something is in your control or not. This requires some contemplation work.


So, how should we prepare for the worst?

You shouldn't. Just follow your life purpose.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I find it easy. Once I realize a thing is out of my control there's no more need to worry.

The hard part is determining whether something is in your control or not. This requires some contemplation work.

You shouldn't. Just follow your life purpose.

We may not be able to follow our own life purposes for long if WWIII happens, nuclear warfare happens, cataclysmic climate change disasters occur, or if Trump and the MAGA tragically win in 2024.

Any of those scenarios would lead to such nightmarish dark days for this world.

And yet it doesn't seem like enough people in the US or even in many other parts of the world are waking up to the dangers we are in. Most people in the US don't trust our government or our political system. Also, Democrats keep still getting outmessaged by the Republicans. It's like it still doesn't seem to matter how great of a job Biden and the Democratic party have been doing for this country or how much more fucked up Trump and the Republicans keep getting. Both parties are still mistakenly perceived by the public as being about equally bad by moderates, independents, and undecided voters. It's absolutely unbelievable and truly scary!

Yes, the toxic right-wing media ecosystem is largely responsible for this, but the Democrats and liberals in this country really dropped the ball by not playing hardball enough like the Republicans do and by not having built a powerful liberal/left-wing media ecosystem in the 90s, 00s, and 2010s. Sometimes, I think that maybe a lot of the corporate Democrats actually want their party to lose or be weak in order to appease their corporate donors. 

Edited by Hardkill

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29 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

We may not be able to follow our own life purposes for long if WWIII happens, nuclear warfare happens, or if Trump and the MAGA tragically win in 2024.

Any of those scenarios would lead to such nightmarish dark days for this world.

You can’t change it though. It’s like the weather or climate change.

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17 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

You can’t change it though. It’s like the weather or climate change.

To me that's sounding like giving up fighting for what is right. 

You know, what's really frustrates me is that we haven't a serious liberal movement for like what happened with the abolition movement, early 1920s progressive movement, or mid 1900s civil rights movements. Why have the progressives today still not been able to generate a large enough on the ground kind of movement? Why haven't there been giant marches every single day? Where are the widespread sit-ins? Why haven't they organized the churches/synagogues and the unions together? Why hasn't someone like Obama continue to fight like hell for our democracy and rights like MLK did?

Edited by Hardkill

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21 hours ago, itsadistraction said:


This is brilliant. :D

@Leo Gura

Strategic planning ≠ worrying.

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12 hours ago, Hardkill said:

I've never been able to manage my worries about something that's out of control.

Worry is a useful tool. Obsessively focusing on a problem is the prelude to creative solutions.

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Yeah, the nuclear thing scares me a bit.

Using AI in warfare is another concern. That shit could really fuck us up.

I just want to live 4 more years. I hope we aren't all blown up by then.

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Worry is a useful tool. Obsessively focusing on a problem is the prelude to creative solutions.

Worry is 100 percent useless.

Again, strategic planning ≠ worrying. Worry is just another word for compulsive neurotic anxiety; strategic planning on the other hand is the conscious temporary employment of your rational faculties in order to come up with a specific solution to a specific problem. It's basically the difference between using a hammer for thirty seconds in order to drive a nail into a wall vs having that hammer glued to your hand and compulsively smashing it ahainst your head 24/7.

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11 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Worry is 100 percent useless

Most people do not function like robots, in a Google office with a ball pool, calmly addressing conflicts, but rather we function on impulses, and worry is an impulse that must be listened to. Worry is approaching a situation from a negative point of view, that is, out of fear that something you don't want will happen. If you have a business and you are worried about being robbed for example, you obsessively search for a solution. If there is no worries, you normally react weakly, late and poorly.

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15 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Most people do not function like robots, in a Google office with a ball pool, calmly addressing conflicts, but rather we function on impulses, and worry is an impulse that must be listened to. Worry is approaching a situation from a negative point of view, that is, out of fear that something you don't want will happen. If you have a business and you are worried about being robbed for example, you obsessively search for a solution. If there is no worries, you normally react weakly, late and poorly.

Sure, the initial impulse of detecting and wanting to solve a problem (which may or may not have a strong emotional component) is perfectly adequate and healthy; but it becomes dysfunctional and counterproductive as soon as it devolves into chronic compulsive anxiety. And it's exactly this kind of unhealthy anxiety that is commonly referred to when people talk about "worrying".

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9 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

And it's exactly this kind of unhealthy anxiety that is commonly referred to when people talk about "worrying".

If that is the meaning of worrying for you, then okay, but being obsessed with a problem for a few days means that all your processing capacity is dedicated to it and with that the possibilities of a solution increase. You just have to know how to stop when you've done everything possible, but many people are very lazy and stop worrying before their time because it's more comfortable to live without that shit on your mind, that way you can dedicate yourself to the things you like, and then shit falls on them

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