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I noticed that the most efficient way to communicate in this type of work is through analogy’s or metaphors, it’s one thing trying to articulate your mystical experience through words, let alone having the other person trying to comprehend what your saying. When I had my first samadhi I realized that I am all alone and that majority of conversation I had with someone was mainly meaningless and I lost interest in conversing, It also had a negative affect whenever I gave my opinion out without someone asking for it. This reality is so perfectly designed that it doesn’t need your flawed opinions to be pushed onto others, inspiration is what is needed from you in order for people to change and if someone wants your opinion they will ask you for it or seek it from you. So now you have all this information but can’t share it unless someone is seeking it from you, you then teach them what you know but you can’t because they are literally not able to comprehend it or lead them further by making another belief for them to follow. Another thing is that if they genuinely wanted to know what Truth you know, they would have already found it out from putting in genuine years of work to know the truth but they didn’t and suffer the consequences. This is kind of where I struggle on, I want to post on this forum but I debate whether to or not because whenever I post on here the reply’s end up being some bias standpoint that they learned from somewhere or meaningless words because people act like they “know”. I have very few beliefs and one of them is ‘not knowing’ but I try not to even make that a belief in it itself. 
“It’s like explaining colors to a blind person”

What are some analogy’s you use to explain things?


Edited by Dez

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There are two teachers in a village (somewhere, somewhen). One of the teachers attracts a great number of villagers every day, who gather around him on a hill and answers questions. One villager pipes up and asks "I have heard the next village along eats fish every day. We have never eaten fish. How do we get fish?" 

The teacher thinks for a minute and then explains that fish live in water, and you would need to build a boat and nets and have a lot of patience. The villager then asks further "What is a boat and a net? And where do we find water?". The teacher goes on to explain all these things at great length. Day after day the villagers gather and ask more questions about fishing. Sometimes there is great debate about which is the best way to find fish. Some villagers even try to convince themselves that they have eaten fish, and others tell them how silly they are because it's not fish they're eating.

The other teacher goes out early in the morning before all the villagers are up and wanders widely around the area every day. One day one of the villagers is also up early and notices her walking about and asks her what she is doing. She says "I'm going fishing, would you like to come?". The villager responds "I already know all about fishing.", he pauses, "but I've still never tasted a fish". "Come!" the teacher says, "but you must stay silent and just copy what I do.". Together they walk for what seems a very long time in the darkness. Eventually they reach a great lake. The villager's eyes nearly pop out of his head when he sees a small boat on the shore. The teacher gives him a sharp look and indicates not to say a word! She motions him to get into the boat and inside he can see a net. He runs his fingers over it and laughs with joy. Again the teacher signs for him to be quiet. She pushes the boat out into the lake with the oar and when they are out far enough, she motions him to throw the net into the water.

The new fisherman keeps up the practice early every morning. He tells the other villagers all about his fishing and how tasty fish are when cooked over a fire. However, when they ask how he found the fish, he just says "you must come silently with me early in the morning and I will show you". But they don't believe him, and getting up so early every day seems like effort and staying silent is difficult. All they can say is "but we already know about fishing".

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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Reflecting on why you want or what you want to communicate is always a good start if you want to be mindful about it.

It is likely that there may be a variety of both conscious and unconscious reasons to why we choose to communicate or not, and both of those choices can be learned from.

Analogies and metaphors are good for non-descriptive language like experiences, feelings etc. It makes communication less robotic and stale in comparison with a story. 

Since spirituality is about the spirit that dwells within the body, it may lack precise definition points, but not in movement.  And if we are moved, we tend to act. So what moves you?

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Life is like a hairy ballsack.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  On 10/18/2023 at 10:35 AM, ZzzleepingBear said:


Speak for yourself. Mine is beautiful.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I will sell it on a t-shirt.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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