
So women can press charges on you for saving their life now?

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On 10/22/2023 at 5:52 PM, Optimized Life said:

What you focus on becomes your reality. 

If that were true, I’d be living like Hugh Hefner or Dan Bilzarian by now. I focus on women, a lot. That’s what I do. I’ve become psychotically obsessed with them. There are no words in any human language that can come close to describing how badly I need to get my fucking hands on one. So why no army of girls despite focusing so hard?

On 10/22/2023 at 5:52 PM, Optimized Life said:

Not all girls are whores and monsters


On 10/22/2023 at 5:52 PM, Optimized Life said:

You need to meet some innocent and gentle girls to provide counter evidence to your universal perception of all women.

I want to believe that, and I’m sure it is very true objectively, but it doesn’t seem that way. The simple fact that we have to go through so much painstakingly brutal work just learn how to speak and interact with them properly really makes it seem like they’re just inherently very weird creatures. 

On 10/22/2023 at 5:52 PM, Optimized Life said:

There are also many sweet feminine innocent undamaged girls out there, you just have to find them. 

Every guy that ended up getting divorce raped or sperm jacked for child support money or falsely accused or abused or whatever thought he had a good girl at first. Girls can be so freakishly good at acting and lying that sometimes you can’t even tell the difference between a sweetheart and a demon. Scary stuff. Do you think any of the guys who’ve been dragged to hell and back knew they were dealing with a demon ahead of time? 


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5 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

If that were true, I’d be living like Hugh Hefner or Dan Bilzarian by now. I focus on women, a lot. That’s what I do. I’ve become psychotically obsessed with them. There are no words in any human language that can come close to describing how badly I need to get my fucking hands on one. So why no army of girls despite focusing so hard?

Because you're focusing on the lack of them. If you had an army of girls around you right now, would you say I need an army if girls around me right now?. No, you'd probably feel grateful and having a blast. That's the difference. You even said it, "how badly I NEED to get my hands on one". That will get you more "needing" to get your hands on one. The law is very tricky if you don't understand how it works. You don't get what you want you get what you are. Vibrate on the frequency of not needing. Be as if you already have what you want. Ever notice when you're not looking or needing it appears. That's why the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. 

That's what he means when he says focus, but you're focusing on the not having so you get more of the not having.

Know thyself....

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21 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

I want to believe that, and I’m sure it is very true objectively, but it doesn’t seem that way. The simple fact that we have to go through so much painstakingly brutal work just learn how to speak and interact with them properly really makes it seem like they’re just inherently very weird creatures.

This is a belief system that will become true for you. It is neither true nor false. It's what you believe, so your brain will seek out to prove that to you. Understand how the mind works and you will start to see how you're constructing your Reality. There is no objective world only subjective. You can fight that all you want and object to this, but you'll only be denying your own power and become a victim to circumstances. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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On 10/24/2023 at 9:18 AM, Princess Arabia said:

You don't get what you want you get what you are. Vibrate on the frequency of not needing. Be as if you already have what you want. Ever notice when you're not looking or needing it appears. That's why the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. 

The only time that “what you want shows up when you stop focusing on it” thing works is in my dreams. Usually in the past when I’ve been able to lessen my desire for women, they show up in swarms in my dreams at night along with the kinds of related activities I need. But never in waking reality. Dunno what’s going on there.

Furthermore, what’s even the point of getting your desire if you no longer want it? If law of attraction dictates that you have to get to a space where you already feel as though you have your desire, at that point you’re already fulfilled in that way so what’s even the point of having it anymore? The whole point of having a desire is being super elated and ecstatic when you finally get it. It defeats the entire purpose of getting your desire if you just make yourself feel like you already have it manifested before its manifested.

It would be like if you really wanted a coat because you were cold, but instead of getting the coat like you wanted, someone showed you a technique to produce more body heat so you no longer need it. THEN the coat shows up. It’s asinine. 

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