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Optimized Life

Cost to benefit : Eating fish and salmon?

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Is risks of eating salmon, especially farmed salmon (more common) worth the brain benefis of omega 3

Is all farmed salmon very bad, should it be permanently avoided due to contamination? 

Or salmon from some countries/companies is safe ? 

Edited by Optimized Life

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I don't know if this is quackery, but vonderplanitz explained that the vast majority of heavy metals were found in the stools if the fish was eaten raw.

The devil is in the details.

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21 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

I don't know if this is quackery, but vonderplanitz explained that the vast majority of heavy metals were found in the stools if the fish was eaten raw.


oh like so you're saying if we eat the fish raw instead of cooked, the mercury will not bind to our organs and will dissipate? 

Edited by Optimized Life

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44 minutes ago, Optimized Life said:

Is risks of eating salmon, especially farmed salmon (more common) worth the brain benefis of omega 3

Is all farmed salmon very bad, should it be permanently avoided due to contamination? 

Or salmon from some countries/companies is safe ? 


That's a really complex question and you might not like the definitve answer, which is "we don't really know".
Most studies looking at increased salmon consumption show additional health benefits, regardless of the farming method.
We could go into the detailss of what the actual contamination numbers are and how much of that heavy metal actually gets absorbed into the body, but I don't see the relevance for the discussion. Salmon seems to be health promoting either way, even though there is a certain grey-area.
Personally, i do eat farmed salmon from norway and don't worry too much about it.

If you want to be 100% sure, cut out any fish and take your Omega 3 through algae-sourced products.
But if you would ask me personaly, just take the best product from your local supermarcet. (Google the fish farm and compare)

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
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Your genetics determines how well your body copes with heavy metals. So for some people it's a much bigger problem than others.

You can minimize problems with salmon by eating it with a chelator like activated charcoal or zeolite, which will absorb the heavy metals.

Every time you eat fish, just eat a pill of activated charcoal.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Eat salmon eggs. It is the most healthy part of the fish and very low heavy metals. 

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Don't be so obsessed with heavy metals in salmon. If the fish tastes normal, it probably has very low amount of heavy metals. In the 19th century, most western countries were literally drinking poisoned water by lead, yet 99% of people didn't even get sick because of it.

I would be more concerned about other fish like Tilapia that comes from Vietnam. I have once eaten a Tilapia that tasted like feces and garbage. I immediately threw it away.

Edited by FourCrossedWands

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17 minutes ago, FourCrossedWands said:

In the 19th century, most western countries were literally drinking poisoned water by lead, yet 99% of people didn't even get sick because of it.

That's a weird claim (backed up buy no evidence or personal experience) to dismiss entire topics and avoid mental effort. 

1. Are you really sure that "99%" of all people in the 19th century were in good health? Lol. 

2. Even if they weren't all vividly sick to the point of total dysfunction and societal breakdown, I highly doubt they were anywhere close to optimal .. 

3. .. People seemed to be pretty messed up in that period, If they were drinking lead water, that would partially explain all the weird and sick things they were doing.  

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25 minutes ago, Optimized Life said:

That's a weird claim (backed up buy no evidence or personal experience) to dismiss entire topics and avoid mental effort. 

1. Are you really sure that "99%" of all people in the 19th century were in good health? Lol. 

2. Even if they weren't all vividly sick to the point of total dysfunction and societal breakdown, I highly doubt they were anywhere close to optimal .. 

3. .. People seemed to be pretty messed up in that period, If they were drinking lead water, that would partially explain all the weird and sick things they were doing.  

Yeah, but I mean eating one salmon a week with slightly higher levels of heavy metals won't kill you if drinking lead-poisoned water didn't kill those people back then...

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11 hours ago, FourCrossedWands said:

if drinking lead-poisoned water didn't kill those people back then

You have no idea what people suffered back then.

Dying from heavy metals is very rare. That's not the issue. The issue is that it just ruins your life in a subtle way.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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OK, so Norway is actually a corrupt country and wild-caught salmon is the way to go. Avoid all farmed fish if possible.

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14 hours ago, Jehovah increases said:

Have a look at these if you haven't seen them. 






Listening to "Dr" Berg for health advice is like trying to build a sturdy house with a stack of playing cards;

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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30 minutes ago, undeather said:

Listening to "Dr" Berg for health advice is like trying to build a sturdy house with a stack of playing cards;

Ad personam, all Berg does here is talk about fish, it's not because he says strange things on a subject (like his ideas on the spleen, the liver etc, or even his controversial keto diet) that everything he says is systematically false, especially when he talks about random subjects like heavy metals in fish.
Would you like to be treated like that?

30 minutes ago, undeather said:


There is no reason why a general practitioner, a pharmacist, someone in midwifery or any doctor who is not specialized in nutrition or a relatively close sector should be more qualified than an osteopath.

Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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14 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Ad personam, all Berg does here is talk about fish, it's not because he says strange things on a subject (like his ideas on the spleen, the liver etc, or even his controversial keto diet) that everything he says is systematically false, especially when he talks about random subjects like heavy metals in fish.
Would you like to be treated like that?

There is no reason why a general practitioner, a pharmacist, someone in midwifery or any doctor who is not specialized in nutrition or a relatively close sector should be more qualified than an osteopath.

Yeah, nobody is above the data. 
If you hold 3 PhD's in nutritional science and base an argument on a poor interpretational framework, you are still wrong.

The problem with Berg is that he gives the appearance of someone who holds real expertise. 
I have interacted with multiple "fans" over the years, who were convinced that he is a real doctor giving legit & evidence based health advice.
People like him base their enterprise on the fact that the general population knows next to nothing about science & epistemiology. Yet of course, anyone with the slightest shred of insight will to recognize the idiocracy. He is just a well known figure in the heterodox health-influencer ecosystem - but when it comes to quality health information, he has a terrible signal to noise ratio. 

Any claim Berg makes in his videos needs to be taken with mulptiple grains of salt. 
It's not about being "systemically false" - it's just about that you can't trust that guy with anything. Why would you watch his take on fish & heavy metals when you know that he is talking so much nonsense in some of his other videos? He has already shown that he is incapable of using proper heuristics for similar topics - why give a shit what he has to say at all? 

It's literally like is like trying to build a sturdy house with a stack of playing cards.

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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And this is exactly why one has to research everything for themselves and see what works for them and what doesn't. Most doctors I have met have such a high ego or opinion of themselves and like most humans, are very narrow or closed-minded or have been on the job for so long that they miss things and just hand out meds and their mind is somewhere else. It's almost as though they have lost their passion and love of why they became a doctor in the first place. Most if not all physicians I have been to since I was in my late teens to now. When I presented them with alternative drugs like cannabis, psilocybin LSD, etc. Most of them didn't know what DMT was. They would always tell you how bad psychedelics are for you and to stay as far away from them. Anyway, some older doctor with all these accolades filling all his walls always reminds me of someone overcompensating for what only he can tell. All this nonsense really does not impress me perhaps some humans are easily impressed now where have I heard that saying before? I felt like asking him are you going to take all those awards with you and have them on your coffin and grave when you go. Somehow that would not have gone down too well. This doctor was so set in his ways telling me how bad cannabis was compared to Oxycodone and how Oxy was better for you. I asked him how many deaths have there been on cannabis in comparison to oxycodone. He could not even answer me. He dodged the question like most of them, so reminiscent of most physicists and how asleep they are or they're just worried about their reputations in academics so forth, and so on. Optimized Life I heard one of the lowest in heavy metals is Alaskan pink salmon but you have to research that for yourself to find out if there is any truth to it. Actually, come to think of it virgin Cod liver oil contains high levels of vitamins A and D so you could have a look into that.

Edited by Jehovah increases

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@Optimized Life If in doubt, look for other sources of omega 3s. Salmon is not the holy grail of Omega 3s.

Also, ensure that you are taking care of the omega 3 to omega 6 ratio. Or else it gets problematic.

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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@HMD then what is the holy grail of omegas? I would say that fish generally are not considering the toxicity, they would be my favourite food to eat if pollution didn't exist, such a lean brain food in the short term.

I eat a ton of eggs (free range but not organic) it's certainly nutritious but sometimes I question whether it's holistically healthy exclusively eat eggs mostly. 

Nuts and seeds cause faltulence so that sucks

Edited by Optimized Life

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