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Your parents had sex to have you.

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I think approaching women is easier when you realize that humans have been hooking up for millions of years. 

Your parents went through the same process, of finding partners, having sex, and then having you. You owe your existance (the little you) to the horniness and pick up startegies of your parents. 

Getting laid is all a head game. When you realize there's nothing to it, it's something even your parents could manage, then it becomes easier.

Hope this helps you to get out there and start getting laid. And of course watch Leo's awesome videos on the topic. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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1 hour ago, itsadistraction said:

it's something even your parents could manage, then it becomes easier.


You cannot love what you need.

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You know what, bro. I love this thread. It’s something I’ve been saying for years. Only I have a variation of the same thought. Sex is one of if not the most normal, joyful and basic things ever invented. People are so needlessly weirded out by the idea and the mention of it it’s incredibly annoying. It’s literally the reason why every single human and biological organism for that matter is alive and here. Yet women are slut shamed for it, men are called creeps and pervs for trying to get it, it’s censored and taboo in most cultures and so much more. Just think about how couples are so proud of showing off their new baby to the world then if the very act which created it gets brought up, suddenly the atmosphere becomes awkward and people start blushing. It’s absolutely absurd O.o

On 10/15/2023 at 1:08 PM, itsadistraction said:

it's something even your parents could manage, then it becomes easier.

Funny you pointed that out because my dad just recently started admitting to me that if the dating scene was as messed up as it is now days when he was a strapping young lad, I would’ve never been born. 63 percent of young men today are single and sexless, that should tell you something. It was a wildly different time back then. People were more laid back and natural, unlike the internet and social media induced robotic thinking and behavior of people today. It only seems to be getting worse with each passing year.

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Also, just a couple days ago I was talking to a girl on this online chat room game. I asked her about her race to which she said Hispanic + Asian mix. So I was like that’s funny, I didn’t know Hispanics and Asians had sex with each other, never heard of that combo before. She flat out ran away from me the moment I said that xD People are so squeamish 

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6 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Also, just a couple days ago I was talking to a girl on this online chat room game. I asked her about her race to which she said Hispanic + Asian mix. So I was like that’s funny, I didn’t know Hispanics and Asians had sex with each other, never heard of that combo before. She flat out ran away from me the moment I said that xD People are so squeamish 

6 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:


Lol yes, but sometimes race is a touchy issue for some reason with people. 

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8 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

You know what, bro. I love this thread. It’s something I’ve been saying for years. Only I have a variation of the same thought. Sex is one of if not the most normal, joyful and basic things ever invented. People are so needlessly weirded out by the idea and the mention of it it’s incredibly annoying. It’s literally the reason why every single human and biological organism for that matter is alive and here. Yet women are slut shamed for it, men are called creeps and pervs for trying to get it, it’s censored and taboo in most cultures and so much more. Just think about how couples are so proud of showing off their new baby to the world then if the very act which created it gets brought up, suddenly the atmosphere becomes awkward and people start blushing. It’s absolutely absurd O.o

Funny you pointed that out because my dad just recently started admitting to me that if the dating scene was as messed up as it is now days when he was a strapping young lad, I would’ve never been born. 63 percent of young men today are single and sexless, that should tell you something. It was a wildly different time back then. People were more laid back and natural, unlike the internet and social media induced robotic thinking and behavior of people today. It only seems to be getting worse with each passing year.

Amen to all of that 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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No, it's a stork, she dropped me off at the door, with a new cradle, a kanelbullar, and a Beretta RS200.

Mom is too pure to have sex, huh.

The devil is in the details.

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