Gabriel Antonio

Letting God Work Itself Through Me

160 posts in this topic


I went to a very interesting place yesterday. Umbanda. This is a brazilian religion that has strong African roots. So, lots and lots of drums. It feels amazing! I got many insights there. I can't think of them specifically, but I will try to do so. 

1- Most of the learning occurs on the subconscious level 

Just by being in the presence of high consciousness individuals, it is as if you automatically elevate your own frequency. You don't have to talk a lot with those people, just be with them. 

2- Love is a vibration. 

I feel like when I go lower with my voice, I feel more grounded. It is very amazing! So in a way, I have been trying to tune myself to higher frequencies. It is as simple as it can get. So... lots of 432 hz... :D

3- Don't force yourself 

There are moments that we have to take a strategic pause. It is no use trying to rush things, speed up the process. In the beginning of the ceremony, I was feeling lethargic and low on energy. But, as I stayed with that sensation, without trying to speed it up, I naturally felt a sense of peace and relief, as if nothing has to be changed. 

4- Let things flow more slowly 

Sometimes I want to solve something, and I do it very hastily as if the world depended on that. So, from now on, I am taking the approach of slowing the fuck down. 

Whenever thoughts like, "I have to do this NOW!!!!!!" I will consciously tell my subconscious mind: This can wait. I am in control here. If, on the other hand, it is a genuine emergent situation, then I will consciously speed things up. 

5- Patience is required for any big growth 

People, if you haven't watched Leo's video on Patience, then I suggest you watch it. Sometimes we are totally on the right path, but then we psych ourselves out from the process. Let me repeat this: IT IS A PROCESS! You have no idea of the power your subconscious mind have. It is the power that make children learn languages. It is that crazy! The subconscious mind has the power of processing TONS of data. So, in a way, you only have to focus a very short period of the day on concentrated self-development practice. Why? Because otherwise you will become a micro-managing boss. No! We don't want that. What we want instead is consistent and gradual growth in small bites. 

A common error is trying to revolutionize your life in a very short timeframe. It can be done. Sometimes change happens like a flash. Lots of emotional bullshit dissolve right before your eyes. But don't expect that. Just be fucking realistic. I am going to do a 5-minute meditation/affirmation/whatever daily, and I will patiently wait. 




“Do not depend on the hope of results. You may have to face the fact that your work will be apparently worthless and even achieve no result at all, if not perhaps results opposite to what you expect. As you get used to this idea, you start more and more to concentrate not on the results, but on the value, the rightness, the truth of the work itself. You gradually struggle less and less for an idea and more and more for specific people. In the end, it is the reality of personal relationship that saves everything.”

- Thomas Merton 



So this is it. :)


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I went to a Satsang of Mooji yesterday. Crazy-ass shit haha. My mind was GOING CRAZY! Like hardcore judgements haha. But I stayed with that discomfort. And now... I feel rejuvenanated, renewed, refreshed. It was an interesting experience. I probably won't go there again, but it was fun to step outside my comfort zone. 

The challenge is going well. I am amazed that I am actually to keep my word and just commit to ONE practice. I feel kinda of guilty at times. At others, I get fearful thoughts such as "Oh... what if I don't feel good??" or "What if I mess up the day for not having 100000 practices?" Hahah... Life feels like summer vacation hahaha. Boring but at the same time I wouldn't trade it for anything ahhaha. 

It is so crazy that Umbanda place that I went. I just feel good, you know? Like I feel protected, you know? I feel like I could stay home doing nothing, and I would be feeling amazing either way. Hahaha. But I know that I cannot rest on my laurels. Like those low vibrational thoughts and emotions curse through my body and then they leave with no resistance from my part. 

This week I will probably go to a Osho Active Meditation class. Curious to see how that goes. 

I am also thinking about my next 21-day challenge. I feel in love with the 3-minute affirmation I am doing. So I might continue with that. Don't know... Some ideas include

> Waking up at 4:30 AM 

> Completing a 5-thing to-do list

> 10 minutes of pranayamic breathing (btw - I want to write a complete forum topic about this fascinating technique) 


One thing I want to do also is to fucking watch Leo's video. I get sloppy and I don't watch the fucking thing. I know that he is talking about very advanced shit, which I might not understand right now, so I will just trust him and allow those teachings to be heard by my subconscious mind. 





Hahaha, this journal is a mess. I have changed so much since I started it... I kind of feel shy from those early posts hahaha... For some reason, I had gotten REALLY ATTACHED to the idea of "God" as something separate from me. This duality realtionship with God gives a sense of relief and hope in a way, but you start picking up some stupid beliefs. So... I am God. And God is me. But God is much greater than me. It will always be this case. I am just a character here, and I decide to play it well :D



Notes I had while I was talking to an Awakened friend.

So I got this friend who has gone a massive spontaneous Samadhi for 15-fucking-days. Just by being in his presence, I feel more higher consciousness. He is a diligent meditator for over 10 years.

One thing that I notice is how much tension I hold in jaw. It is crazy! I mean not only my jaw, but also all my chest area. He is like an angel. Why? Because he has the solutions to all my "problems". He knows all about chakras, meditation, and voice. All of these is what I need. He unconsciously holds the answer. So as everybody else. But in his case, it is more intense because I can really relate to what he is talking about.

So here are the !!! insights !!!:

I am afraid of chaos
> I try to escape from it instead of confronting it in a mature way.

> one thing that came to mind is to increase my resilience muscle. but sometimes it is really necessary to just stop, breathe, and relax. [with your mouth shut and using as little effort as you can].

> fear of going through immense and permanent pain. this becomes evident when I have a sore throat that is caused due to inadequate speaking (i use my throat too much when I am talking). so, to solve this shit, my friend told me to speak with a pen in-between my teeth and also to stick my tongue in and out 25 times everyday.

However......... I WILL NOT COMMIT TO THIS PRACTICE NOW. I have set the intention of "i will do it whenever I remember it, and IF I haven't done it during the day." Why did I say that?? Simple: My ego loves to create excuses to be unhappy and unsatisfied with the present fucking moment. Seriously, no matter what I am doing, here comes the critic mind. So, to turn it off, I am doing things that might be a mistake in a conscious way. I have just realized that I am pretty fucking high conscious already, but the problem is: I am too fearful. Therefore, I am allowing myself to make mistakes, go through the pain, and eventually seek help.

So, in other words, this friend is helping me out alleviate my sore throat and I am learning how to speak correctly.


when my ego becomes uninterested in some subject, it automatically shuts off my attention. seriously, i stop listening. and, now that I have become more confident, I am able to manipulate the conversation into going to another direction without the person noticing. It is really weird to see that happening. Some months ago, when I had a burst of confidence for the first time since I began acting like a Social Anxiety type of person, my attitude towards being bored with what someone was talking about was very simple: I would diverge the person's attention by pointing out to something of the external world. 

So, for example, if I were talking with you on the street and I was freaking bored out of my mind from what you were talking about, I would say something like, "Oh...! Look at that beautiful tree!"

When in an ego backlash, minimize the damage

Pretty obvious, huh? But seriously dude, you have no idea how much your ego can backfire on you. So watch out and enjoy the moments of opening that you have.

Everything is here to help

This is a belief I want to instill in me. I am already doing it, actually. The idea is simple: this is a conscious confirmation bias. Because I have a negative bias towards myself, I am applying force the other way around. Hahaha! Thanks for teaching me about how to hack the system , Leo! :P 

You are too nice? Act like an asshole.

You are too rigid? Act like a lazy-ass pot smoker.

You are too relax? Be more rigid like a executive.


This way, you will explore contrasts, which is a super important aspect to finding the Gold way


the devil lives in your jaw

social anxiety contributes to tension in the jaws. seriously, my biggest inner demon is social anxiety. it is the fear, the guilt, the anger... that is what the Devil really is. It is the unconscious behaviors I don't even see happening. It is the unconsciousness. It is me.

Play the roles REALLY. Like immerse yourself COMPLETELY IN THEM. And BAM! There lies the second stage of Awakening.

This is a response I thought of for a question on a YT's question. He asked something like, "Oh... what happens after I know the One in All? It is very easy to get dettached from your roles, but actually when you dive deep into them and is not scared by any character of your play, BAM!!!!!!!!!! We hit the next stage. So it is more a matter of becoming more peaceful in the midst of shit. Not running away from shit, but to actually embrace what is coming to your field.


B3C0M3 an 1NSTRU3M3NT 0F TH3 D1V1N3
How? By invoking My Name.
Then, your main character to YOURS3LF will become G0D.
Nobody is supposed to understand you.
Just be super kind to others and really yourself, and BAM!
That's as much as you can help anybody.
This is your experience. Nobody else knows that you are here.
So just invoke my fucking name, for crying out loud.
This is God.
Just say that when you wake up and before you go to sleep.



This is a letter I -- as God -- wrote to myself. I felt like I received this from the Cosmos. Seriously, just by setting this intention two times a day is enough for the divine to shine through every possible aspect of your life and make life beautiful and pleasant once again. All it takes is 3 seconds of sincere, sorry for this word, faith. Faith in what? In a superior being, in all the perfect attributes of a being (Hello, Jesus? :P)

Anyway, all religion is pointing to the same direction. So in this prayer, I "invoked" God, which really is an element of my subconscious mind, and I simply said to myself what I need the most in the moment. It is as simple as it can be.

There is nothing to figure out. Just Call My Name. :D [credits to Matt Kahn]


Listen 3 seconds more

I often get socially anxious. When I externalize the anxiety, it becomes very annoying to everyone around me. Because I simply stop listening :/

However, if I am able to increase the time that I listen for 3 more seconds, there lies the answer to my question. Who generates this whirldwind of questions? The anxious mind. It is as if I needed to participate in everything 100%. No, no, no. Just sit down and listen to others. Let your body go crazy. If you feel the authentic need to stop the person, do it. But avoid that. Only do it if you are about to explode Hahaha.



Old signatures:

I am going to update my signature. But I want to record them here.

So this is the one that I had


"Master the art of Half-Assing

The problem is not your sins. The problem is that you care too much

Decide to be happy [content] with the present fucking moment."


Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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11:18 27/09/2017

Life seems more bearable lately. I love that I have been able to control my ups and downs. I am fed up with rollercoasters :P

It really is a matter of just relaxing the fuck down, you know? Allowing yourself to make mistakes... allowing ALL. It is that simple. Allow your mind to go to anywhere it wants to. You do not have to train your mind. Let it run loose like a wild animal, but never leave it unattended. You got to be there. Think whatever the fuck you want. You can even exaggerate thoughts. It is so funny!

But what I have discovered more and more is that true joy comes from alternating being in the presence of others with the sole presence of YourSelf. You don't even have to say a word, but to allow yourself to be exactly as you are (when you are alone) and to allow the other person to do whatever he or she wants to do. Seriously, allow them to every fucking thing haha. Scream, cry, be passive-aggressive etc. In essence, you are seeing everything, but you are not giving in to low vibes, if you will. You are transforming it by becoming an oasis of silence... you are now an alchemist. You now know how to get the best out of the worst.

It is all an energetic game. The words you say to yourself most often dictate how you feel. The more emotional labor you can apply to affirmations, prayers, metta practices; the bigger the results. So... really give yourself to the moment when you are giving those beautiful commands to your subconscious mind. Enter the moment completely, be gospel-like enthusiastic and faithful. 

LIVE YOUR LIFE with all your imperfections. We love them all!

Just fucking live this life. Things will get better. Trust me, I Know.


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Ok, guys, so I stole an idea from Leo. Haha. So, you know how he usually gives the suggestion of putting on a wristband to remind of him of something? So the wristband is like a reminder.

1- Activate intuition
2- When in doubt, go back to the heart
3- use 75% of your energy
4- drop your jaw
5- relax your body
6- am I able to do this?
7- decide and don't look back
8- smile
9- keep flowing
10- breathe from the spine
11- metta
12- be the true me
13- be soft
14- make facial expressions
15- belly breathing
16- ask
17- be curious
18- try to understand
19- numb yourself
20- be kind

I got some ideas here, and I am going to experiment with number 3. So I am going to expand on the chosen one (:P)

I oftentimes am too lazy. Or I become overproductive. So it is always like this: I feel good; then I start doing TONS of stupid shit. Why? Because I want to use my energy. Hahah. But this always backfires. Fist thing: my work becomes shitty (I try too hard and prevent myself to get into a state of flow). Second thing: my body, my mind, and people around me rebel against me. My body becomes achy and low on energy; my mind becomes as rotten and lazy as never; and people around me get irritated and scared because of my anxiety (in the stage that I am working really hard) and my isolation (when my body and mind rebels against me. So I end up getting into a state of complete reclusion, which is awful for building good relationships with people).

Therefore, I have decided to use 75% of my energy so that I am not a lazy twat, nor am I an overproductive weirdo. Hahaha. A perfect sweet spot between both of them. A spot in which I am able to serve the world and myself and also use that energy wisely so that it fucking lasts... Hahaha. Anyway, I hope that the other intentions also get integrated automatically. Haha, that is what I am hoping for. I am going to focus really hard on using 75% of my energy, and my guess is that the other 19 will also happen.

I will do this experiment for a week. So from Oct 3rd to Oct 10th. :D

If you want me to expand on a different intention, I would love to do so. Just write here which one you'd like.


How's the reprogramming your subconscious mind challenge going?

Great! I will definitely change the affirmation after that challenge is over. I feel like it is losing its power, I don't know, or maybe my ego is trying to convince Me of that. Hahaha... I don't know :P

But I will do it till the end. I kinda cheated today, but that's ok!

I don't know what else to write here. So I will leave. Bye. Stay in the NOW with a loving attention.

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what I learned from Leo's Devil video:

the quickiest way to enlightenment is laughing at your devilry


Trip Report [AGAIN :P] 

Guys, I have fallen in love with ayahuasca. Hahahaha... I feel like now I understand what it is like to turn inwards. It is fucking clear. 

Another thing that is clear: whatever you ask for, you receive it. 

Third thing: your concentration skills are inexistent. 

That's it... I am being as incisive as I can. 

Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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Hi guys,

So I did the 21-day reprogram the subconscious mind challenge. I did it :) 

Now, I have decided to keep doing the 3-minute practice for another 21 days. I did not think of a better habit... But I could probably make a list, but anyway... it is working haha...

Furthermore, it has been a week since I set the intention of "using 75% of my energy." Amazing results! I feel more centered, more at ease, and happier in general... hehehe :)

I think I will stick with this intention for the next week, I suppose... Idk... I will be open to receiving a divine intervention as to what intention should I set for my week :)

Thank you :D:D:D

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i have fallen in love with Reiki. i want to be on reiki mode 24/7 hahahahah because it feels so amazing and pure... heart-centered Awakening!!!!!!


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my new intention :

have fun

18-10 to 26-10

right wrist
red bracelet

let us see this shit hahaha...

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Hi guys, 

I have been doing really great with the psychedelic trips. I feel more curious in general. I really got a thirst for knowledge hehe... Anyway... what I want to share here is my intentions short term, medium term, and long term. 

Ok... let's start with the

short term intention. 

Duration: 1 week 

Just keep the rhythm flowing... 

So I am going to focus on not getting paralyzed by mistakes but instead to keep flowing, keep playing the music despite the wrong notes. Hehe... This intention was inspired by me learning how to play atabaque



It is so freaking funny to see that Life has a tempo, you know? That you got to keep the rhythm... you are totally allowed to slow down, but you gotta keep the tempo going... or else... BAM... you get totally out-of-sync with reality... I am going to experiment this week to focus on the musicality of life, the constant rhythm that is ever present in all activities. You know, you are always in the Present... you just don't know it. Hahaha... But anyway... the important thing is to always flow, you know?

Fuck right notes, just focus on the rhythm. 

If you want to hear more about this topic, check this video out: 


medium term intention:

Duration: the full cycle of this moon (20-30 days) 

Soft but firm 

So... I learned in Tai Chi this awesome concept that you should always maintain your body soft but at the same time firm. It is the perfect balance, tending more to softness than firmness... Hehehe... It is like Capoeira.... You gotta loosen up... :D 


Long term intention 

Duration: Life Purpose

Overcome my own shyness and help others do the same by me embodying Tranquility. 

seriously this life purpose has been putting every little weed in perspective... all the nasty details that happen in the small picture...! but... when I remember my life purpose (aka, long term intention), I get more energy... It is amazing... :D


Hehe... So this is it... I feel grounded with those intentions on the back of my mind so that I can always pull them up when I need some guidance, you know? Hehe... We get so freakin' lost... HAhahahaha... The path is so simple. It is the path of relaxation. The person who is more relaxed wins... Hahah... You are totally unaware of how tense your body currently is... It is CRAZY, lemme tell ya... But anyway... remember that there is always room to relax a bit more, but remember that your spine should always be erect. And, of course, the shoulders should remain loosy-goosy. Hehe.. :P 

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I'd rather forget...

This is an exercise I came up with to practice "supression," which is a mature ego defense mechanism. So here are 20 things I rather forget hahaha, so that's why I am sharing with the world. Goodness gracious, I am such a smart-ass, huh?? Anyway, I like to expose myself a bit to create some emotional impact. I ain't got time to lose.


I rather forget that I have hurt so many people, betrayed them, ignored them...

I rather forget that I feel trapped inside my mind...

I rather forget that the divorce from my mom and dad was the most rude awakening I could ever experience...

I rather forget all the negative shit my mom told me when I was a kid...

I rather forget that I am actually deeply sad...

I rather forget that I simply never feel good enough...

I rather forget that I might be unhappy for the rest of my life.

I rather forget all the judgements I have heard in my life.

I rather forget that I am never tuned in to my emotions.

I rather forget that I am neurotic.

I rather forget that I have stopped believing in Magic :D

I rather forget that I am shy.

I rather forget that I will soon not be here on the planet. That I will be gone forever.

I rather forget my childhood...

I rather forget about the neverending pain that courses through my body...

I rather forget that I will never be good enough, never happy with whom I am.

I rather forget that I might be wasting my life... I rather forget that I am always escaping from responsibilities.



My Phase: Hakuna Matata


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Eloquence (from French eloquence from Latin eloquentia) is fluent, forcible, elegant or persuasive speaking. It is primarily the power of expressing strong emotions in striking and appropriate language, thereby producing conviction or persuasion. The term is also used for writing in a fluent style.

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noun: hypocrisy; plural noun: hypocrisies

    the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
    synonyms:    dissimulation, false virtue, cant, posturing, affectation, speciousness, empty talk, insincerity, falseness, deceit, dishonesty, mendacity, pretense, duplicity;

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Mastery: the mysterious process during which what is at first difficult becomes progressively easier and more pleasurable through practice.

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1. feeling of profound aversion caused by a lived experience; strong ressentiment.

2. profound hatred, unexpressed.




Avoidant personality disorder (AvPD) is a Cluster C personality disorder. Those affected display a pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation, and avoidance of social interaction despite a strong desire to be close to others. Individuals with the disorder tend to describe themselves as uneasy, anxious, lonely, unwanted and isolated from others. The behavior typically begins by early adulthood, and occurs across a variety of situations.




Here is the type of breathing I want to develop:



In the mammalian respiratory system, eupnea or eupnoea is normal, good, unlabored breathing, sometimes known as quiet breathing or resting respiratory rate. In eupnea, expiration employs only the elastic recoil of the lungs.

Eupnea is the natural breathing in all mammals, including humans. Eupnea does not require any volitional effort whatsoever, but occurs whenever a mammal is in a natural state of relaxation, i.e. when there is no clear and present danger in their environment. When a mammal perceives potential danger, eupnea stops, and a much more limited and labored form of breathing occurs.

Eupnea is an efficient and effective form of breathing, which maximizes air intake, and minimizes muscular effort.


The word eupnea uses combining forms of eu- + -pnea, from Greek eupnoia, from eu-, "well" + pnoia, "breath".

Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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Golden Nuggets From My Last Ayahuasca Trip 


Small strategic changes

You don't need to change big-ass changes in your life. As Leo puts it in the subtle addictions video, "that ain't gonna work!" Gotta start small to build fucking momentum. Do you realize that when you have built sufficient momentum, you as a self stop existing and instead you become a force of nature? So... that's the thing with doing small strategic changes. They look very simple and kinda pointless, but they make a HUGE difference to start off your day or your routine. 


No commitment is the best commitment

As Leo says in the Lifestyle Minimalism video, as soon as you start to evolve, people start giving you stupid shit to do. They invite you to go to stupid places, they manipulate you into joining a useless project of theirs etc. And the thing you gotta learn is how to say NO! In an assertive way. This is an example of masculine compassion. If you don't know anything about masculine compassion, please watch Leo's video about that because it is so fucking enlightening! 


Self-respect is the best respect

Parents do not teach their children how to respect their own selves. This is why we get so lost in ego-land. We think that adults (the ego) are superior than children (a.k.a. nature, God, purity). So in essence we end up selling ourselves short. So the thing I want to program into your subconscious mind is: you are your number 1 priority. Fuck other people! Just look at the sun! He is fucking amazing, yet most people do not appreciate his awesomeness. But do you think he cares? No... he simply is


Can you allow yourself to allow All?

Do you get lost in "self-development" practices? Well, that's a huge trap. Sorry to break it to you. The best self-help practice is the one you do in homeopatic dosage every single day. So here is what I propose to you: commit yourself to just ONE practice and start small (DO NOT OVERDO SHIT!!!!!). And then... you set the intention for the rest of the day to allow your inner child to play freely in the world. It doesn't get any better than that! Remember: this journey is supposed to be fun! 


When are you going to give up self-judgement once and for all?

BAM! You are amazing! 


If you can let something go easily, do it. If it is hard, let it be.

i practiced the do nothing for 4 hours a day for 4 months, and I have finally got this insight!!!! It feels so amazing!!! Seriously, guys, even though this little formula looks very simple, it is so fucking worth it! It is the simple rule to how let things go. :)

Right now, I am wearing a wristband. I have set the intention that: every time I look at the band, I remind myself of this insight. It is working wonderfully. I have started yesterday (on Friday) and will continue until next Friday. I will update my results here when I am done. 


Energetic Movement

There is a word in Portuguese that says rotativity. It is when you are constantly doing different shit. You do not get attached to anything. So you are a person that not only likes to meditate, but also go to nightclubs. Not only uses the technology, but also washes the dishes. Not only uses your brain, but also your body. Not only talk to the same-old-friends about the same-old-subjects. No! You know the power of circulating energy. Remember: energy is supposed to CIRCULATE. 




"A mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size."

- Albert Einstein 




Vision - My Ultimate Value

The thing is: people do not have vision, because they are filled to the brim with fear. If you want to be a visionary, you gotta be willing to take bitter pills from other people, namely criticism and name-calling. That's okay! If you are so fragile that you cannot put up with other people's figments of their imagination, you ain't gonna change the world, not even yourself. Sorry to break to you! 


definition of visionary:

given to or characterized by fanciful, not presently workable, or unpractical ideas, views, or schemes:

a visionary enthusiast.


Most of the learning process occurs on the subconscious level

Understand the power of immersion. Again, you begin to learn things on a deeper level! 


Learning requires dynamism

We need to use other neurons. 


Learning is defining (metta-metta-metta :P)

I have fallen in love with the video "Building Your Existential Vocabulary." And I have realized how ignorant I am. But the light of Knowledge is presenting itself in me. And this exercise of defining for yourself what things mean to you is sooo useful! 


EDNA - Memorization Acronym
I don't remember this acronym very well, but I do remember that the "E" stands for emotion. So... if you want to materialize something or even strengthen your memory, you have to learn how to create emotional impact. And how do you do that? By just fucking exaggerating in your mind the thing you want to remember. 

Another letter refers to "personal". So, everything you visualize in the first person, happening to you, gives you better odds of remembering it. 


Relationships = Contracts 

Relationships are a laboratory. People are guinea-pigs whom you can test your idea at. Hahahaha... this is so mean to admit, but that's the blunt truth to me. I don't get any pleasure from simply talking bullshit, trivial, superficial things. And what gives me true pleasure is testing my ideas at people, cause that gives me a sense of adventure. Sorry, but socializing should not mean talking stupid-ass things that you are not interested in. Sure, that has its place and we kinda need the "light" subjects to balance ourselves out. If you only talk about cosmicly relevant thing (as Leo puts it), you will feel heavy in your body after a while. But... the thing is: you gotta define what relationships are to you! 


Redefining talking to yourself

When you catch yourself talking to yourself (i.e., thinking out loud), instead of judging yourself by saying,




“Look at me! I am a crazy-ass person! I am talking to myself!!! Holy shit! That's horrible! I must be going mad! It finally happened!!!”



change your self-talk to:



“I am now talking to my subconscious mind. Hello, how are you doing today?”


And from that moment forward, you can begin your dialogue with your subconscious mind (a.k.a., army of angels)


God = Nature

God is fucking nature. 



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Frogs cannot be cooked cold

When you are dealing with people, you have to build momentum, you know? You can't just start blurping stupid shit at people. Actually, you can. However, you have to build momentum. This is actually a technique of persuasion and, yes, it can be used to manipulate people. But... knowledge is not a crime. A rope is just a rope. You can use it to kill someone or to save someone from the abyss.


Play your roles lightly

Okay, so here is the thing: your whole life is a holographic thing and you can't escape it. This is the first part of Awakening. The second is coming back to the 3-D world and really live it to its fullest.

Remember: you, yes, YOU are going to die real soon. Sorry to break it to you, so fucking appreciate this existence. Study a lot, meet awesome people, and have a PURPOSE.

How do I find my purpose?

You go search it. It will self-purify and self-present. You will naturally gravitate towards what Nature intended you to become. But you got to be willing to be in the world. Have a fucking sangha! If you isolate yourself too much, you will get fucked in the ass. You will suffer so fucking much.

So, maybe, instead of seeking for enlightenment, you should actually build your self-confidence. And your existential vocabulary. Seriously, guys, knowing about shit through wikipedia has done wonders for me! I feel much more conscious to actually know what, for example, rationalizing means. Btw - it means "coming up with excuses". In other words, justification.



Children practicing Tai Chi.


See through the eyes of compassion

I have been having this weird experience of changing the lens through which I see the world. It feels like NLP or hyponisis, I don't know. I just begin to see things in a more compassionate way, you know? Not being aggressive or pushing myself too hard, and therefore I am also more caring towards other people. I know that the world is going through a huge crisis. And maybe all I can do is believe with all my emotion that the Magic is still alive. The Miracle of Being Alive!!!!!!!



Desensibilization (Especially for @JKG and @Dragallur)


I am freaking tired of being a pussy. Seriously, I am so fucking fragile. I notice that I am doing something that is actually causing me harm, but instead of changing how I am doing it, I keep doing it in an incorrect way, you know? It is so fucking annoying. But, anyway, I have been constantly practicing body relaxation. When I release all the resistance that is present in my body, I simply allow God to manifest itself through.

Btw... I thought it was so funny a journal here that has a similar name to mine. Hahahahahah... It is something like Letting the Shine of the Divine Pass Through Me, something like that. Hahahaha... I am happy that the Word that YOU ARE GOD; you just gotta INVOKE it and release all the resistance in your body. Then... BAM! Your life becomes effortless.



"Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love adventure, risk, and uncertainty. Yet, in spite of the ubiquity of the phenomenon, there is no word for the exact opposite of fragile. Let us call it antifragile. Antifragility is beyond resilience or robustness. The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better"

- Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Risk Analyst)


The Myth of Singletasking

I hate when people start talking that you cannot do more than one task at once. For goodness sake, of course you can! Listen, people, you do not need a quiet place to meditate. You should find peace wherever you are. Yes, I know, easier said than done. But it is the truth. Learn to filtrate shit. You can be in the worst evagelical church that is the most old-fashioned type of preaching, but you are able to stay there and expose yourself to something uncomfortable. This is so freaking healthy. To go to places where you don't feel 100% safe, you know? It is like you would rather be home, but you decide to go to your friend's house or go to a random yoga class so that you circulate your energy.

Stop being afraid of doing more than one thing at once!!!!!!! Embrace chaos!!!!!!!!! Embrace the CITY! The chaos!


Learn for the sake of learning

If you are like most people in the west, you are stuck in the "goal-oriented" paradigm. This is so freaking annoying. You always want to know the answer for a hidden agenda of yours. Fuck off! Life is meaningless, remember? The one who craves for that shit is your fucking ego, which is only preoccupied with staying alive (self-survival) and sex (reproduction). These are our lowest instincts, for goodness sake.

So... instead of talking to people with a mean on the back of your mind, quit that! Just talk because it is pleasant to talk. Just work because it feels good to move your body or to use your brain. Meditate for the sake of meditating. Sit for the sake of sitting. Listen to music for the sake of listening.


Please, do not meditate to get enlightened. Enlightenment is not the end-all-be-all. Actually, when you are truly in the path, you begin to lose interest in this seeking. You simply want to be as Present as you can. Really live your fucking life, you know? Developing skills, exposing yourself to things that make you feel uncomfortable (so you build emotional strength), etc. It is so fucking simple... But, please, remember that You Are Already Are Consciousness itself. Don't hurry. This is just a movie, and it will end quicker than you think. Your true nature is in the 5-D, not the 3-D. We are multidimentional beings having a human experience. We, as humans, cannot fathom what our Higher Self really is. But who we really are is the formless. :)


Form is a beautiful, but it is only illusory. Just like a fucking dream. Can't you see that this is what's happening? You are in your own dream. Hahahaha...




Feel this song:


Cheers from BRAZIL!



(this one is for you, @ajasatya :P)



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