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Advancing to stage blue

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I've been tempting not to write this post.

My life has spiraled out of control. It's been tough in my mind, easy on the body, confusing to say the least, to the soul.

The circumstances have never been better to advance in the next stage of job opportunity, surround myself with worthy people and develop a charisma worth noticing.

However, I've been back stepping, taking wrong paths which seemed true, and still do up to a point.

It's interesting really. I've got a good life and all the information I need to do something. I don't know what to do though.

Recently I got involved into a relationship with what I could consider, is a woman. Not a girl, for the first time. And body, do they do their magic. 

So in the last 3-4 weeks my evening contemplation has reached an interesting phase, and slowly started to spiral me into stage blue of Spiral Dynamics.

The thought process is different there than what it was before. It's more calm, heavier, higher risk, and new. It's less about the instant and more about the thought out.

Mentally I think I've gone past stage green, but spiritually got stuck in lower phases (a child philosopher) so, this seems like a re-freshener.

I wanted to write this simple post to pay tribute to the community and Leo personally. The shift was so clear! I looked at the chart and noticed "Yes, this is what's happening. I'm currently entering stage blue."

Women bro...

What do you guys think, how does this involve pickup? Some get their businesses right first then go out and systematically party to find women in large quantities and qualities. I'm not even beginning to contemplate to have a really long term relationship because I'm underdeveloped in the social and dating scene as to my understanding, but this is an opportunity not to be thrown away. I've noticed how incredibly difficult it would be to develop without any outside influence. The sheer lack of intuitiveness and the resistance I find in my micro-stepping wouldn't be chosen as a path by me, my soul, or my subconscious if there was nothing there to go for.

Why did I choose to develop for a seemingly random person I barely know in actuality, rather than for myself or my family? It seems latter would be tremendously more important, yet for years I've stagnated.

What thought process would be wise to implement here? I'm currently entering a new industry so my original though process has been somewhat burned out.

Thanks men.

DALL·E 2023-10-14 15.05.25 - Photo of a boat navigating from a turbulent storm with dark clouds and rough waves to a calm, serene sea. On the deck of the boat stands a large statu.png

Edited by Felliks

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