
Is being God even special?

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@vibv @Razard86 I think both of you are right, but they are both perspectives, so neither right nor wrong. I think you're both saying the same thing but vibv from a non-dual perspective and razaard from a dual perspective. If you look at it from a place where God is and it isn't, everywhere and nowhere, everything and no-thing, all the contrasts, then why can't you say it is special and not special at the same time. It is and it isn't. Dual/Non-Dual. The GodHead doesn't see special because it is all there is. The human sees special because it is comparing. Can't see "special" without "not special". If I was the only thing to exist, why would I see myself as special, special to what? 

So viewing anything as special has to be coming from a place of separation since it implies other. Even viewing something as not special is also implying other, not special as opposed to.....seems paradoxical to me. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

@vibv @Razard86 I think both of you are right, but they are both perspectives, so neither right nor wrong. I think you're both saying the same thing but vibv from a non-dual perspective and razaard from a dual perspective. If you look at it from a place where God is and it isn't, everywhere and nowhere, everything and no-thing, all the contrasts, then why can't you say it is special and not special at the same time. It is and it isn't. Dual/Non-Dual. The GodHead doesn't see special because it is all there is. The human sees special because it is comparing. Can't see "special" without "not special". If I was the only thing to exist, why would I see myself as special, special to what? 

So viewing anything as special has to be coming from a place of separation since it implies other. Even viewing something as not special is also implying other, not special as opposed to.....seems paradoxical to me. 


It's like a one-way mirror where, depending from which side you are looking through it, you either see your own reflection or 'someone else'. And then you join an online forum where you have heated debates over which view is the correct one, lmao.

Isn't reality grand? 9_9

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7 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


It's like a one-way mirror where, depending from which side you are looking through it, you either see your own reflection or 'someone else'. And then you join an online forum where you have heated debates over which view is the correct one, lmao.

Isn't reality grand? 9_9

This God thing is so tricky. Sometimes I put my hand on my heart and say, "you don't fool me". While I'm looking like, "what the hell is happening here, wtf is this, what the hell are you, why are you here, who sent you, did my momma send you, are you my momma, am I even real, is my poppa real, am I here, am I there, am I floating in space, who is I, who is me...lmao. Meanwhile, my cat is just being a cat. What is a cat. Then I surrender and go to bed.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I think a lot of people confuse special with better.  A better way to put it is that God realization is a miracle.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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5 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

This God thing is so tricky. Sometimes I put my hand on my heart and say, "you don't fool me". While I'm looking like, "what the hell is happening here, wtf is this, what the hell are you, why are you here, who sent you, did my momma send you, are you my momma, am I even real, is my poppa real, am I here, am I there, am I floating in space, who is I, who is me...lmao. Meanwhile, my cat is just being a cat. What is a cat. Then I surrender and go to bed.


Dare I say, you are without question the greatest magician EVER. Here you are, pulling all of these white rabbits out of your hat... and then you pull off the ultimate magic trick and make yourself forget that you did it, so that you can gape at the result with wide open eyes and cry "holy shit! Where do all these f@%&ing rabbits come from?!?"

Upon my word, you are a crafty one. I take off my magic hat to you, mylady. :P


I just took a little night walk, sat down at the quiet bank of a river that is not too far from my flat and gazed at the old street lanterns on the other side... and at their distorted reflections on the surface of the water. As I was sitting there, I asked myself: Which is more fascinating to look at, the lantern or the reflection? Sure, they are both beautiful in their own way... but honestly, I spent much more time marvelling at those mischievously flickering mirages that were performing their jumps and pirouettes like dancing snakes of light on the waves of the water. Man, what a show!

It's the distortion that creates the magic.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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God's One Special Snowflake, lemme tell ya...

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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