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Proof Based Math

1 post in this topic

  • Michael Spivak's Calculus textbook
  • Tom Apostol's Calculus Series
  • Any other proof based math books

Proof based math is the type of math that spiritual kids should be following for a few reasons. 1st is that it allows you to be creative; it allows you to extend proofs to create new proofs. You can't do that when you just learn the "steps" on how to do a certain calculation. 2nd is that it teaches you the ASSUMPTIONS (axioms) that makes the proof possible. So as you solve the problem, you always need to keep in mind that what you're doing is based on certain ASSUMPTIONS(that you made or provided to you). Remembering these assumptions is tantamount to reminding you that mathematics is not true and that they're created from assumptions. 


Even though everything happens for a reason, I always wished that I was taught proof-based math as kid. I always had the tendency to ask, "but why?", "ok so its like that, but why is it like that?", and so on. Because if i don't know where it came from, I'm not going to believe it and therefore not learn it. Teachers would always explain why we do a certain step, but then their explanation for that abstraction is also another abstraction -- they don't get to root/axioms of the concept. I've only tried Spivak's textbook and that shit is hard and painful(heard Apostols is less harsh), but also rewarding at the same time. While doing one of the problems, i started to get slightly dissappointed in society for teaching math the way its currently taught. This disappointment has seeped into most areas of life: making me deeply resentful of 99% of people, but don't worry I'll hangout and joke around with them still. 


I'm heavily in favor of homeschooling your children, especially if you're a spiritual parent. Make them join sports, boyscouts, etc.. on the side, to prevent them from being socially awkward losers. Socializing and education should be cleanly seperated. Other kids will be bad influences, and so are teachers. I feel like if you just teach your kids how to read, and then just give em the textbook to learn the subjects taught in school, that kid will be set for life.

Edited by EdgeGod900

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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