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Conspiracy theories and Illumiinati..are they real ?

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 I am not a fan of conspiracy theories..but at the same time I do think this world is ruled by a class of elites . And they are bad and don't give a shit how the poor countries have it like shit long as they make their billions of dollars then anything is good.

Now   obviously as insane this gonna sound I   think the new world order is basically the Illumiinati a shadowy covert organisation that seeks to control us. And by which I mean the secret services..not the government who are just puppets. 

George carlin onece said that the middle class must be there because that is serving the rich class . Haven't you been puzzles by this ? Why not everyone can be a wealthy millionaire?  Why there MUST be financial hierarchy in society if its not deliberately designed this way ?

What do you guys think about conspiracy theories and the existence of Illumiinati? 

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I know that some commercial music is full of occult references, Lady Gaga and the Black Eyed Peas come to mind.

I would like to believe that they are part of more or less secret occult societies.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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27 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

I know that some commercial music is full of occult references, Lady Gaga and the Black Eyed Peas come to mind.

I would like to believe that they are part of more or less secret occult societies.

 I don't think the music industry is governed by Illumiinati.  More like the porn industry for example, in my opinion. 

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5 hours ago, Consept said:

Poor can be self serving, middle class people can be self serving, rich people can be self serving, the richest can be self serving. It just looks different at different stages. 

Why does it have to be this way ? Why there is a middle class and  rich class ? Why does this pyramid exist? Why can't everyone be rich? The planet has enough resources..Why there is still people who die from hunger in Africa?  If we can reach to the moon with our technology..then why can't we have abundance and wealth and sound living for everyone in society? 

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9 hours ago, Someone here said:

 I am not a fan of conspiracy theories..but at the same time I do think this world is ruled by a class of elites . And they are bad and don't give a shit how the poor countries have it like shit long as they make their billions of dollars then anything is good.

Now   obviously as insane this gonna sound I   think the new world order is basically the Illumiinati a shadowy covert organisation that seeks to control us. And by which I mean the secret services..not the government who are just puppets. 

George carlin onece said that the middle class must be there because that is serving the rich class . Haven't you been puzzles by this ? Why not everyone can be a wealthy millionaire?  Why there MUST be financial hierarchy in society if its not deliberately designed this way ?

What do you guys think about conspiracy theories and the existence of Illumiinati? 

It's just another conspiracy theory. And if it does exist, the Illuminati is apparently so good at staying hidden that it’s unlikely anyone will ever find it.

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

Why does it have to be this way ? Why there is a middle class and  rich class ? Why does this pyramid exist? Why can't everyone be rich? The planet has enough resources..Why there is still people who die from hunger in Africa?  If we can reach to the moon with our technology..then why can't we have abundance and wealth and sound living for everyone in society? 

It takes a shift in consciousness for everyone, not just rich people, to expand to see others as equal.

But things are improving it just takes to time to manifest fully in the world. Poverty has been rapidly improving for years (although the pandemic slowed things down). 

Sometimes, mostly younger people feel like 'why can't things be changed now', but nothing really works like that, if you rush it  there can sometimes be more harm than good. The main thing is, things are going in the right direction and that's all you can ask for while playing your own small part. 

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Leos video on conspiracy theories covers this one well. Even if the conspiracy theory is true, what does it matter? How does it improve your life to know this? In the vast majority of cases, it doesn't. It's enjoyable to come to the raw truth of how this entire matrix we incarnate in operates and the purposes for being here, along with how our biology and the DNA of our and other species is wired to respond to stimuli. Beyond that, knowing everything comes with drawbacks also... mostly a negative emotional reaction to "what is" it the main hindrance to personal growth. We all have it happen to us, where we think things "should" be a certain way and then get a reaction towards it. It's the thing personal development tries to teach you to free yourself of.

Bottom line, conspiracy theories are fun, in moderation, but not to get a huge emotional reaction over. It's mostly human nature being human nature. Take any group of people, put them in a situation, and they will act similarly. Any differences will be cultural.. basically a person's upbringing is what programs them. Both my mother and father are big anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists. I just don't tell them I get my yearly covid/flu shots. They are genuinely concerned that I'll die from them.  I understand their point of view. They are free to believe it. It's not my job to change their minds.

To answer some above comments... There is a lower/middle class and a rich class because some people have the drive to get ahead and produce something of value to society, save and invest their money, while other people are mindless consumers. A mindless consumer doesn't deserve to have the same standard of living that an producer does. This violates natural law. If you try to give lower developed people with no skills a middle class lifestyle they will breed like rabbits. Do you not understand that even animal rights activists know that you shouldn't feed wild animals? It makes them dependent on humans. At some point every animal species, every animal, needs to learn autonomy. It's not healthy to have a large number of people simply given things.  Teach them to fish, don't give them fish. Leo brings up the "community responsibility" argument but you can't have a good community without good individuals.  It's almost a chicken or egg argument really.  Lower spiral dynamics cultures need to have their stage brought up through education. Then they won't need to be given things... they will be self sufficient.  Getting people to stage orange is itself a huge accomplishment.  It seems like greens like to try to raise purple, blue, and red cultures right to green using stage green values. That doesn't work. Plus, we don't have the pool of labor to simply build mass amounts of housing for people who don't contribute to society. Teach these people home construction, building codes, zoning laws, and democracy, and we're getting somewhere.  It's the Star Trek prime directive argument. They have to be developed enough to fully accept and appreciate your help. They are used to living the way they live.


Edited by sholomar

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