
Mother wound and how it affects your relationship

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"Mother Wound could be described as having a mother who was not emotionally available when growing up. Perhaps the mother was distant, critical and cold. She could have also been very anxious and preoccupied with her own “stuff”. This could have been for a number of reasons. Often the mother herself was emotionally neglected or even abused herself and then unfortunately unable to be loving and nurturing. Perhaps your family struggled to make the ends meet and the mother was away for work a lot and you were looked after by baby sitters and other childcare providers a lot. Perhaps there wasn’t a consistent relationship with your mother as you were growing up."

"A romantic partner may say “why don’t you talk?” or “you are so distant”. We learn about relationships in our early relationships. When you have experienced a Mother Wound and your mother was not nurturing to your emotional needs, you grow up with a view on relationships that you cannot trust someone to be there for you emotionally. It may be difficult for you to trust in a romantic relationship. You may struggle to commit and keep seeking for the next best thing. You may always find fault in your current partner.

You may end up in a long-term relationship but you may end up with a person who is equally distant and over time your relationship dies. You may end up growing apart without even having many arguments."

Read full article here: Mother wound

This exact has happened to me. Maybe it helps someone. If you have something useful regarding this topic please share.

Edited by Sandhu

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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Thank you for sharing. I’ve always been in abusive relationships, and so has my mother. It has been really challenging to overcome, and still something that’s being worked on. I am getting better at it nowadays thanks to psychedelics and being more authentic with myself.

I AM transitioning

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@Sandhu thank you for sharing, I got value out of this. I like the idea of writing a letter to my mom expressing how I feel and then throwing it away

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