
About jesus

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

As I said, some people are born with mystical abilities and states of consciousness. There are thousands of such people around the world.

Have you witnessed such people channelling their abilities first hand? If so what were they?

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9 minutes ago, Francis777 said:

Have you witnessed such people channelling their abilities first hand? If so what were they?

I have, but it's hard to tell how "real" they are. A lot of these people are also full of New Age BS.

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16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I have, but it's hard to tell how "real" they are. A lot of these people are also full of New Age BS.

Yeah, I’ll admit a lot of the time I’ve come across this kind of “mysticism” I’ve instantly switched off because I think there full of crap.

one guy who I believe genuinely does have these kinds of abilities is Ryan cropper on YouTube, he talks about he’s naturally been gifted in these domains from a young age, it wasn’t necessarily something he had to develop.

Edited by Francis777

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2 hours ago, Hojo said:

@PurpleTree people back then had so many less distractions. We are in a sense a matrix of distraction right now.

We were indoctrinated into living through a screen. Through cartoons pornography video games soap opera bullshit. The internet is a massive distraction from God.

That's a story. Consider that you could use all those things you mentioned to Realize God. How do I know? Cause I did. All paths lead to God because ALL is God.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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12 minutes ago, Bandman said:

I'm interested in your take on the actual content of Muhammads channelings? What do you think it means? whats true and false about it? Do you think the Quran is an actual collection of his channelings or did stuff get added over time by others?

I have not studied his channelings in depth so cannot say.

I can confirm that many things said about Allah are true, like the 99 names of Allah.

From what I understand the Quran is his word for word channelings. It's not like the Bible which was written by many people at different times. So in this sense the Quran is closer to source.

The Quran is very similar to the Conversations With God books.


For example Jesus saying he is the son and the son is one with the father, i would see as the finite incarnation realizing his oneness with the ultimate godhead... atman == brahman basically.

To that I would say that there is an even higher, more proper God-Realization. But who knows what Jesus was really refering to? It is ambiguous.


However the Quran goes against this saying god has no children and is completely one, which is also true of course, considering there's nothing but god but the godhead also being ever transcendent of every form.

Well, that's a bit of a word game since children exist and are all God.

Edited by Leo Gura

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4 minutes ago, Bandman said:

What i'm trying to say is it's confusing to me how beautiful and true things like the 99 names can be, however the Quran is also filled with messages like eternal hell for the disbelievers, which is basically one of the most fucked up things you can say tbh.  How would it be possible that things like the 99 names can be put in the same channelings as such absurdly horrid claims? 

This is not surprising because you should not expect channelings to be pure. In the end a channeling is created by the mind of the channeler. So it will be infected with cultural biases and so on.

For example, if I was channeling God I might channel that pizza is good because I like pizza. This is not a mistake, that's how channeling works.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 minutes ago, Bandman said:

the claim that there are things that God will literally never ever forgive seems so extremly outlandish to me, it's a bit more than a bias or corruption if you ask me.

You have to appreciate how much religious dogma existed back then. Muhammad's mind was filled with dogma from the Bible, The Torah, and all sorts of religious "common sense" of the time. He didn't invent the idea of Hell, he just adopted it from the culture around him which was already 1000s of years old.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 minutes ago, Bandman said:

However if there is so much outside influence on the content of a channeling, can we still speak of a straight up channeling then? If a "channeling" is a direct communication from some source, through a distinct "channel" , wouldn't this predispose that this channeling would be in a way protected from egoic & dogmatic mental influences? if not, what would be the difference between channeling and mystical/divine inspiration then? I always thought channeling was some direct wormhole telepathy type of shit.

It's hard to say because we don't have a scientific model for how channeling works or what it really is.


For example your main YT videos. I'd assume you'd describe them as being divinely inspired more than directly channeled. However you also had that one live awakening video with the amazon guy lol, there you state that "Leo is not here right now" like it's directly God speaking through you similarly to Muhammad's claims.

Yeah, that's a good example.


Are we still under the influence of dogmatic influences even when in such states of God Consciousness?

Probably. It's still filtered through a mind which uses language, and language is gotten from culture, and with culture come all sorts of assumptions, biases, beliefs, habits, customs, etc.

"If triangles had a God, they would give him three sides." -- Montesquieu

If triangles could channel, their channeling would be triangular.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Do you believe that he can see angels as their real being, with wings and in it's true form? 

Like something that is outside of him. Which he communicate with daily. His first encounter was in Mount Hira'

(I've been here in 2014 and it was so good going to a place where Muhammad meditate every night directly from this mountain you can see the Kaaba) it was quite tiring hiking up there. I was wearing just normal clothe. B612_20231010_122721_683.jpg

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7 hours ago, Bandman said:

The funny thing is, Leo and Mohammed are super alike in at least 1 thing: they only care about God, the ultimate reality,  and nothing else. Mohammed took down the idols in the same trend of Leo not caring about any spiritual entities in psychedelics or lower states of altered consciousness. He only cares about the ultimate Truth.

Well he was following moses etc footsteps « why are you guys praying to a golden cow »

but since we’re talking about islam and mohammed, what is the kaaba exactly? Isn’t it kind of idol worship?

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Ramanujan is an interesting person to watch out for, especially when it comes to topics like channeling. Here is an excerpt from wiki about him:

He credited his acumen to his family goddess, Namagiri Thayar (Goddess Mahalakshmi) of Namakkal. He looked to her for inspiration in his work[105] and said he dreamed of blood drops that symbolised her consort, Narasimha. Later he had visions of scrolls of complex mathematical content unfolding before his eyes.[106] He often said, "An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God"

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On 10/10/2023 at 5:54 AM, Leo Gura said:

You have to appreciate how much religious dogma existed back then. Muhammad's mind was filled with dogma from the Bible, The Torah, and all sorts of religious "common sense" of the time. He didn't invent the idea of Hell, he just adopted it from the culture around him which was already 1000s of years old.

You always need to remember in what times people lived back then.

The warning of hellfire was more to stop people from commiting atrocities like crucifying or stoning people to death which was extremely common. Just remember that Jesus came to teach love and love your neighbour and the consequence that happened to him was that they nailed his feet and hands to a cross and let him die in the worst manner possible.

So in my humble opinion the whole Idea of hell is exactly for the worst of the worst of people that embody pure evil, as we still see today, and the hell idea was to warn them, that their joy of commiting crimes in this world wont be unpunished in the next, which many say could be Karma.

I was once in a holy islamic shrine in Iran of the sister of one of Muhammads descendants and I had a clear and loving feeling that I felt in that moment. which I could only receive through psychedlics And heard of other miracles, so clearly these descendants of Muhammad and Muhammad himself had a special position in this world, also all the other prophets.

People were sick and evil at that time which is impossible to imagine nowadays, allthough nowadays its not much much better. 

Nonetheless the quran has this for example; Everywhere you turn is the face of Allah (Sūrah Al-Baqarah 2:115). We are closer to you than your jugular vein (Sūrah Qāf 50:16). That clearly shows his level of awakening and even Jesus referred to God as the Father, because its just impossible in that society to claim that you are god and everything is good. Even now claiming that seems crazy because even being god, none of us is able to stop any kind of war or disease in the world, so these prophets didnt declare themselves as god but described it in other ways, as the surahs above mention.


Edited by Schahin

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41 minutes ago, Schahin said:

 Nonetheless the quran has this for example; Everywhere you turn is the face of Allah (Sūrah Al-Baqarah 2:115). We are closer to you than your jugular vein (Sūrah Qāf 50:16). That clearly shows his level of awakening and even Jesus referred to God as the Father, 


I agree with most of your points, but these religious texts you have pointed out and many others could be interpreted in many ways depending on the person who reads it. We never really know what they exactly want to convey by those words. I was in a different conscious state once where every song I listened to seemed to have deep spiritual meanings. But, the writer originally might or might not even had thought of that.

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