
Question to ask Jordan Peterson

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On 08/10/2023 at 9:44 PM, Carl-Richard said:

"Is it possible to be enlightened like Buddha or Jesus, what does it entail, and have you met any of these people?"

Not the person to ask those questions. Adyashanti, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle are better for that.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Jordan has a severe damage because of his addiction.. he needs help more than anything else.. we can't take him seriously 

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Do you know who you are?

Edited by UnbornTao

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1 hour ago, UnbornTao said:

Was going to say that. Not the person to ask questions of that nature, in my view. You've got Adyashanti, Rupert Spira, and perhaps Eckhart Tolle. But I guess people get easily fooled by appearances. Social game!

I get the sense he's the classic professor from the zen story, with the monk constantly pouring water into the professor's cup.

It's as if you guys think that enlightenment as a concept is somehow endemic to the internet Advaita community. Well-read openminded people like Jordan Peterson are some of the most likely people to have heard about it and seriously entertained it. Watch the last few minutes of the video I posted. He is quite explicitly alluding to the idea of enlightenment.

Edited by Carl-Richard

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Another one:


He likes to talk about it in general terms like "spiritual/religious experiences" that don't just address one tradition (because that is what psychologists do; I've read that literature myself). But I'll see if I can find him talking about "enlightenment" as in the Buddhist conception of it. Nevertheless, I think it would be highly strange if he is clueless about that.



Edited by Carl-Richard

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If you are in the US say "I think that the American left and right both make some good point. As a voter, the question is: what points are the most important? That's why I want to ask you, what do you think is the list of the most important issues in American politics?"

The right answer is of course:

  1. wealth inequity. The bottom 50% of households have only 2.6% of the wealth in America. Over 400,000 Americans work two full-time jobs.
  2. no labor power, due to outsourcing, not enough union protections, and no socialized higher education that could serve as an alternative to poor working conditions.
  3. Government corruption. bribes are called super PACs. The defense industry, big pharma and medical insurance have bought political power to set themselves up as parasites on society.
  4. Lack of democracy. American politicians are owned by corporations. The two-party duopoly has a chokehold on our political system. This makes 3rd parties not viable and forces unholy alliances between Trumpists, libertarians and Christian conservatives, also between corporate centrist democrats and progressives.

JP will list some conservative points, some of which may be valid, but none of them will be the biggest issues. This is the core of the problem with JP's politics. This should be brought to his awareness. This is a question he should grapple with.

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@Carl-Richard There are millions of psychedelic-infused mystical experiences to be had. I see no proof that he has had an enlightenment experience rather than any of the other millions of experiences. He thinks Buddhist enlightenment is about virtuous living without attachments. He thinks enlightenment is a version of the common Christian conception of Christ's saintly living.

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17 minutes ago, martins name said:

I see no proof that he has had an enlightenment experience rather than any of the other millions of experiences. 

Why don't you watch the first video I linked?

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I’d ask him why he lied to an entire room about being a qualified neurologist during a lecture few years ago and does he know the platforms that fund and support him are actually using him as a puppet to push their own agenda ( extreme right leaning oil industry moguls). Agenda pushing being something that he claims to be fighting against. He seems to understand symbolic association/conceptualisation to an extent but he goes cognitively dissonant when it doesnt support his worldview. I think someone already said it and that is he’s got a very heavy shadow of his own that he hasn’t dealt with yet.

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11 hours ago, Ulax said:

Hmmm I'd be curious to hear his answers to the following:

1) What he thinks of IFS therapy?

2) What that mouth do?

I second the first one, the second one is downright hilarious haha

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On 09/10/2023 at 2:22 AM, Carl-Richard said:

It's as if you guys think that enlightenment as a concept is somehow endemic to the internet Advaita community. Well-read openminded people like Jordan Peterson are some of the most likely people to have heard about it and seriously entertained it. Watch the last few minutes of the video I posted. He is quite explicitly alluding to the idea of enlightenment.

We mean he isn't enlightened. Of course, almost everyone holds ideas about enlightenment but these are as useful as any other. I get the appeal, it can be entertaining.

Edited by UnbornTao

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29 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

We mean he isn't enlightened.

That's not what Leo means ¬¬

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On 09/10/2023 at 5:45 PM, Carl-Richard said:

That's not what Leo means ¬¬

I assumed that's what he meant, as whatever concepts you've got about it are only ideas and not true. By that definition, a lot of people know what it is.

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6 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

I assumed that's what he meant as whatever concepts you've got about it are just ideas. By that definition, many people know what it is. In any case, then it's just what I meant.

Leo said he doubts that he will even understand the question that I wanted OP to ask him, due to a lack of conceptual understanding (e.g. he would answer something like "the Enlightenment is the intellectual revolution that happened in Western Europe in the 17th century"). Of course he is not actually enlightened.

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44 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Leo said he doubts that he will even understand the question that I wanted OP to ask him, due to a lack of conceptual understanding (e.g. he would answer something like "the Enlightenment is the intellectual revolution that happened in Western Europe in the 17th century"). Of course he is not actually enlightened.

Oh okay, didn't read that. 

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@Carl-Richard Okey, he knows the word and probably has heard a description. I think he has filtered it so hard through his bullshit that effectively has very little idea what it is. And I don't think he understands it well enough to distinguish enlightenment experiences from other mystical experiences. I think if he did we would see him be more curious about it and maybe have a mystic on his podcast, which he hasn't.

I think if you ask him what enlightenment is he would answer that it's similar to Christianity's heaven which he thinks is the highest aesthetic ideal. Heaven is a meaning. He doesn't understand the metaphysics of heaven. 


Edited by martins name

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