Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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@Nabd I appreciate your nuanced view. Only one crazy out of many is fair enough analogy.

But I can't agree to the accusation being discussed last week. This is totally ridiculous. 

I saw most of the six hour talks in hugue. Israel's explanations were very grounded to me succeeded easily to hold a stable healthy wide context to its claims.

In the other hand the accusation was based on fragments of claims that can indicate problems, but can never compose the puzzle to make their accusation plausible.

If you want we can discuss problems. But the game of "genocide" I won't play.

And now I really must go to sleep.

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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31 minutes ago, kenway said:

Okay that's fine. Have a good night.

Thanks. Good night.

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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12 hours ago, kenway said:


Would anyone active in this thread please adjudicate on whether the video I posted above was neutral or biased in any way?

As an additional, please could you pass commentary on whether you feel I posted in good or bad faith.


This is my honest opinion, I don't know if you are psychologically open minded enough to accept it. I assume that, by your request, you are open enough, or at least, I hope so.

This video is highly biased against the Israeli state. This specific sect is a minority, even in Jerusalem.

What is ironic is that they live in the Israeli state, safely and apparently thriving while being protected by the IDF from Palestinian terrorists who would have killed them without thinking twice, because a Jew is a Jew and infidels are infidels.

All of that while being against Israel and pro its enemy, who is antisemitic and would like to destroy Israel to create a Jewish-free dictatorship and an Islamic state.

Some people in Israel compare them to those Jews in the Holocaust who were cooperating with the Nazis and were helping these Nazis against their Jewish sisters and brothers.

I don't know how one, living in Israel and experiencing all the terror and loss in lives caused by pure hatred towards Israelis, can rationalize this in such a way that they identify themselves as the supporters of their killers and enemies. This goes beyond human survival logic, maybe this explains why those people are such a minority.

I often visit beautiful Jerusalem, diverse in people, and I see great love and appreciation for the Israeli state, especially among religious people. Maybe you can include those types of videos if you are really trying to be neutral.

It's funny that you see people who are for Israel's destruction as neutral while boldly ignoring and not considering the other perspective.

It's also amusing that you support people who advocate the destruction of Israel, and you endorse individuals with the intention of genociding Israelis (Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis).

You rationalize and justify these actions against Israel by believing it deserves it due to occupation and apartheid.

You are supporting the modern Nazis, who are the radical Islamists today.

Nazis justified the killing of Jews by claiming they were occupying the best workplaces from German people and wanted to control everything, while Jews were the minority.

The same goes here: Muslims occupy the entire Middle East (with the intention to occupy the entire world among radicals), while there is a Jewish minority settling in their historical land. They rationalize and justify horrific terror attacks against this Jewish minority, massacres, genocide, and ethnic cleansing against Jews just because they are "occupying" a land.

And then they cry and play themselves as victims when this Jewish state is trying to defend itself.


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2 hours ago, Lila9 said:

This is my honest opinion, I don't know if you are psychologically open minded enough to accept it. I assume that, by your request, you are open enough, or at least, I hope so.

It's fine. Thankyou for replying and I appreciate your time.



This video is highly biased against the Israeli state. This specific sect is a minority, even in Jerusalem.

How is this video biased against the Israeli state? Not a single person in this video advocated against Israel.



What is ironic is that they live in the Israeli state, safely and apparently thriving while being protected by the IDF from Palestinian terrorists who would have killed them without thinking twice, because a Jew is a Jew and infidels are infidels.

All of that while being against Israel and pro its enemy, who is antisemitic and would like to destroy Israel to create a Jewish-free dictatorship and an Islamic state.

Irrelevant. I asked to provide commentary on the nature of the video, not the sect itself. The sect itself barely featured in the video.



Some people in Israel compare them to those Jews in the Holocaust who were cooperating with the Nazis and were helping these Nazis against their Jewish sisters and brothers.

It was actually the Zionists that were cooperating with the Nazis.

Not only did Nazism legitimise Theodore Herz's 1896 document "The Jewish State' it also served as a sufficiently "scary event" to force the Jews out of Europe down into Palestine where the Zionists wanted and needed them.



I don't know how one, living in Israel and experiencing all the terror and loss in lives caused by pure hatred towards Israelis, can rationalize this in such a way that they identify themselves as the supporters of their killers and enemies. This goes beyond human survival logic, maybe this explains why those people are such a minority.

On this point, I'm just going to say that you're brainwashed. Sorry, but it would take far too long to unpack.



I often visit beautiful Jerusalem, diverse in people, and I see great love and appreciation for the Israeli state, especially among religious people. Maybe you can include those types of videos if you are really trying to be neutral.

That's fine and I don't deny that Israel is beautiful. Maybe you could post such videos yourself if you can be sure that it's not propaganda?



It's funny that you see people who are for Israel's destruction as neutral while boldly ignoring and not considering the other perspective.

Again, who in the video that I posted is for Israel's destruction? Please provide timestamps. Consider this a credibility test.



It's also amusing that you support people who advocate the destruction of Israel, and you endorse individuals with the intention of genociding Israelis (Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis).

What "individuals do I endorse that have the intention of genociding Israelis"? Show me the individuals and let me know where I endorsed them. 



You rationalize and justify these actions against Israel by believing it deserves it due to occupation and apartheid.

Where? How? What why who?



You are supporting the modern Nazis, who are the radical Islamists today.


Israel and Hamas are both modern day Nazis.

And seeing as you're talking about Nazis by the way:-

I used to be a fully paid member of various anti-Nazi organisations for about 5 years.  My family fought actual Nazis in World War 2. My great great great great grandmother was Ashkenazi Jewish. The only reason I’m not Jewish today is because my aforementioned grandmother (for reasons unknown) abandoned her new born daughter onto the steps of a Christian church.

My attitude to Israel is spawn from that same anti-Nazi spirit that I've always held. Your problem is that you are extraordinarily brainwashed, and there's no obvious way of reversing that.




Edited by kenway

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The comparison to nazis is not worth a serious relation.

It indicates nothing more than a total ignorance. Like to compare between the sun and chocolate. What is the connection? I don't know.

About the video, as I said before it is very far from the truth of Israel society.

For the analogy I can also take a video of another and extreme case of, say, murder of women by their husbands in Toronto (happens sometimes all across the world) and say that this is Canada. 

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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28 minutes ago, Nivsch said:


The comparison to nazis is not worth a serious relation.

It indicates nothing more than a total ignorance. Like to compare between the sun and chocolate. What is the connection? I don't know.


Because Israel is an artificially created ethnostate.

Its fundamental constitution is predicated around ethnicity, as opposed to (for example) Europe or the United States, whose constitution revolves around principles, rather than ethnicity. 

It does not have the maturity or ability to absorb the majority of the indigenous population - the non-Jewish Palestinians - into its locality, without a complex of occupation. 

It would be like the United States saying, we don’t want African-Americans to be the dominant racial group in this country, so we’re going to round them all up into special territories, that we can pretend is a separate country, so as to deny them the democratic vote that would inevitably see them vote for an infinite number of African-American governments for the rest of the countries history.

Thats Nazism.

You add in a Netanyahu’s far-right government on top of that, various factions of ultrazionism, various factions of religious zionism (that are basically Jewish supremacists), and of course, this current genocide / ethnic cleansing / second Nakbar, and its suddenly no longer theoretical Nazism… it’s actual full blown practical Nazism.

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Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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You can't make a move against ISIS in the international court. They are unreasonable. They don't care about what other countries think about them.

Only Israel sets that standard for themselves in the middleast. 

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Footage from a few hours ago.

There's no food. People are starving.

Most of the people you see in this video will be dead within the next two weeks.

That's 1.9 million people.

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The problem is that hamas takes as much as humanitarian aid to itself, and given hamas interest to maximize the casualties and the humanitarian crisis, it for sure plays a main role in this crisis.

100-200 trucks with humanitarian aid cross the border to Gaza every day.

Probably the need is higher and I hope the number will rise as a result of that.

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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Survival takes on infinite forms and possibilities. This war, included.

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8 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

You can't make a move against ISIS in the international court. They are unreasonable. They don't care about what other countries think about them.

Only Israel sets that standard for themselves in the middleast. 

Yes, such a moral country. 

Edited by Merkabah Star

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3 hours ago, Nivsch said:

The problem is that hamas takes as much as humanitarian aid to itself, and given hamas interest to maximize the casualties and the humanitarian crisis, it for sure plays a main role in this crisis

100-200 trucks with humanitarian aid cross the border to Gaza every day.

Probably the need is higher and I hope the number will rise as a result of that.

Is there any proof that Hamas takes humanitarian aid to itself? Or is this another piece of Israeli propaganda that they repeat until it becomes absolute truth?

Gaza needed 500 trucks before the Isreali assault; it should now receive more, not less than that.

Hamas is a group of Palestinians who are legitimately defending their people and their land from Israeli occupation and colonization. They are the only hope for a people that's been oppressed for decades.


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3 hours ago, Raze said:


Egypt could have chosen not to put up the blockade. They could have taken in their fellow arab civilians seeking asylum from war.

US government even agreed to forgive their huge debt they took on to build their new capital. 

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18 hours ago, kenway said:

My attitude to Israel is spawn from that same anti-Nazi spirit that I've always held. Your problem is that you are extraordinarily brainwashed, and there's no obvious way of reversing that.


So true. It’s a mindset. Lovely people in general, just don’t talk about these types of topics cause then it’s like wtf. 😀

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8 hours ago, dudts said:

Is there any proof that Hamas takes humanitarian aid to itself?


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Only Israel can be accused freely without asking for proofs ;)

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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