Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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I asked several people in this thread:-

1 Palestinian = 1 Israeli ... Correct?

None of the Israelis answered.

The correct answer is this: 1 Israeli = 1 Palestinian.

Now here is a video of Nelson Mandela.

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4 minutes ago, Raze said:



   Give that man a medal of honor, for getting beat up here and there for just peacefully protesting. Busted up sun glasses and shirt, what's next? 😁

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Edited by Raze

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2 hours ago, kenway said:

ICJ Hearing being broadcast now from the Hague (United Nations Official Livestream):-


Al Jazeera are live streaming it on YouTube for those that prefer YouTube.

When we witness isolated statements of intent and footage of death and destruction separately it stings but doesn’t paralyse the way it does when it’s shown compiled together the way the South African case presents it - almost like a tranquilliser to your moral compass that could wake anyone with heart and good conscience out of apathy. May justice and peace prevail. 


Edited by zazen

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37 minutes ago, zazen said:

Al Jazeera are live streaming it on YouTube also.


According to him:

If the courte will aqcuit Israel, then Israel will continue "murdering".

Which mean - If the courte will be in the favor of Israel then the court is Lying.

In other words the courte will be right only if it will be by MY side.

Whether its option 1 or 2, the consequences will still be "Israel is a devil". Surprise.

He is preparing the ground for his win-win 😃

What a clever engineering work.

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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19 hours ago, Raze said:


Valid points.

Especially the second guy. The first one was too vague in his story.

Fair enough, IDF, just as every western military, has its corruptions that implies a developmental need and still long way to go. There are a lot of problems within the military system that have to be addressed.

The palestinian terror, and the deep fear it causes in the hearts of the Israelis obviously cause them to dehumanize the other side and I am sure it affects also the military behaviour. Then yeah, right.

Having said all of that, we have to not get confused, and to not fall into the game of fake "symmetry" between the sides.

Israelis (with a radical minority exception) have no desire to do anything to their neighbors as long as they are safe and not provoked.

Israel wanted peace and offered peace so many times and been rejected.

Thousands of Gazans been let to work here in Israel out of a good faith that it will make everybody more moderate including hamas, while invested 5 Billion shekels (~1.5 Billion dollars) on the defense smart fence, which didn't help.

Israel thought, that the technology will make the wars unnecessary. Israel was wrong.

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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@Nivsch True, the mind is cunning at rationalising either way. The problem can be that a legal judgement doesn’t always match a moral judgement. What’s legal may be logically correct but not emotionally right. Legal judgements can be correct in the black and white of ink but not humanely right to the red pulsing essence of blood that runs the heart.

A final verdict won’t come till many years but all South Africa is asking for now is to cease the conflict to prevent a genocide in the making a subset of which is ethnic cleansing. It doesn’t have to be a finalised case to affect things only a plausible one which all who are signed to the convention are obligated to act upon in stopping it.

There is global pressure on the West to not fiddle around or coerce judgment with the power that they have. Beside Israel being on trial it is also international law itself which is. The eyes of the world are watching it to be applied fairly and if not this sets a dangerous precedent - and only further diminishes the Wests standing due to their stark selective application of the principle of law.

It’s telling that South Africa and Yemen have stood up to Israel and the West - we are entering a multipolar world where the global south are emboldened and will not sit by any longer at imperial bullying. Western audiences being drip fed propaganda for decades of their exceptionalism and others lack of it aren’t able to read the room of geopolitical reality. 

Edited by zazen

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8 minutes ago, zazen said:

It’s telling that South Africa and Yemen have stood up to Israel and the West - we are entering a multipolar world where the global south are emboldened and will not sit by any longer at imperial bullying. Western audiences being drip fed propaganda for decades of their exceptionalism and others lack of it aren’t able to read the room of geopolitical reality. 

Well said.

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"Article 51 has no application."

There goes Israel's defense.

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What a transparent subconsciousness-engineering childish immature channel is that 🎨🪄 A media Jihad.


Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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3 hours ago, Nivsch said:

Fair enough, IDF, just as every western military

Not really. They are far more brutal. They have dropped 2000 paund bombs in residential areas. The USA even against ISIS never did more than 500 paunds in residential areas saying that more than that would be illegal. To add insult to injury's, the 2000 paund bomb was done in an area Israeli claimed "was safe for civilians to go to". NYC did a report on this. I sent it here I think. I would say they are relative to Russia in brutality. Russia bombing of Syria was similar in terms of tactics and Russia got a ton of shit for it.

3 hours ago, Nivsch said:

The palestinian terror, and the deep fear it causes in the hearts of the Israelis obviously cause them to dehumanize the other side and I am sure it affects also the military behaviour. Then yeah, right.

Why do you say Palestinian terror makes Israeli dehumanize them? Why not say, Israeli illegal expansion of settlements and their brutal tactics of warfare cause Palestinians to hate them so much, they resort to all sorts of terrorist attacks. The sword cuts both ways.

3 hours ago, Nivsch said:

Israelis (with a radical minority exception) have no desire to do anything to their neighbors as long as they are safe and not provoked.

Illegally settling in territories in West Bank seems pretty provocation to me. Benjamin showing a map of Greater Israel in International meetings where you could not find neither the Gaza nor West Bank in it seems also provocation to me. Bombing Hamas people in Lebanon is also technically provocation and illegal. I think the guy deserved to be bombed but it is a breach of sovereignty. I am curious how Israel would react if Turkey for example bombed some Guleyn terrorists in Tel Aviv and killed 4 Israeli innocent civilians while doing so.



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2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

What a transparent subconsciousness-engineering childish immature channel is that 🎨🪄 A media Jihad.


   Dude, that's called news, and all news has bias and preferences and propaganda. Don't like it? Switch to one that comforts your ego then.

   Oh, forgot that you can't ATM, because your media is far more controlled now...

Edited by Danioover9000

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   Here's full video of that UN tribunal, South Africa versus Israel:

   Very interesting so far, hard for Israel to argue back fairly without resorting to bad faith tactics and deception.

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   IMO fantastic speech from the South African representative, so powerful.


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Fascinating conversation between Finkelstein and Rabbani as a preview to the ICJ hearing, broadcast last night.



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South Africa spokesman is turned out to be a jock.

Of course this doesn't help the reliability of their claims on Israel.

Its not the mistake (churches) as much as its his derogatory statement about the Jews.


Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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7 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

South Africa spokesman is turned out to be a jock.

Of course this doesn't help the reliability of their claims on Israel.

Its not the mistake (churches) as much as his derogatory statement about the Jews.



What was it that was said that was derogatory?

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