Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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When I read these pro Israeli comments here I can finally understand how genocides like the Holocaust happened. 
I am baffled on the ridiculous rationalizations people make on mass murdering babies with no strategic reason other than pure vengeance.


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@Leo Gura Tell this to the pro israelis here that lack basic common sense…

I swear even pro Putin guys are not this brainwashed and in denial regarding their countries butchering

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1 hour ago, kenway said:

Israel defines itself via the "fear of death / love of family" mentality, expressed expansively as "fear of extermination / love of tribe".

This is an animal mistake, not unique to Israel, but a mistake regardless.

You still can be spiritual and be real about life. The world and especially the Middle East is a zoo. All humans are animals because that's literally what we are. I don't care how enlightened you are, protecting your family from murder, kidnapping, rape, mutilation, burning and other forms of unspeakable torture is the highest duty there is. 

1 hour ago, kenway said:

When you are ready for the bigtime you will love strangers like your own mother. You will never fear death and therefore have no interest in survival. Anyone and everyone you meet is like family. Therefore, there is no family.

Humans don't operate like that given that they must survive and protect themselves from harm. There is no way Jews will agree to live in some kind of binational state with Palestinians. This will only hold the country back, Palestinians cannot be trusted to not murder when they smell blood or a relaxation in deterrence. This will be no way to uphold a high-quality democratic society. They will destroy what the Jews have built and make it a corrupt shithole. This story already happened with Lebanon which used to be a wealthy Christian country.  
It's like choosing teammates for a dodgeball game. You want the best people you can rely upon. Israel is already a diverse family of Middle Eastern, Ethiopian and European Jews as well as Druze and many ethnic Russians and Ukrainians who are very patriotic in Israel.

A country can only work when people have the same sense of direction regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion. Bedouin and Israeli Arabs are free to join in on building and defending their land with the Jews.

The Palestinians can get their own (demilitarized) state. They can only achieve that by dignified non-violent means. Israel doesn't owe the Palestinians shit if they don't bother with fostering goodwill and trust. On 7/10 they literally and figuratively killed Israeli peace activists. 

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@Leo Gura you're 2 months late for that obvious conclusion. 

And the saddest thing is this genocide is sponsored by the US. I foresee the 9/11 sequel is on the way, the incompetence of the US government planted that seed unwillingly.  

There definitely should be severe consequences for both the US and Israel, I'd prefer nonviolent but that is not how karma works, unfortunately. 

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49 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

Israel doesn't owe the Palestinians shit

Their whole country is built upon their land and blood. Country of thieves

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On 12/25/2023 at 3:23 PM, Lila9 said:


A picture our soliders found in Khan Yunis - this is exactly how Palestinians educate their children in Gaza from the moment they are born to grow up to be terrorists.

So are we just pulling pictures off reddit now?

I reverse searched this and it came from a jewish subreddit with no source. Besides that there's plenty of pic like this from gun loving families in the US. So your point is they're all conditioned to be terrorists? 

Is anyone even moderating this thread anymore? I'm just checking this after a month and the last 5 pages looks like a YouTube comment section.

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Hi everyone I took a break from this chat, became too toxic. Honestly to all of you, you all lost it. I have not been for over a month and did not missed anything, still same talk, everyone you are so obsessed, seriously move on. Close this topic, it’s not healthy to anyone. Move to spiritual development, make something useful of your time. This will make you all angry and look at all of you, no one listens to each other at this point, everyone just speaks to himself/herself. Just reread what all of you wrote. I thought you all high conscious type of people. You just others to be primitive but you are no better. 
My humble advice, go to different threat, go to spirituality, psychedelics or spiritual development. This will not serve you any good.

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On 12/24/2023 at 8:59 PM, kenway said:

On the eve of Christmas, the brilliant Peter Oborne gives his thoughts on what Jesus may have made of all this.


I love how everyone knows exactly what Jesus would have said and match it exactly to their agenda. 

The weirdest thing I've heard lately is the claims that Jesus was a Palestinian (refugee) lol. Probably some people are so antismetic that they cannot tolerate the idea that Jesus, the father of Christianity was Jewish.



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10 hours ago, Vrubel said:

protecting your family from murder, kidnapping, rape, mutilation, burning and other forms of unspeakable torture is the highest duty there is


Your highest duty and obligation is complete service to humanity (and any other articulation of consciousness), irrespective of tribe or bloodline, and without bias, group preference, or group strategy.

By advocating for family all you're actually doing is waving the animal flag - which is kind of amusing, given that you also appear to be advocating for a kind of diet-Nazism.

The reason you're struggling with it is because you're pinning your identity against the temporary human experience, rather than relative to the full expanse of eternal consciousness.

If I were to inform you that you are scheduled to reincarnate as every Palestinian that ever existed, your overall worldview would shift pretty freaking quickly.


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18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Israel is engaged in ethic cleansing and  collective punishment. That much is obvious now.


23 hours ago, Nivsch said:

@zazen So if we reduce all that down to the root we get that:

Israel is not really allowed to deffend itself.


No one says Israel can't defend itself - its how it defends itself. Defence has become a label to cover other motives such as ethnic cleansing and land grabbing. Establishing deterrence capacity isn't defence either - which is literally the state quo of Israeli military strategy - to be disproportionate and scare / terrorise any hostilities into submission. Look up Dahiya doctrine.

Israel thinks it's safer going down this route when it is probably the opposite. Israeli's will only have true safety once the Palestinians are given the dignity of a state on what was once their land and not 'less than a state' demilitarised and with Israeli security within it. Or live under a democratic state with equal rights which Israel will never allow because the Palestinians will out number the Israeli Jews.

A poll shared by Israels UN representative showing majority in Israel agree with ‘voluntary’ migration of Gaza residents to other countries ie ethnic cleansing.

Whilst we’re talking of UN:

Israel don’t like journalists or investigation because they know the truth is ugly for them.

Edited by zazen

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@zazen They have got countless offers to have a state that would stop the settlements expansion right away, and they refused.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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1 hour ago, Nivsch said:

@zazen They have got countless offers to have a state that would stop the settlements expansion right away, and they refused.

We've already gone over what these offers entailed. They were offered 'less than a state' or Israel's definition which doesn't meet the international standard. Watch just 2 min of this video from 16-18 minute - she was part of the peace negotiations during the Oslo accords.

Yitzhak Rabin - ''He also described his vision of a Palestinian “entity” he described as “less than a state.” https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/pm-rabin-speech-to-knesset-on-ratification-of-oslo-peace-accords#google_vignette

Edited by zazen

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2 hours ago, kenway said:


Your highest duty and obligation is complete service to humanity (and any other articulation of consciousness), irrespective of tribe or bloodline, and without bias, group preference, or group strategy.

By advocating for family all you're actually doing is waving the animal flag - which is kind of amusing, given that you also appear to be advocating for a kind of diet-Nazism.

The reason you're struggling with it is because you're pinning your identity against the temporary human experience, rather than relative to the full expanse of eternal consciousness.

If I were to inform you that you are scheduled to reincarnate as every Palestinian that ever existed, your overall worldview would shift pretty freaking quickly.


Why do you demonize survival and encourage spiritual bypassing, especially when it's very likely you haven't transcended the things you are preaching about? 

Would you be fine with people attacking your family? What would you do? Would you sit and stare at them, telling your family that you are too conscious to defend them?

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Geopolitical link tree.

Alexander Dugin (Putins brain / right hand which Leo mentioned on his blog:


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Isaac Herzog is the president of Israel’s Labour Party ( the supposed left wing ). I thought this image being shared was photoshopped then found it on his own Twitter - signing bombs to be dropped on Gaza.

Scapegoat Bibi all you want but Israel’s problem is deeper and beyond just Netenyahu.

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@Bandman Maybe because there are people who still want to hear an authentic first person perspective composed from 36 years of actually living in Israel that maybe can show you some raw insights that aren't cherry picked, aren't distorted and aren't polluted by who knows how many hands that touched it before it came to your eyes. Try to listen also to the other side it won't kill you.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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@zazen But they were offered, and by many mediators (Anapolis conference for examples) and almost the whole world was trying to generate a deal for them and they didn't want to hear. About the conditions, would you let the far more violent side a full access to maritime and air ways from the beginning? 

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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The question was asked: "How would Israel act differently if it was a higher consciousness state?".

The answer is that Israel (through the association of eternal consciousness) would recognise the Palestinians as a fundamental part of their own being, and therefore, Israel as an exclusively Jewish state would inevitably collapse.


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